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BMC Operator for Resource Aggregator for ODIM

Pre-deployment operations

Deploying BMC Operator for ODIM

Role-based access control

BMC operations

Applying BIOS settings on BMC

Applying boot order settings on BMC

Volume operations

Firmware operations

Creating an event subscription


Using APIs in BMC Operator

Uninstalling BMC Operator

Contributing to the open source community

Sample configuration files

Sample output properties

Troubleshooting BMC Operator issues

BMC Operator for Resource Aggregator for ODIM

Kubernetes operators introduce new object types through custom resource definitions (CRDs) that lists out all configurations available to the users. Users running workloads on Kubernetes often like to use automation to manage repeated tasks. They can use the custom resources (CRs) defined by the CRDs to define high-level configurations for the applications and resources.

BMC Operator is the software extension of Kubernetes that uses CRs to manage various BMC operations that include the deployment and management of workloads of BIOS, boot order, volume, firmware, and event subscription operations.

This document covers detailed, step-by-step instructions on the deployment procedures of BMC Operator on a deployment node. It also provides instructions on managing the supported resources.

BMC Operator architecture

Here is the Resource Aggregator for ODIM architecture diagram with BMC operator.


For one-node deployment, the northbound management and orchestration systems access the BMC Operator through the controller IP address/hostname. BMC Operator further communicates with Resource Aggregator for ODIM through the same controller IP address/hostname.

For three-node deployment, the northbound management and orchestration systems access the BMC Operator through the virtual IP address/hostname. BMC Operator further communicates with Resource Aggregator for ODIM through the same controller IP address/hostname.

NOTE: For information on Resource Aggregator for ODIM communications, see Resource Aggregator for Open Distributed Infrastructure Management™ Getting Started Readme.

Compatibility matrix

The following table lists the software components and their supported versions that are compatible with BMC Operator. These software components are used to deploy the BMC Operator.

Software Version
Resource Aggregator for ODIM 7.0.0
Ubuntu LTS 22.04.2
Kubernetes 1.24.6
containerd 1.6.8
Docker 20.10.12
kubectl 1.17.3
Golang 1.19.5

Related documentation

This document is shipped with the following comprehensive set of Resource Aggregator for ODIM electronic documentation:

Pre-deployment operations


Install kubectl on deployment node. See

Link the deployment node to the Kubernetes cluster node using the following instructions:

  1. Run the following command on the deployment node:

    mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
  2. Copy /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf file from the cluster node to $HOME/.kube on deployment node.

    scp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf bruce@{deploy_vm_ip}:/home/bruce/.kube
  3. Run the following command on the deployment node:

    mv $HOME/.kube/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
  4. Change the localhost IP address in the config file (check for clusters.cluster.server parameter) on the deployment node to that of the cluster node IP address, where Kubernetes cluster node is up.

  5. Run the following command on the deployment node:

    sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

Deploying BMC Operator for ODIM

  1. Clone the project by running the following command:

    git clone
  2. Switch to the project branch.

  3. Navigate to /home/{user}/BMCOperator/bin and change the permission of binaries to make it executable:

    chmod 775 *
  4. Deploy the BMC Operator for ODIM on the deployment node:

    1. Navigate to BMC operator directory on the deployment node:

      cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator
    2. Build the Docker image of BMC operator:

      docker build -f dockerfiles/Dockerfile.bmcoperator -t odimra/bmc-operator:1.0.0 .

      NOTE: Use the same image name.

    3. Save the Docker image:

      docker save -o {tar_filename}.tar odimra/bmc-operator:1.0.0
    4. Copy this image to a desired location on the cluster node(s).

      In this instance, we save the image to /home/{user} on cluster nodes. is the IP address of each cluster.

      scp {tar_filename}.tar {username}@{}:/home/{user}
    5. Log in to the cluster nodes and load the image on all cluster nodes in the home directory (three-node deployment):

      cd ssh {user}@{}
      sudo ctr images import {tar_filename}.tar
    6. On the deployment node, deploy the BMC operator:

      make deploy
    7. Update the configuration parameters in the BMC Operator deployment configuration file and apply them.

      kubectl apply -f config/keys/config.yaml
    8. Copy rootCA.crt and rootCA.key from home/bruce/ODIM/odim-controller/scripts/certs/{deployment_name}/ to /home/{user}/BMCOperator/bmc-templates/keys/.

    9. Run the following command to give permissions to generate keys and certificates:

      chmod 775 *
    10. Download yq package for keys generation. See the instructions in the link

    11. Run the script to generate the required keys and signed certificates with rootCA.

      cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator/bmc-templates/keys
      ./ {cluster_vm_ip}
    12. Apply the secret:

      cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator/bmc-templates/keys
      kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
    13. Navigate to BMC operator directory on the deployment node:

      cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator
    14. Apply the Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim:

      kubectl apply -f bmc-templates/pvs/bmc_pv.yaml
      kubectl apply -f bmc-templates/pvs/bmc_pvc.yaml
    15. On each cluster node, create operator_logs directory in /var/log and give ownership to odimra user:

      sudo mkdir /var/log/operator_logs
      sudo chown odimra:odimra /var/log/operator_logs
    16. Check if operator pods are up and running:

      kubectl get pods -n{namespace}

      The following sample output appears:

      NAME                                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      bmc-opcontroller-manager-5f54c64cd7-qkqdz      2/2     Running   0          17h

BMC Operator deployment configuration file

PREREQUISITE: Resource Aggregator for ODIM must be deployed and running on your system. See the Resource Aggregator for Open Distributed Infrastructure Management™ Getting Started Readme for instructions on deploying Resource Aggregator for ODIM.

