I'm a data scientist.
Defi-project is Dapp on Ethereum where users can deposit various ERC-20 token and earn a yield. The farming contract interact with Aave and Compound to earn a yield on the user's deposited tokens. The smart contracts are written in Solidity and deployment/testing in done with the brownie framework.
Nft-marketplace-vyper is a marketplace for NFT where users can sell and buy any ERC721 tokens. The more a user buy/sell NFTs on the marketplace, the more MarketCoin token he will receive. He can then use those coins to mint MarketNFTs, a custom NFT for the marketplace. All contracts have a full suite of tests and are all written in Vyper.
These two repos are my solutions and write-ups to the security CTF for DamnVulnerableDeFi and OpenZeppelin's Ethernaut. It shows the most common vulnerabilities in Solidity, how to exploit them, and how to protect your smart contracts against hackers.
A repo with a detailed analysis of all the majors exploit that took place on Ethereum.
Two projects on the Stacks blockchain on top of Bitcoin. A DEX where users can provide liquidity (and earn LP token) and swap STX for tokens. And a board that allow users to donate funds to the charity of their choice.