"Countdown2024" is a stylish web-based countdown timer application for the New Year, equipped with unique visual and audio effects. The application features a detailed countdown displaying the time remaining until the New Year in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
Countdown Timer: A stylish and detailed timer displaying the remaining time to the New Year in days, hours,
minutes, and seconds.
Audio Accompaniment: Sounds of the countdown and synchronized keyboard typing sounds matching the text
appearing on the screen.
Code-styled Screen Display: Displays whimsical wishes styled as programming code on the screen.
Falling Snow Effect: A visually attractive falling snow effect, optimized for maximum visual impact.
Sound Settings: An option to turn off all sounds is available.
The project is available online at
Installation and Setup
No special installation is required, and the project is ready to use.
Open the web page to see the countdown timer, code-styled wishes, and enjoy the falling snow effect. Use the sound settings to personalize your experience.
Suggestions and improvements are welcome. To make changes, please create a branch and pull request.
The project is open for use by anyone without restrictions.