Before deploying the BMC Operator, update the deployment configuration file config.yaml available in the config/keys repository. It contains all the configuration information required to deploy the BMC Operator.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: {bmc-operator-config}
  namespace: {bmc_namespace}
    type: config
  config.yaml: |
    reconciliation : Accommodate #Accommodate/Revert
    eventSubReconciliation: Accommodate #Accommodate/Revert
    reconcileInterval: "24" #Time in `Hours` (in string)
    secretName: bmc-secret
    metricsBindPort: "8080"  # cannot change at runtime (in string)
    healthProbeBindPort: "8081" # cannot change at runtime (in string)
    eventClientPort: "45000" # cannot change at runtime (in string)
    logLevel: warn
    logFormat: syslog
    kubeConfigPath: # provide kube config file path as value when running with 'make install run' command
    namespace: {bmc_namespace}
    - ResourceAdded
    - ResourceRemoved
    - Alert
    - ResourceEvent.1.2.0.ResourceRemoved
    - ResourceEvent.1.2.0.ResourceAdded
    - iLOEvents.3.2.ServerPostDiscoveryComplete
    - iLOEvents.3.2.ServerPostComplete
    - ComputerSystems

NOTE: We recommend you to have a regular backup of the latest deployment configuration file.

Deployment configuration parameters

The following table lists and describes all the configuration parameters required to deploy BMC Operator.

Parameter Description
kind Kubernetes resource. Value is always ConfigMap.
name Name of the ConfigMap Kubernetes resource.
namespace Namespace in which the ConfigMap is applied.
labels:type Kubernetes object label for the BMC Operator ConfigMap.
data:config.yaml Contains all the following parameters for the BMC Operator.
reconciliation Type of reconciliation operation to be performed. For more information, see Reconciliation operations.
reconcileInterval Time interval in hours for which polling triggers.
secretName Secret name of the encryption keys for the BMC Operator.
metricsBindPort Metrics port for BMC operator.
healthProbeBindPort Health port for BMC operator.
eventClientPort HTTP server port listening to Resource Aggregator for ODIM events for event-based reconciliation.
logLevel Enables you to set filters for your log levels based on your requirement. For more information, see Log Levels in Appendix in Resource Aggregator for Open Distributed Infrastructure Management™ Getting Started Readme.
logFormat Enables logging in syslog format or JSON format.
kubeConfigPath Used for development process when BMC Operator runs with make install command. Keep this value empty when you deploy BMC Operator as a pod.
namespace Namespace in which the BMC Operator is deployed.
operatorEventSubscriptionEventTypes Array of event types required for BMC Operator to trigger reconciliation. Supported values are ResourceAdded, ResourceRemoved , and Alert.
operatorEventSubsciptionMessageIds Array of message IDs required for BMC Operator to trigger reconciliation. Supported values are ResourceEvent.1.2.0.ResourceRemoved, ResourceEvent.1.2.0.ResourceAdded, iLOEvents.3.2.ServerPostDiscoveryComplete, and iLOEvents.3.2.ServerPostComplete.
operatorEventSubsciptionResourceTypes Array of resource types required for BMC Operator to trigger reconciliation. Supported value is ComputerSystems.

Creating ODIM object

This procedure is mandatory for managing BMCs.

  1. Navigate to the bmc-templates directory.

    cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator/bmc-templates
  2. Open the odim.yaml file.

    vi odim.yaml

    The following content is displayed.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: {odimauth} 	
      namespace: {bmc_namespace} 
    type: BasicAuth/RedfishSessionAuth
     username: {base64_encoded_username}
     password: {encrypted_and_base64_encoded_password}
    kind: Odim
      name: odim							     # do not change this value
      namespace: {bmc_namespace} 
      annotations: {odimauth} 				# same as
      URL: https://{ip}:{port}
      EventListenerHost: https://{cluster_node_ip}:{port}     #port: 32123

    For encrypting and base64 encoding of the password use the following commands:

    cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator/bmc-templates/keys
    echo -n '<odim_password>' | openssl pkeyutl -encrypt -pubin -inkey bmc.public -pkeyopt rsa_padding_mode:oaep -pkeyopt rsa_oaep_md:sha512| openssl base64 -A
  3. Navigate to the bmc-templates directory.

    cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator/bmc-templates
  4. Update the following parameters in the odim.yaml file.

    Option Definition
    (Secret) type Defines the mode of authentication to register ODIM. Enter either of the two: BasicAuth/RedfishSessionAuth.
    (Secret) username The base64 encoded username of Resource Aggregator for ODIM.
    (Secret) password Encrypted and base64 encoded password of Resource Aggregator for ODIM. This value must be the same as secret name.
    ip IP address of Resource Aggregator for ODIM.
    port Port of Resource Aggregator for ODIM.
    EventListenerHost Listens to the events received from Resource Aggregator for ODIM to the BMC Operator.
  5. Create instance of the ODIM custom resource:

    kubectl apply -f odim.yaml
  6. Check if BMC Operator is able to connect to Resource Aggregator for ODIM:

    kubectl get odim -n{namespace}

    Upon successful connection, you get the following output:

    NAME   URL                           	 	STATUS      AGE
    odim     	Connected   21d

    If the connection is unsuccessful, you get the following output:

    NAME   URL                              	STATUS     	 	AGE
    odim    	Not Connected    	21d

    NOTE: Check logs in /var/log/operator_logs/bmc_operator.log file in cluster VM.

