I live currently in the beautiful region Allgäu in the German Alps. I trained as a cutting machine operator and then went on to train as a web developer.
const Miningmark = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
code: ["Javascript", "Java", "CSS", "HTML", "C++"],
askMeAbout: ["web dev", "tech", "photography"],
technologies: {
libraries: ["React", "NextAuth.js", "KaBoom.js"],
frameworks: ["Next.js"],
backEnd: {
js: ["Node", "Express"],
databases: ["MariaDB", "MySql", "MongoDB"],
misc: ["Microcontroller Programming", "Smart Home"]
currentFocus: "Training as a Web-Developer",
funFact: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works"
- I organize two other conventions in Memmingen Germany and take care of the website YumeKai
- In my free time I also take photos that you can see on Instagram
- My Personal website Miningmark