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A modular inverse QSAR pipeline


Built and tested on WSL using Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS, tested and works for Ubuntu without WSL. Built using SmilesEnumerator, StringGA, Python (3.10.6) and Julia (1.8.1). The pipeline works by first taking in a series of .csv files that contain a SMILES string associated with a biotarget binding outcome that can either be manually inputted or pulled from the ChEMBL or BindingDB. The pipeline then filters that dataset such that an equal amount of active and inactive compounds are found within the dataset. The pipeline starting augmenting the dataset by enumerating over SMILES strings and generating a vocabulary of tokens used in those .csv files. After this vocabulary is generated the strings are converted into a series of onehot encoded arrays dumped into a .npy file. For each biotarget given in the initial preprocessing phase, a QSAR model is trained to determine whether a compound is active or inactive and the models are saved as .h5 files. The accuracy of these models can be increased by predicting on a series of augmented strings and then taking the average prediction on those strings. The optimal amount of strings to augment is calculated by finding the carrying capacity of a differential equation and finding where the model's prediction accuracy reaches that carrying capacity as the amount of augmentations is increased. After the augmentation hyperparameter is optimized, a genetic algorithm is used to mutate a series of initial existing chemicals and optimizing a series of drug-likeness measures and given QSAR models.

How To

(It is recommended to run within a virtual environment)

Download dependencies using:

bash ./

(Note that the first run may take a little while since it needs to compile the necessary files but all subsequent runs should be faster)

Note, vocabulary file (examples use vocab.csv) must be a .csv file in the following format:


Preprocess datasets using:

cd preprocessor
bash ./ -f dataset1.csv -f dataset2.csv -t tag1 -t tag2 -n 10 -v vocab.csv -s true
  • -f : Bioassay .csv file, multiple can be specified
  • -t : String specifying a tag to add to the preprocessed dataset, prefixes each file generated with the tag, final file outputs will be titled <tag>_encoded_seqs.npy and <tag>_activity.npy
  • -n : Positive integer representing amount of augmentations to add
  • -v : (Optional) filename of vocabulary file, defaults to vocab.csv
  • -s : (Optional) boolean as to whether or not to use a sysimage when running Julia component

To use a dataset with boolean classification, use a .csv file in the following format:

CC1=NN(C2=NC(=O)N(C(=O)C2=N1)C)C Active
CC1=C2C(=NN1)C(=S)NC(=O)N2 Inactive
... ...

To use a dataset with regression values, use a .csv file in the following format:

CC1=NN(C2=NC(=O)N(C(=O)C2=N1)C)C 10.1
CC1=C2C(=NN1)C(=S)NC(=O)N2 231.3
... ...

Generate a default vocab file with default symbols:

cd preprocessor
python vocab.csv
  • First argument : Filename of vocabulary file

Add another dataset using a previously generated vocab.csv:

cd preprocessor
bash ./ -f dataset1.csv -t tag1 -n 10 -m 196 -o true -v vocab.csv -s true
  • -f : Bioassay .csv file, multiple can be specified, use the .csv shown above
  • -t : String specifying a tag to add to the preprocessed dataset, amount of -t and -f arguments must be the same, prefixes each file generated with the tag, final file outputs will be titled <tag>_encoded_seqs.npy and <tag>_activity.npy
  • -n : Positive integer representing amount of augmentations to add
  • -m : Maximum length of tokens, any samples found that are longer are removed from the dataset
  • -o : Boolean representing whether to ignore or override tokens not found in initial vocabulary
  • -v : (Optional) filename representing vocabulary file to use (defaults to vocab.csv)
  • -s : (Optional) boolean as to whether or not to use a sysimage when running Julia component

Curate datasets using ChEMBL:

cd preprocessor
python3 dataset_args.json -a aggregate_args.json -f true -n 10 -v vocab.csv -s true
  • First argument : .json file that specifies the target and threshold for activity
  • --aggregate : Aggregate datasets into singular files
  • --full-preprocessing : Boolean that states whether to generate .npy files in same manner as script
  • --number-of-augmentations : Integer amount greater than or equal to 0 representing amount of augmentations to include in script
  • --vocab : (Optional) filename of vocabulary file, defaults to vocab.csv
  • --sysimage : (Optional) boolean as to whether or not to use a sysimage when running Julia component

First .json file arguments:

  • Filename
    • id : Valid target ID (either input a valid ChEMBL target to pull from the ChEMBL database or a valid UniProt target to pull from BindingDB)
    • activity_type : Valid type of binding activity from ChEMBL or BindingDB, (IC50 or EC50 for example)
    • tag : String representing tag to use in script, prefixes each file generated with the tag, final file outputs will be titled <tag>_encoded_seqs.npy and <tag>_activity.npy
    • min : Float minimum threshold for being considered active (in nM)
    • max : Float maximum threshold for being considered active (in nM)
      • min and max arguments only necessary for classification, for a regression dataset omit these arguments