Role-based access control

Role-based access control (RBAC) is a method of managing access to computer or network resources based on the roles of individual users within your organization. RBAC authorization uses the API group to drive authorization decisions, allowing you to configure policies through the Kubernetes API.

BMC Operator supports the following three roles as part of the RBAC:

  • bmc-op-admin—Administrator who has authorization to perform all operations through BMC Operator. To view the authorized operations for this role, see Administrator.
  • bmc-op-operator—User who has authorization to perform certain operations through BMC Operator. To view the authorized operations for this role, see Operator.
  • bmc-op-readonly—User with read-only access to the BMC Operator functions. To view the authorized operations for this role, see User with read-only access.

BMC Operator roles

This section lists the resources and the authorized operations of each user role.


Resource Operations
biosschemaregistries create, get, list, patch, update, watch
biosschemaregistries/status get, patch, update
biossettings create, get, list, patch, update, watch
biossettings/status get, patch, update
bmcs create, get, list, patch, update, watch
bmcs/status get, patch, update
bootordersettings create, get, list, patch, update, watch
bootordersettings/status get, patch, update
eventsubscriptions create, get, list, patch, update, watch
eventsubscriptions/status get, patch, update
firmwares create, get, list, patch, update, watch
firmwares/status get, patch, update
odims create, get, list, patch, update, watch
odims/status get, patch, update
volumes create, get, list, patch, update, watch
volumes/status get, patch, update
eventsmessageregistries create, get, list, patch, update, watch
eventsmessageregistries/status get, patch, update


Resource Operations
biosschemaregistries create, get, list, patch, update, watch
biosschemaregistries/status get, patch, update
biossettings create, get, list, patch, update, watch
biossettings/status get, patch, update
bmcs create, get, list, patch, update, watch
bmcs/status get, patch, update
bootordersettings create, get, list, patch, update, watch
bootordersettings/status get, patch, update
firmwares create, get, list, patch, update, watch
firmwares/status get, patch, update
odims get, list, watch
odims/status get, patch, update
volumes create, get, list, patch, update, watch
volumes/status get, patch, update

User with read-only access

Resource operation
biosschemaregistries get, list, watch
biosschemaregistries/status get, list, watch
biossettings get, list, watch
biossettings/status get, list, watch
bmcs get, list, watch
bmcs/status get, list, watch
bootordersettings get, list, watch
bootordersettings/status get, list, watch
eventsubscriptions get, list, watch
eventsubscriptions/status get, list, watch
firmwares get, list, watch
firmwares/status get, list, watch
odims get, list, watch
odims/status get, list, watch
volumes get, list, watch
volumes/status get, list, watch
eventsmessageregistries get, list, watch
eventsmessageregistries/status get, list, watch

Linking user or service account to roles

For accessing the BMC Operator with predefined roles, the cluster administrator needs to create role binding and link the user or service account to that role.


cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: RoleBinding
  name: bmc-op-readonly-binding //name of the role binding
- namespace: bmc-op   //name space 
  kind: ServiceAccount   
  name:  readonly-service-account  // user or service account name 
  kind: Role
  name: bmc-op-readonly  // role name 

For creating role binding, see

BMC operations

Adding a BMC


  • Before adding BMC, ensure BMC Operator is able to connect to Resource Aggregator for ODIM. Also, generate a certificate for it using the root CA certificate of Resource Aggregator for ODIM.
  • To use your own root CA certificate to generate a certificate, you must first append it to the existing root CA certificate. For instructions, see Appending CA certificates to the existing Root CA certificate section in Resource Aggregator for Open Distributed Infrastructure Management™ Getting Started Readme.
  1. Navigate to the BMC Operator directory:

    cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator
  2. Open the bmc.yaml file in the bmc-templates directory:

    vi bmc-templates/bmc.yaml

    The following content is displayed:

    kind: BMC
      name: {bmc_object_name} 		# same as BMC IP address 
      namespace: {bmc_namespace} 
        address: {bmc_ip}
        connectionMethodVariant: {plugin_variant}
        powerState: ""  #by default it will be null, we need to update Kubernetes object for reset action
        resetType: ""   #by default it will be null, we need to update Kubernetes object for reset action
        username: {username}
        password: {password}

    See a Sample BMC settings file.

  3. Update the following parameters as required:

    Option Definition
    kind This parameter defines the kind of resource you want to add. In this instance, it is BMC.
    name Enter the BMC name. This name is used to create the object.
    This value must be the same as BMC IP address.
    namespace Enter the namespace the BMC must come up in.
    address Enter the IP address of the BMC you want to add.
    connectionMethodVariant This parameter tells us which plugin is required for adding the BMC.
    powerState Enter the power state you want the BMC to be in.
    resetType Enter the reset type for BMC.
    credentials Enter the username and password of the BMC.
    bmcAddStatus This parameter gives the status of whether the BMC is added or not.
    NOTE: This parameter is populated by the operator.
  4. Apply the bmc-templates/bmc.yaml file:

    kubectl apply -f bmc-templates/bmc.yaml   

    The following sample log message appears when BMC is successfully added.

