ezHTB is a reconnaissance tool for HackTheBox that utilizes nmap, gobuster, nikto, and enum4linux with different options and features to make your recon faster.
- ezHTB can
- Discover hosts and services on a computer network.
- Brute-force directories and files in web sites.
- Scan web-servers for dangerous files, vulnerability, outdated server software and other problems.
- Enumerate information from Windows and Samba systems for file share permissions.
- Create a reverse shell of your choice in a fast way, the choices being (php, bash, powershell, nc).
# Install python3.
sudo apt-get install python3.6
# Install nmap.
sudo apt-get install nmap
# Install gobuster.
sudo apt-get install gobuster
# Install nikto.
sudo apt-get install nikto
# Install enum4linux.
sudo apt-get install enum4linux
git clone https://github.com/O72/ezHTB.git
cd ezHTB
python3 ezHTB.py
python3 ezHTB.py -h
usage: ezHTB.py [options]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Flag options:
hostname: used to create the directory structure
-i IP, --ip IP ip address: host/target ip address
-p PORT, --port PORT port: host/target port
reverse type: creating a reverse shell based on the
choice of the user
gobuster: run gobuster with several argument. see
examples to find which argument is best for you.
-n NMAP, --nmap NMAP nmap: run nmap scan with several argument. see
examples to find which argument is best for you.
-E, --enum4linux enum4linux: run enum4linux with -a which will do
-N, --nikto nikto: run nikto with -s to force ssl or without.
-a, --append Append the ip address and hostname on /etc/hosts
-o OUT, --out OUT output file name. ex, -o example.txt
-x, --https force https
-s, --ssl force ssl
# All the output are redirected to ~/exHTB/ezHTB_Results
# It will run nmap with the given ip address and a special type that will check for all ports
# to find open ports then it will do a deep scan into those open ports.
# (optional types "quick, default, maximum, special")
python3 ezHTB.py -n special -i 10.10.10.X
# It will run gobuster with the given ip address and a common directory type that is found in ~/ezHTB/Files
# (optional types "common, quick, medium", optional args "-p" to choose a specific port 'defualt to 80/443 only', "-x" to force https)
python3 ezHTB.py -G common -i 10.0.10.X
# It will run enum4linux with -a flag which will do everything with the given ip address.
python3 ezHTB.py -E -i 10.10.10.X
# It will run nikto with the given ip address.
# (optional arg "-s" to force 443)
python3 ezHTB.py -N -i 10.10.10.X
# It will create php reverse shell with the given ip address and port.
# (optional types "php, bash, powershell, nc", optional arg "-o" to specify output file name)
python3 ezHTB.py -R php -i 10.10.X.X -p 8080