Example dataset_args.json:

    "serotonin_antagonist.csv" : {
        "id" : "CHEMBL224",
        "activity_type" : "IC50",
        "tag" : "sero",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : 100
    "other_serotonin_antagonist.csv" : {
        "id" : "P28223",
        "activity_type" : "IC50",
        "tag" : "sero_other",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : 100
    "d2_antagonist.csv" : {
        "id" : "CHEMBL217",
        "activity_type" : "IC50",
        "tag": "d2",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : 100
    "d3_antagonist.csv" : {
        "id" : "CHEMBL234",
        "activity_type" : "IC50",
        "tag" : "d3",
        "min" : 0,
        "max" : 100
    "regression_d3_antagonist.csv" : {
        "id" : "P28223",
        "activity_type" : "Ki",
        "tag" : "d3_regression"

Example aggregate_args.json:

    "dopamine_antagonist.csv" : {
        "tag" : "dopa",
        "filenames": ["d2_antagonist.csv", "d3_antagonist.csv"]

Add another dataset to a previously generated vocab.csv using ChEMBL (must be a singular dataset with or without aggregation):

cd preprocessor
python3 ./ dataset_args.json -a aggregate_args.json -n 10 -m 196 -o true -v vocab.csv -s true
  • First argument: .json file that specifies the target and threshold for activity
  • --aggregate : Aggregate datasets into singular files
  • --number-of-augmentations : Positive integer representing amount of augmentations to add
  • --max-length : Maximum length of tokens, any samples found that are longer are removed from the dataset
  • --override : Boolean representing whether to ignore or override tokens not found in initial vocabulary
  • --vocab : (Optional) filename of vocabulary to use (defaults to vocab.csv)
  • --sysimage : (Optional) boolean as to whether or not to use a sysimage when running Julia component

(See above examples for dataset_args.json and aggregate_args.json)

Rebalance an existing regression dataset (with columns SMILES and ACTIVITY) such that the new dataset will have a more even spread of values to improve accuracy of regression models and reduce the effect of outliars on accuracy

cd preprocessor
python3 ./ --input input_data.csv --output output_data.csv --num_bins 20 --standardize false
  • --input : Input .csv file
  • --output : Name of output data
  • --num_bins : Positive integer greater than or equal to 2 representing number of bins to use when determining the spread of the data, more bins will mean more and smaller buckets will be used to rebalance the data, defaults to 20
  • --standardize : Boolean representing whether to scale dataset on a range from 0 to 1

Train QSAR model:

cd predictor
python3 X.npy Y.npy 100 name testX.npy testY.npy
  • First argument : A .npy file containing the tokenized X features
  • Second argument : Must be labels in a .npy file
  • Third argument : Amount of epochs to train for (positive integer), final argument specifies tag to name the model and training history, prefixes each file generated with the tag
  • Fourth argument : Name to add to model and model history outfiles
  • Fifth argument : (Optional) name of file to dump features given dataset into for
  • Sixth argument : (Optional) name of file to dump labels given dataset into for

(Optional) Optimize accuracy post training with additional augmentations:

cd predictor
bash ./ -x testX.npy -y testY.npy -m rnn_model.h5 -v ../preprocessor/vocab.csv -s 10 -a 2 -b 11 -i 2 -p false
  • -x : .npy file containing tokenized X features
  • -y : .npy file containing labels
  • -m : Path of model to optimize
  • -v : (Optional) filename of vocabulary to use (defaults to ../preprocessor/vocab.csv)
  • -f : (Optional) filename of outfile (defaults to augmented_accs.csv)
  • -s : (Optional) positive integer greater than 0, program will sample 1 in -s entries in -x and -y to evaluate
  • -a : (Optional) positive integer greater than 0, minimum part of augmentation number range, defaults to 2
  • -b : (Optional) positive integer greater than 0, maximum part of augmentation number range, defaults to 11
  • -i : (Optional) positive integer greater than 0, increment of augmentation number range, defaults to 2
  • -p : (Optional) boolean specifying whether or not to load packages with --sysimage, defaults to false