    {bmc_object} BMC object is updated.

    NOTE: Check logs in /var/log/operator_logs/bmc_operator.log file in cluster VM.

    After successful addition of BMC object, run kubectl get bmc {bmc_object} -n {namespace} -o yaml to view the output of the added BMC object.

    Run kubectl get bmc -n {namespace} -o yaml to view the output that lists all the BMC objects. See the following sample output:

     apiVersion: v1
     - apiVersion:
       kind: Bmc
           old_password: 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
         creationTimestamp: "2023-06-22T10:37:05Z"
         generation: 2
           firmwareVersion: iLO.5.v2.70
           modelId: ProLiant.DL360.Gen10
           serialNo: MXQ92104V7
           systemId: 7acc7d7c-002e-4011-b42b-4dd12b4759cb.1
           vendor: HPE
         namespace: bmc-op
         resourceVersion: "124307"
         uid: 52f9524c-df4c-4fdf-8a03-f81104871432
           connectionMethodVariant: Compute:BasicAuth:ILO_v2.0.0
           powerState: ""
           resetType: ""
           password: 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
           username: admin
         biosAttributeRegistry: BiosAttributeRegistryU32.v1_2_68
         biosVersion: U32 v2.68 (07/14/2022)
         bmcAddStatus: "yes"
         bmcSystemId: 7acc7d7c-002e-4011-b42b-4dd12b4759cb.1
         firmwareVersion: iLO 5 v2.70
         modelID: ProLiant DL360 Gen10
         serialNumber: MXQ92104V7
                 capacityBytes: "1200000000000.000000"
                 usedInVolumes: []
                 capacityBytes: "1200000000000.000000"
                 usedInVolumes: []
                 capacityBytes: "1200000000000.000000"
                 usedInVolumes: []
                 capacityBytes: "1200000000000.000000"
                 usedInVolumes: []
                 capacityBytes: "1200000000000.000000"
                 usedInVolumes: []
             - RAID0
             - RAID1
             - RAID3
             - RAID4
             - RAID5
             - RAID6
             - RAID10
             - RAID01
             - RAID6TP
             - RAID1E
             - RAID50
             - RAID60
             - RAID00
             - RAID10E
             - RAID1Triple
             - RAID10Triple
             - None
         systemReset: ""
         vendorName: HPE
     kind: List
       resourceVersion: ""

For description of the properties in the sample output file, see the BMC addition output section.

Updating a BMC password

  1. Run the following command to edit the BMC object details in the output file:

    kubectl edit bmc -n {object_name} {bmc-namespace}

    For example:

    kubectl edit bmc -n bmc-operator
  2. Change the password of BMC under spec.credentials.password property.

  3. Save the file. BMC Operator automatically updates the BMC server details.

    The following sample log message appears with the successful update message on BMC and ODIM:

    Updated password in {object_name} BMC
    Updated password in ODIM for {object_name} BMC

    NOTE: Check logs in /var/log/operator_logs/bmc_operator.log file in cluster VM.

Resetting a BMC

  1. Run the following command to reset the BMC object details in the output file:

    kubectl edit bmc -n {bmc_namespace} {object_name}

    NOTE: Please check the Scenarios for powerState and resetType combinations section to understand the combinations that work for resetting BMC prior to setting the values.

  2. Edit the powerState parameter with one of the following values as required:

    Parameter Description
    On Switches on the unit.
    Off Switches off the unit.
  3. Edit the resetType parameter with one of the following values as required:

    Parameter Description
    ForceOff Turns off the unit immediately (non-graceful shutdown).
    ForceOn Turns on the unit immediately.
    ForceRestart Shuts down immediately and non-gracefully and restarts the system.
    GracefulRestart Shuts down gracefully and restarts the system.
    GracefulShutdown Shuts down gracefully and powers off.
    On Turns on the unit.
    Nmi Generates a diagnostic interrupt, which is usually an NMI on x86 systems, to stop normal operations, complete diagnostic actions, and halt the system.
    Pause Pauses execution on the unit but does not remove power.
    This is typically a feature of virtual machine hypervisors.
    PowerCycle Power cycles the unit. Behaves like a full power removal, followed by a power restore to the resource.
    PushPowerButton Simulates the pressing of the physical power button on this unit.
    Resume Resumes execution on the paused unit.
    This is typically a feature of virtual machine hypervisors.
    Suspend Writes the state of the unit to disk before powering off.
    This allows for the state to be restored when powered back on.
  4. Save the file. BMC Operator for ODIM automatically resets the BMC based on the values you choose. The following sample log message appears with the details of the reset BMC:

    successfully done computer system reset on {object_name} BMC

    NOTE: Check logs in /var/log/operator_logs/bmc_operator.log file in cluster VM.

