Library designed to make monochromatic, complementary, or analogous color palettes based off RGB and HSL color spaces.
RGB-HSL Palette is a Java library that uses color theory in order to make color palettes from RGB and HSL color spaces. Given that the JDK currently lacks support for colors outside of RGB space, this library intends to fill that gap, along with the ability to generate palettes based off colors in either space.
RGB-HSL Palette currently has a list of available releases (since v1.0.0) that is available here. Included in every release is relevant documentation, as well as an executable .jar file which should be added to the build path of any targeted project.
Each release contains relevant Javadocs for available functionality. Aside from this, example code can be found on the wiki here.
Contributions are always encouraged. Please review the guidelines here.
RGB-HSL Palette is an open-sourced project under the MIT license. More information about the MIT license can be found here.