Generate chemicals:

cd inverse_qsar
python3 args.json chemicals_file.csv fitness_scores.csv
  • First argument : A .json file containing all arguments to be used while generating
    • population_size : Initial size of chemicals pool (positive integer)
    • mating_pool_size : Size of genetic mating pool (positive integer)
    • generations : Number of iterations (positive integer)
    • mutation_rate : Chance that chemical will be changed randomly during training (float between 0 and 1)
    • seed : Random seed (null or an integer)
    • average_size : Average size of chemical (positive integer or float)
    • size_stdev : Average standard deviation of chemical (positive integer or float)
    • string_type : Type of string formatting (recommended to use SMILES as input or specify a filepath to a file in the same format as vocab.csv)
    • scoring_function : Type of scoring function to use
    • struct_functions : Type of scoring function to use, if function returns True, then a score of -20 is automatically returned
    • augment : List containing boolean whether to augment data for model scoring function and integer how many times to augment (positive integer)
    • max_len : Maximum token length of molecules (positive integer or automatically grab max_len by providing null as an argument)
    • max_score : Score to stop at (float)
    • prune_population : Trim size of population (boolean)
    • target: Target value for scoring functions to optimize (list of values between 0 and 1)
    • weight: Weight to apply to each output of scoring function (list of floats)
    • file_name : Pre-existing file of molecules to draw initial population from (filepath)
    • vocab : Pre-existing file containing the vocabulary mapping (filepath)
    • regression_min : Minimum value cutoff and scaling for regression model (integer or float)
    • regression_max : Maximum value cutoff and scaling for regression model (integer or float)
  • Second argument : A .csv to dump the molecules into
  • Third argument : (Optional) .csv file to dump fitness scores after training

Example args.json:

    "population_size" : 100,
    "mating_pool_size" : 100,
    "generations" : 20,
    "mutation_rate" : 0.05,
    "seed" : null,
    "average_size" : 375.0,
    "size_stdev" : 100.0,
    "string_type" : "SMILES",
    "scoring_function" : ["dopa_rnn_model.h5", "sero_rnn_model.h5", "custom_lipinski", "pains", "limit_rings"],
    "strict_functions": [],
    "threads": 2,
    "augment": [true, 5],
    "max_len": 196,
    "max_score" : 1.0,
    "prune_population" : true,
    "target" : [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
    "weight" : [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
    "file_name" : "cl_f.smi",
    "vocab" : "../preprocessor/vocab.csv"

Postprocess generated .csv of molecular candidates into image files and check to see if any are already known:

cd inverse_qsar
python3 ./generated_drugs/images files.csv names.csv
  • First argument : Directory to write images to
  • Second argument : .csv file containing .csv files generated by to be aggregated (also works with singular entry)
  • Third argument : Optional argument containing name to write any chemicals that matched a known database

files.csv should be in the following format:


Inverse QSAR Scoring Functions

  • model : Uses the QSAR model as a scoring function
    • To use a regression model, prefix the model filename with regr, the output will be scaled between 0 and 500 nM, the output should be 0 if the input was 0 nM and 1 if the input was 500 nM or more
    • To combine models into a single output, enter a file that has a function that combines the models' outputs, the name of the function within the file, the expected output shape, and the models to use by entering each argument as a string delimitated by '+' characters, to combine regression models, prefix the regression models with regr
  • lipinski : Uses Lipinski's Rule of Five, (1 if true 0 otherwise)
  • qed : Uses QED drug-likeness measure, (1 if true 0 otherwise)
  • ghose : Uses Ghose drug-likeness measure, (1 if true 0 otherwise)
  • limit_rings : Returns 0 if molecule has carbon rings larger than 6 atoms or rings with 3 or 4 atoms
  • pains_filter : Filters out PAINS substructures using a known catalog of PAINS substructures, (1 if no PAINS substructures found 0 otherwise)
  • custom_lipinski : Uses a custom weighted version of Lipinski's Rule of Five that takes into account how synthesizable the molecule is, (1 if true 0 otherwise)
  • bbb_permeable : Checks if molecule is blood brain barrier permeable using the BOILED-egg method, (1 if true 0 otherwise)
  • gastro_absorption : Checks if molecule is has high gastrointestinal absorption using the BOILED-egg method, (1 if true 0 otherwise)

Custom Inverse QSAR Scoring Functions

Use the format "./filepath/to/" as an element in a list passed in the scoring_function argument where a : deliminates what is the filepath and what is the function name. The custom function must take a single argument of type rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol and return a float. Custom functions must be specified last.


  • Make strict functions an optional argument with a default
  • Add custom scoring output for strict
  • Adding method to combine results of classifier
  • Potentially adding another version of that is a package, both could be used for convenience
  • Rewriting the shell scripts in Python
  • Share ASCII color constants throughout project
  • Redoing augmentation parameter
  • Using SMILES transform from enumerator package instead of manual one hot encoding
  • Refactoring thread calculations
  • Check if inverse QSAR output files can be written before execution of genetic algorithm
  • Check for boolean versus numeric data in aggregate pipeline before pulling data
  • Test using floor operation instead of rounding in optimize n pipeline
  • Add option for preprocessing step to append to .npy file as loop progresses for memory sake
  • Debug information
  • Add hyperparameter optimization
  • Add Flux model integration