Scenarios for powerState and resetType combinations

currentsystemState powerState resetType Reset allowed?
On On ForceRestart Allowed
On On GracefulRestart Allowed
On On GracefulShutdown Not allowed
On On ForceOff Not allowed
On On On Not allowed
On On Pause Allowed, if Pause is supported
On On Resume Not allowed
On On ForceOn Not allowed
On On Nmi Allowed, if Nmi is supported
On On PowerCycle Allowed, if PowerCycle is supported
On On PushPowerButton Not allowed
On On Suspend Allowed, if Suspend is supported
currentsystemState powerState resetType Reset allowed?
Off Off ForceRestart Not allowed
Off Off GracefulRestart Not allowed
Off Off GracefulShutdown Not allowed
Off Off ForceOff Not allowed
Off Off On Not allowed
Off Off Pause Not allowed
Off Off Resume Not allowed
Off Off ForceOn Not allowed
Off Off Nmi Not allowed
Off Off PowerCycle Not allowed
Off Off PushPowerButton Not allowed
Off Off Suspend Not allowed
currentsystemState powerState resetType Reset allowed?
On Off ForceRestart Not allowed
On Off GracefulRestart Not allowed
On Off GracefulShutdown Allowed
On Off ForceOff Allowed
On Off On Not allowed
On Off Pause Allowed, if Pause is supported
On Off Resume Not allowed
On Off ForceOn Not allowed
On Off Nmi Not allowed
On Off PowerCycle Not allowed
On Off PushPowerButton Allowed
On Off Suspend Allowed, if Suspend is supported
currentsystemState powerState resetType Reset allowed?
Off On ForceRestart Not allowed
Off On GracefulRestart Not allowed
Off On GracefulShutdown Not allowed
Off On ForceOff Not allowed
Off On On Allowed
Off On Pause Not allowed
Off On Resume Not allowed
Off On ForceOn Allowed, if ForceOn is supported
Off On Nmi Not allowed
Off On PowerCycle Allowed, if PowerCycle is supported
Off On PushPowerButton Allowed
Off On Suspend Not allowed

Deleting a BMC

  1. Navigate to the BMC Operator directory:

    cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator
  2. Open the bmc-templates/bmc.yaml object:

    vi bmc-templates/bmc.yaml
  3. Edit the metadata.Name to the BMC object you want to delete.

  4. Save the updates.

  5. Run the following command to delete the bmc-templates/bmc.yaml object:

    kubectl delete -f bmc-templates/bmc.yaml

    The following sample log message appears when BMC is successfully deleted.

    BMC {bmc_object_name} successfully deleted from ODIM

Alternatively, run kubectl delete bmc -n{namespace} {bmc_object_name} to delete the BMC.

NOTE: Check logs in /var/log/operator_logs/bmc_operator.log file in cluster VM.

Applying BIOS settings on BMC

  1. Navigate to the BMCOperator directory:

    cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator
  2. Open the bios.yaml file:

    vi ~/bmc-templates/bios.yaml

    The following content is displayed:

    kind: BiosSetting
      name: {biossetting_object_name} 	# name of bmc
      namespace: {bmc_namespace} 
        bmcName: {bmc_ip}
        systemID:  {system_id}
        serialNumber: {serial_number}
          prop1: {value1}  # ex : BootMode: "LegacyBios" 
          prop2: {value2}

    See a Sample BIOS settings file.

  3. Update the following parameters as required:

    Option Definition
    name Enter the same metadata name as of BMC object.
    bmcName Enter the IP address of the BMC.
    systemID Enter the system ID of the BMC.
    serialNumber Enter the serial number of the BMC.
    prop1,prop2,.. Enter the BIOS attribute.
    value1,value2,.. Enter the BIOS attribute's value.

    NOTE: Specifying a value for either bmcName, systemID, or serialNumber is mandatory.

    For properties and their supported values, see the biosschemaregistry object by running the following command:

    kubectl get biosschemaregistry {biossetting_object_name} -n {bmc_namespace}

    To check the list of schemas, use the following command:

    kubectl get biosschemaregistry -n {bmc_namespace} 
  4. Apply the bmc-templates/bios.yaml file:

    kubectl apply -f bmc-templates/bios.yaml
  5. Check logs in /var/log/operator_logs/bmc_operator.log in cluster VM.

    "Bios configured, Please reset system now."
  6. Reset BMC after the BIOS settings are applied. For instructions, see Resetting a BMC.

    Here is the sample output of the updated BIOS settings on BMC:

