v5.1.1 (2024-10-16)
Hotfixes for AprilTagPoseEstimator.
Bug fixes
- Kalman filter heading outputs for AprilTagPoseEstimator are being stabilised with a low-pass filter as a hotfix
- This should reduce the random rotation errors when moving while looking at a tag
- In the upcoming v6.0.0 release, details below, ATPE will potentially be upgraded into its own localizer rather than its own component
- This upgrade is subject to change for the final release
- Fixed broken rotation matrices for AprilTagPoseEstimator
- The yaw of the tag was not being correctly used and only caused localization to be accurate if the robot was square with the tag
- This has been resolved
- AprilTagPoseEstimator now uses an average if multiple tags are detected to improve accuracy
Upcoming changes
- BunyipsLib v6.0.0
- Major restructure of files, more files will be in appropriate folders and the namespace will be updated
- RoadRunner will be upgraded from v0.5.6 to v1.0.0, with many of the drive classes being refactored and vastly simplified
- Removal of over 30 files (4000 L.O.C)
- Various other features and removals to improve and simplify BunyipsLib development