This is a demo application using Servlets/JSPs and JDBC. It is a small catalog of movies with the following features for guest users.
- Filter movies by category.
- Review the details of a given movie.
Registered users have the ability to.
- Add more movies
- Rate movies
You need to have both Tomcat and MySQL up and running to use this
application. To setup the application you'll need to customize an
$ cp src/main/resources/ src/main/resources/
Now you're ready to run the command line application in the class
. It will
create and seed the database.
$ mvn compile
$ java -cp "$(mvn -q exec:exec -Dexec.executable=echo -Dexec.args='%classpath')" com.codeup.movies.setup.MoviesSetupApplication
To run the application with Tomcat, create a context.xml
file for Tomcat
with the same database information.
$ cp src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.dist.xml src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml
The tests use a different MySQL database, so you'll need a different properties
$ cp src/test/resources/ src/test/resources/
To run the tests execute.
$ mvn test