    apiVersion: v1
    - apiVersion:
      kind: BiosSetting
        creationTimestamp: "2023-06-22T07:31:28Z"
        generation: 1
        namespace: {bmc-operator}
        resourceVersion: "127391"
        uid: 24d9a0be-770c-4468-8c0c-1b296c5ee3a4
        biosAttributes: {}
          AcpiHpet: Enabled
          AcpiRootBridgePxm: Enabled
          AcpiSlit: Enabled
          AdjSecPrefetch: Enabled
          AdminName: ""
          AdminOtherInfo: ""
          AdminPhone: ""
          AdvCrashDumpMode: Disabled
          AdvancedMemProtection: FastFaultTolerantADDDC
          AsrStatus: Enabled
          AsrTimeoutMinutes: Timeout10
          AssetTagProtection: Unlocked
          AutoPowerOn: RestoreLastState
          BootMode: LegacyBios
          BootOrderPolicy: RetryIndefinitely
          ChannelInterleaving: Enabled
          CollabPowerControl: Enabled
          ConsistentDevNaming: LomsAndSlots
          CustomPostMessage: ""
          DaylightSavingsTime: Disabled
          DcuIpPrefetcher: Enabled
          DcuStreamPrefetcher: Enabled
          Dhcpv4: Enabled
          DirectToUpi: Auto
          DynamicPowerCapping: Disabled
          EmbNicEnable: Auto
          EmbNicLinkSpeed: Auto
          EmbNicPCIeOptionROM: Enabled
          EmbSas1Aspm: Disabled
          EmbSas1Boot: TwentyFourTargets
          EmbSas1Enable: Auto
          EmbSas1LinkSpeed: Auto
          EmbSas1PcieOptionROM: Enabled
          EmbSata1Aspm: Disabled
          EmbSata2Aspm: Disabled
          EmbVideoConnection: Auto
          EmbeddedDiagnostics: Enabled
          EmbeddedSata: Ahci
          EmbeddedSerialPort: Com2Irq3
          EmbeddedUefiShell: Enabled
          EmsConsole: Disabled
          EnabledCoresPerProc: "0"
          EnergyEfficientTurbo: Disabled
          EnergyPerfBias: BalancedPerf
          EraseUserDefaults: "No"
          ExtendedAmbientTemp: Disabled
          ExtendedMemTest: Disabled
          F11BootMenu: Enabled
          FCScanPolicy: CardConfig
          FanFailPolicy: Shutdown
          FanInstallReq: EnableMessaging
          FlexLom1Aspm: Disabled
          FlexLom1Enable: Auto
          FlexLom1LinkSpeed: Auto
          FlexLom1PCIeOptionROM: Enabled
          HttpSupport: Auto
          HwPrefetcher: Enabled
          IODCConfiguration: Auto
          IntelDmiLinkFreq: Auto
          IntelNicDmaChannels: Enabled
          IntelPerfMonitoring: Disabled
          IntelProcVtd: Enabled
          IntelUpiFreq: Auto
          IntelUpiLinkEn: Auto
          IntelUpiPowerManagement: Enabled
          IntelligentProvisioning: Enabled
          InternalSDCardSlot: Enabled
          IpmiWatchdogTimerAction: PowerCycle
          IpmiWatchdogTimerStatus: IpmiWatchdogTimerOff
          IpmiWatchdogTimerTimeout: Timeout30Min
          Ipv6Address: '::'
          Ipv6ConfigPolicy: Automatic
          Ipv6Duid: Auto
          Ipv6Gateway: '::'
          Ipv6PrimaryDNS: '::'
          Ipv6SecondaryDNS: '::'
          LLCDeadLineAllocation: Enabled
          LlcPrefetch: Disabled
          LocalRemoteThreshold: Auto
          MaxMemBusFreqMHz: Auto
          MaxPcieSpeed: PerPortCtrl
          MemClearWarmReset: Disabled
          MemFastTraining: Enabled
          MemMirrorMode: Full
          MemPatrolScrubbing: Enabled
          MemRefreshRate: Refreshx1
          MemoryControllerInterleaving: Auto
          MemoryRemap: NoAction
          MinProcIdlePkgState: C6Retention
          MinProcIdlePower: C6
          MixedPowerSupplyReporting: Enabled
          NetworkBootRetry: Enabled
          NetworkBootRetryCount: "20"
          NicBoot1: NetworkBoot
          NicBoot2: Disabled
          NicBoot3: Disabled
          NicBoot4: Disabled
          NicBoot5: NetworkBoot
          NicBoot6: Disabled
          NodeInterleaving: Disabled
          NumaGroupSizeOpt: Flat
          NvmeOptionRom: Enabled
          OpportunisticSelfRefresh: Disabled
          PciPeerToPeerSerialization: Disabled
          PciResourcePadding: Normal
          PciSlot1Bifurcation: Auto
          PciSlot2Bifurcation: Auto
          PciSlot3Bifurcation: Auto
          PersistentMemBackupPowerPolicy: WaitForBackupPower
          PlatformCertificate: Enabled
          PostBootProgress: Disabled
          PostDiscoveryMode: Auto
          PostF1Prompt: Delayed20Sec
          PostVideoSupport: DisplayAll
          PostedInterruptThrottle: Enabled
          PowerButton: Enabled
          PowerOnDelay: NoDelay
          PowerRegulator: DynamicPowerSavings
          PreBootNetwork: Auto
          PrebootNetworkEnvPolicy: Auto
          PrebootNetworkProxy: ""
          ProcAes: Enabled
          ProcHyperthreading: Enabled
          ProcTurbo: Disabled
          ProcVirtualization: Enabled
          ProcX2Apic: Enabled
          ProcessorConfigTDPLevel: Normal
          ProcessorJitterControl: Disabled
          ProcessorJitterControlFrequency: "0"
          ProcessorJitterControlOptimization: ZeroLatency
          ProductId: 867959-B21
          RedundantPowerSupply: BalancedMode
          RefreshWatermarks: Auto
          RemovableFlashBootSeq: ExternalKeysFirst
          RestoreDefaults: "No"
          RestoreManufacturingDefaults: "No"
          RomSelection: CurrentRom
          SataSecureErase: Disabled
          SaveUserDefaults: "No"
          SecStartBackupImage: Disabled
          SecureBootStatus: Disabled
          SerialConsoleBaudRate: BaudRate115200
          SerialConsoleEmulation: Vt100Plus
          SerialConsolePort: Auto
          SerialNumber: MXQ92104V7
          ServerAssetTag: ""
          ServerConfigLockStatus: Disabled
          ServerName: ""
          ServerOtherInfo: ""
          ServerPrimaryOs: ""
          ServiceEmail: ""
          ServiceName: ""
          ServiceOtherInfo: ""
          ServicePhone: ""
          SetupBrowserSelection: Auto
          Slot1MctpBroadcastSupport: Enabled
          Slot2MctpBroadcastSupport: Enabled
          Slot3MctpBroadcastSupport: Enabled
          Sriov: Enabled
          StaleAtoS: Disabled
          SubNumaClustering: Disabled
          ThermalConfig: OptimalCooling
          ThermalShutdown: Enabled
          TimeFormat: Utc
          TimeZone: Unspecified
          TpmChipId: None
          TpmFips: NotSpecified
          TpmState: NotPresent
          TpmType: NoTpm
          UefiOptimizedBoot: Disabled
          UefiSerialDebugLevel: Disabled
          UefiShellBootOrder: Disabled
          UefiShellScriptVerification: Disabled
          UefiShellStartup: Disabled
          UefiShellStartupLocation: Auto
          UefiShellStartupUrl: ""
          UefiShellStartupUrlFromDhcp: Disabled
          UefiVariableAccessFwControl: Disabled
          UncoreFreqScaling: Auto
          UpiPrefetcher: Enabled
          UrlBootFile: ""
          UrlBootFile2: ""
          UrlBootFile3: ""
          UrlBootFile4: ""
          UsbBoot: Enabled
          UsbControl: UsbEnabled
          UserDefaultsState: Disabled
          UtilityLang: English
          VirtualInstallDisk: Disabled
          VirtualSerialPort: Com1Irq4
          VlanControl: Disabled
          VlanId: "0"
          VlanPriority: "0"
          WakeOnLan: Enabled
          WorkloadProfile: Custom
          XptPrefetcher: Auto
          iSCSIPolicy: SoftwareInitiator
    kind: List
      resourceVersion: ""
  7. View the list of new BIOS settings:

