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Add ChainedBonds type
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AntonOresten committed Dec 18, 2023
1 parent d7914d2 commit d83841f
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Showing 9 changed files with 207 additions and 385 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/backbone/backbone.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,5 +34,4 @@ Returns the coordinates of specific columns of atoms in a backbone.
@inline atom_coords(backbone::Backbone, i) = view(backbone.coords, :, i, :)

155 changes: 124 additions & 31 deletions src/backbone/bonds.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,28 +1,25 @@
export get_atom_displacements, get_atom_distances, get_bond_vectors, get_bond_angles
export get_atom_displacements, get_atom_distances
export get_bond_vectors, get_bond_lengths
export get_bond_angles, get_dihedrals
export ChainedBonds

function get_atom_displacements(backbone::Backbone{A}, atom1::Integer, atom2::Integer, residue_offset::Integer=0) where A
column_norms(vectors::AbstractMatrix) = reshape(mapslices(norm, vectors, dims=1), :)

function get_atom_displacements(
backbone::Backbone{A}, atom1::Integer, atom2::Integer, residue_offset::Integer = 0,
) where A
@assert 1 <= atom1 <= A && 1 <= atom2 <= A "Backbone{$N} does not have atoms $atom1 and $atom2"
coords = backbone.coords
displacements = @view(coords[:, atom2, 1+residue_offset:end]) .- @view(coords[:, atom1, 1:end-residue_offset])
return displacements

norms(vectors::AbstractMatrix) = reshape(mapslices(norm, vectors, dims=1), :)

get_atom_distances(backbone::Backbone, atom1::Integer, atom2::Integer, residue_offset::Integer)
Calculate the distances between all pairs of two types atoms in a backbone, e.g.
the distances between all pairs of contiguous carbonyl and nitrogen atoms.
atom1 and atom2 are the indices of the atoms in the backbone, and residue_offset
is the number of residues between the atoms (0 by default).
Returns a vector of distances of length (length(backbone) - residue_offset).
function get_atom_distances(backbone::Backbone{A}, atom1::Integer, atom2::Integer, residue_offset::Integer=0) where A
function get_atom_distances(
backbone::Backbone{A}, atom1::Integer, atom2::Integer, residue_offset::Integer = 0,
) where A
@assert 1 <= atom1 <= A && 1 <= atom2 <= A "Backbone{$N} does not have atoms $atom1 and $atom2"
displacements = get_atom_displacements(backbone, atom1, atom2, residue_offset)
distances = norms(displacements)
distances = column_norms(displacements)
return distances

Expand All @@ -34,15 +31,15 @@ function get_bond_vectors(backbone::Backbone{A}) where A

function get_bond_lengths(bond_vectors::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{T}}) where T
bond_lengths = norms(bond_vectors)
function get_bond_lengths(bond_vectors::AbstractMatrix{T}) where T
bond_lengths = column_norms(bond_vectors)
return bond_lengths

get_bond_lengths(backbone::Backbone) = get_bond_lengths(get_bond_vectors(backbone))

get_bond_angle(v1::T, v2::T) where T <: AbstractVector = acos(dot(v1, v2) / (norm(v1) * norm(v2)))
get_bond_angle(v1::V, v2::V) where V <: AbstractVector{<:Real} = acos((-dot(v1, v2)) / (norm(v1) * norm(v2)))

function get_bond_angles(bond_vectors::AbstractMatrix{T}) where T
bond_vector_pairs = zip(eachcol(bond_vectors), Iterators.drop(eachcol(bond_vectors), 1))
Expand All @@ -52,28 +49,124 @@ end

get_bond_angles(backbone::Backbone) = get_bond_angles(get_bond_vectors(backbone))

# source:
function dihedral_angle(u1::V, u2::V, u3::V) where V <: AbstractVector{<:Real}
c12, c23 = cross(u1, u2), cross(u2, u3)
atan(dot(u2, cross(c12, c23)), norm(u2) * dot(c12, c23))

function get_dihedrals(vectors::AbstractMatrix{T}) where T
dihedrals = Vector{T}(undef, size(vectors, 2) - 2)
u1s = eachcol(vectors)
u2s = Iterators.drop(u1s, 1)
u3s = Iterators.drop(u1s, 2)
for (i, u1, u2, u3) in zip(eachindex(dihedrals), u1s, u2s, u3s)
dihedrals[i] = dihedral_angle(u1, u2, u3)
return dihedrals

get_dihedrals(backbone::Backbone) = get_dihedrals(get_bond_vectors(backbone))

