Releases: NEONScience/NEON-utilities
v2.4.1.9000 release for SAE processing
This release of neonUtilities is not intended for public use. It contains a modification of the stackEddy() function to avoid calls to the NEON API, for use in internal NEON data processing pipelines. This version will not be submitted to CRAN, and future CRAN releases will incorporate this functionality in a way that does not interfere with end user needs.
neonDataStackR v0.1.6 'brazil'
- Added function to convert individual NEON csv files to GeoCSV format
- Added better messaging for progress of data unzipping and stacking
- Formally added byFileAOP() for downloading large amounts of AOP data using the API; no longer fails if download duration exceeds 24 hours.
- Added warning messages if stackByTable() is used for remote sensing (AOP), eddy covariance, or digital hemipsheric photos.
- NOTE: dpID now must be included in call to stackByTable()
neonDataStackR v0.1.5 'filbert'
This release:
- Fixes a bug that incorrectly merged tables in the case where one table name was a substring of another table name.
- Adds an option to delete the unzipped, unstacked files after stacking.
neonDataStackR v0.1.4 'walnut'
'Site-all' data tables were not being properly stacked. This package includes a new function to identify 'site-all' data tables and stack only one per site (site-all tables are exact replicates in each monthly package for a given site).
This release also formally includes the function zipsByProduct(), which allows the user to pull data using the NEON API and stack the tables in one step.
This has two main bug fixes:
Stops stacking or overwriting multiple copies of a lab file that is the same from one monthly zip file to the next. The code now reads from table_types.rda to figure out whether a table is of type site-date, lab-all, lab-current, site-all. This file needs to be updated every time that a new or revised data product is available.
Can properly read new and reprocessed OS data products that use the new file naming convention.