    kubectl get biossetting -n {bmc_namespace}

    View the new individual BIOS setting:

    kubectl get biossetting -n {bmc_namespace} {biossetting_object_name} -o yaml 

Applying boot order settings on BMC

  1. Navigate to the home directory of the operator:

    cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator
  2. Open the boot.yaml file:

    vi bmc-templates/boot.yaml

    The following content is displayed:

    kind: BootOrderSettings
      name: {bootordersetting_object_name} 		# name of bmc 
      namespace: {bmc_namespace} 
        bmcName: {bmc_ip}
        systemID: {system_id}
        serialNumber: {serial_number}
        boot:  #example: bootOrder: ["Cd","Usb","Hdd","Pxe"]
           bootOrder: ["Usb","Hdd","Cd","Pxe"]
           bootSourceOverrideTarget: "Hdd"
           uefiTargetBootSourceOverride: "None"
           bootSourceOverrideEnabled: "Once"

    See a Sample boot order settings file.

  3. Update the following parameters as required:

    Option Definition
    kind This parameter defines the kind of resource you want to add/configure. In this instance, it is BootOrderSettings.
    bmcName Enter the IP address of the BMC. This is a mandatory field.
    systemID Enter the system ID of the BMC.
    serialNumber Enter the serial number of the BMC.
    bootOrder This property shall contain an array of BootOptionReference strings that represent the persistent boot order for this computer system. For UEFI systems, this is the UEFI Specification-defined UEFI BootOrder.
    bootSourceOverrideTarget This property shall contain the source to boot the system from, overriding the normal boot order. The @Redfish.AllowableValues annotation specifies the valid values for this property. UefiTarget indicates to boot from the UEFI device path found in UefiTargetBootSourceOverride. UefiBootNext indicates to boot from the UEFI BootOptionReference found in BootNext. Virtual devices for a target should take precedence over a physical device. Systems may attempt to boot from multiple devices that share a target identifier. Changes to this property do not alter the BIOS persistent boot order configuration.
    uefiTargetBootSourceOverride This property shall contain the UEFI device path of the override boot target. Changes to this property do not alter the BIOS persistent boot order configuration.
    bootSourceOverrideEnabled This property shall contain Once for a one-time boot override, and Continuous for a remain-active-until-cancelled override. If set to Once, the value is reset to Disabled after the BootSourceOverrideTarget actions have completed successfully. Changes to this property do not alter the BIOS persistent boot order configuration.

    NOTE: Specifying a value for either bmcName, systemID, or serialNumber is mandatory.

  4. Apply the bmc-templates/boot.yaml file.

    kubectl apply -f bmc-templates/boot.yaml
  5. Check logs in /var/log/operator_logs/bmc_operator.log in cluster VM.

    Boot order setting configured for {bmc_object_name} BMC

    After successful updation of bootordersettings, you can view the following sample output:

    apiVersion: v1
    - apiVersion:
      kind: BootOrderSetting
        creationTimestamp: "2023-06-22T07:31:28Z"
        generation: 1
        namespace: {bmc_namespace}
        resourceVersion: "106040"
        uid: f223d226-94a5-465c-bf4c-a01fcae16f76
      spec: {}
          - Cd
          - Usb
          - Hdd
          - Pxe
          bootSourceOverrideEnabled: Disabled
          bootSourceOverrideMode: Legacy
          bootSourceOverrideTarget: None
          - None
          - Cd
          - Hdd
          - Usb
          - Utilities
          - Diags
          - BiosSetup
          - Pxe
          - UefiShell
    kind: List
      resourceVersion: ""

    For description of the properties in the sample output file, see the Boot order settings output section.