ChainedBonds{T <: Real}
struct ContinuousBonds{T} <: AbstractVector{AbstractVector{T}}
A lazy way to store a backbone as a series of bond lengths, angles, and dihedrals.
Can be instantiated from a Backbone or a matrix of bond vectors.
Can be used to instantiate a Backbone using the `Backbone{A}(bonds::ChainedBonds)` constructor.
struct ChainedBonds{T <: Real}

function ContinuousBonds(vectors::AbstractMatrix{T}) where T
function ChainedBonds(vectors::AbstractMatrix{T}) where T
lengths = get_bond_lengths(vectors)
angles = get_bond_angles(vectors)
dihedrals = get_dihedrals(vectors)

L = size(vectors, 2) + 1
@assert size(lengths) == L-1
@assert size(angles) == L-2
return new{T}(lengths, angles, dihedrals)

return new{T}(vectors, lengths, angles)
function ChainedBonds(backbone::Backbone{A, T}) where {A, T}
return ChainedBonds(get_bond_vectors(backbone))

Base.:(==)(b1::ChainedBonds, b2::ChainedBonds) = b1.lengths == b2.lengths && b1.angles == b2.angles && b1.dihedrals == b2.dihedrals
Base.:()(b1::ChainedBonds, b2::ChainedBonds) = b1.lengths b2.lengths && b1.angles b2.angles && b1.dihedrals b2.dihedrals
Base.length(bonds::ChainedBonds) = length(bonds.lengths)
Base.size(bonds::ChainedBonds) = Tuple(length(bonds))

function get_first_points(bonds::ChainedBonds{T}) where T
L = length(bonds) + 1
l = min(3, L)
coords = Matrix{T}(undef, 3, l)

coords[:, 1] = [0, 0, 0]
if l >= 2
coords[:, 2] = [bonds.lengths[1], 0, 0]
if l == 3
N = normalize([0, 0, 1])
bond_angle_rotation = Rotations.AngleAxis- bonds.angles[1], N...)
coords[:, 3] = coords[:, 2] + bond_angle_rotation * [bonds.lengths[2], 0, 0]

return coords

# first points currently don't get adjusted to fit the bonds
function Backbone{ATOMS_PER_RESIDUE}(
first_points::AbstractMatrix{T} = get_first_points(bonds),
@assert (length(bonds) + 1) % ATOMS_PER_RESIDUE == 0 "Invalid number of atoms per residue in backbone"

L = length(bonds) + 1
coords = fill(T(NaN), 3, L)

l = size(first_points, 2)
@assert l <= L
coords[:, 1:l] = first_points

for i in l+1:L
A, B, C = eachcol(coords[:, i-3:i-1])
AB, BC = B - A, C - B
n_AB, n_BC = normalize(AB), normalize(BC)
CD_init = n_BC * bonds.lengths[i-1]

N = normalize(cross(n_AB, n_BC)) # wont work if AB == BC
bond_angle_rotation = Rotations.AngleAxis- bonds.angles[i-2], N...)
CD_rot1 = bond_angle_rotation * CD_init

dihedral_rotation = Rotations.AngleAxis(bonds.dihedrals[i-3], n_BC...)
CD_rot2 = dihedral_rotation * CD_rot1

D = C + CD_rot2
coords[:, i] = D

backbone = Backbone(reshape(coords, 3, ATOMS_PER_RESIDUE, :))
return backbone

Backbone(bonds::ChainedBonds; kwargs...) = Backbone{1}(bonds; kwargs...)

get_skip_length(L1, L2, θ) = sqrt(L1^2 + L2^2 - 2*L1*L2*cos(θ))

function ContinuousBonds(backbone::Backbone{A, T}) where {A, T}
return ContinuousBonds(get_bond_vectors(backbone))
function get_skip_lengths(lengths::V, angles::V) where V <: AbstractVector{<:Real}
@assert length(lengths) == length(angles) + 1
L1s = lengths
L2s = Iterators.drop(lengths, 1)
skip_lengths = similar(angles)
for (L1, L2, (i, θ)) in zip(L1s, L2s, enumerate(angles))
skip_lengths[i] = get_skip_length(L1, L2, θ)
return skip_lengths

Base.length(bonds::ContinuousBonds) = size(bonds.vectors, 2)
Base.size(bonds::ContinuousBonds) = Tuple(length(bonds))
Base.getindex(bonds::ContinuousBonds, i) = @view(bonds.vectors[:, i])
get_skip_lengths(bonds::ChainedBonds{T}) where T = get_skip_lengths(bonds.lengths, bonds.angles)

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