  6. View the list of new boot order settings:

    kubectl get bootordersettings -n {bmc_namespace}

    View the new individual boot order setting:

    kubectl get bootordersettings -n {bmc_namespace} {bootordersetting_object_name} -o yaml 

Volume operations

Adding a volume

  1. Navigate to the BMCOperator directory:

    cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator
  2. Open the volume.yaml file:

    vi ~/bmc-templates/volume.yaml

    The following content is displayed:

       kind: Volume
          name: {bmc_name}.{volume_object_name} #{bmc_name} must be same as BMC IP address
          namespace: {bmc_namespace} 
          RAIDType: # RAID0/RAID1/RAID6...
          drives: [drive1,drive2,drive3...]

    See a Sample volume file.

  3. Update the following parameters as required:

    Option Definition
    kind This parameter defines the kind of resource you want to add/configure. In this instance, it is Volume.
    name Enter the BMC name, followed by the display name for the volume you want to create. BMC name value must be the same as BMC IP address.
    namespace Enter the namespace the Volume must come up in (same as the bmc object).
    storageControllerID Enter the storage controller in which you have the drives.
    RAIDType Enter the RAID type for the volume.
    drives Enter the drive IDs you want to have in the volume as array.
  4. Apply the bmc-templates/volume.yaml file.

    kubectl apply -f bmc-templates/volume.yaml

    The following log appears.

    Volume {volume_object_name} created successfully. Please reset the system now

    The following sample output appears:

    apiVersion: v1
    - apiVersion:
      kind: Volume
        creationTimestamp: "2023-06-22T11:15:07Z"
        deletionGracePeriodSeconds: 0
        deletionTimestamp: "2023-06-22T11:18:06Z"
        generation: 2
        namespace: {bmc_namespace}
        resourceVersion: "127936"
        uid: d48cf31a-7c6e-4990-a9fc-439dc2e0ca1e
      spec: {}
          DurableName: 600508B1001CBC06E6C76AF6B12C8FA8
          DurableNameFormat: NAA
        RAIDType: RAID0
        capacityBytes: "1200209526784.000000"
        - 0
        storageControllerID: ArrayControllers-0
        volumeID: "1"
        volumeName: vol0
    kind: List
      resourceVersion: ""

    For description of the properties in the sample output file, see the Volume addition output section.

  5. View the list of new volume objects:

    kubectl get volume -n {bmc_namespace}

    View the new individual volume:

    kubectl get volume {volume_object_name} -n {bmc_namespace} -o yaml

Deleting a volume

  1. Navigate to the BMC Operator directory:

    cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator
  2. Edit to the volume object name you wish to delete.

  3. Delete the bmc-templates/volume.yaml object:

    kubectl delete -f bmc-templates/volume.yaml

    The following sample log message appears when the volume is successfully deleted.

    Volume {volume_object_name} successfully deleted, Please reset the system now

Alternatively, run kubectl delete volume -n {namespace} {volume_object_name} to delete the volume.

NOTE: Check logs in /var/log/operator_logs/bmc_operator.log file in cluster VM.

Firmware operations

Upgrading or downgrading firmware

  1. Navigate to the BMC Operator directory:

    cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator
  2. Open the firmware.yaml file:

    vi bmc-templates/firmware.yaml

    The following content is displayed:

    kind: Firmware
      name: {firmware_object_name} 		# same as BMC IP address
      namespace: {bmc_namespace} 
         imageLocation: "http://{firmware_name}/{path of the BMC image}"
          username: {username}
          password: {password}
      transferProtocol: {transfer_protocol}

    See a Sample firmware file.

  3. Update the following parameters as required:

    Option Definition
    kind This parameter defines the kind of resource you want to add. In this instance, it is Firmware.
    name Enter the firmware name. This name is used to create the object. This value must be the same as BMC IP address.
    namespace Enter the namespace of the BMC for which you apply the firmware.
    imageLocation Enter the location of the firmware image.
    auth Credentials of the web server where the firmware image is located.
    If there are no credentials, the values can be empty.
    transferProtocol Enter the network protocol used to retrieve the firmware image file.
    This is an optional parameter.
  4. Apply the bmc-templates/firmware.yaml file.

    kubectl apply -f bmc-templates/firmware.yaml

    You receive notification messages upon successful completion of the operation.

    NOTE: Check logs in /var/log/operator_logs/bmc_operator.log file in cluster VM.

    Firmware and Bmc object updation completed!

    If the upgrade fails, you get the following message:

    Unable to update firmware, try again

    After the successful firmware operation, you can view the following sample output:

    apiVersion: v1
    - apiVersion:
      kind: Firmware
        creationTimestamp: "2023-07-10T10:39:50Z"
        generation: 3
          firmwareVersion: iLO-5-v2.70
        namespace: {bmc_namespace}
        resourceVersion: "2647535"
        uid: 5d06c526-7f4f-482d-b481-4c98f5d51834
          auth: {}
        firmwareVersion: iLO 5 v2.70
        status: Success
    kind: List
      resourceVersion: ""

    For description of the properties in the sample output file, see the Firmware operation output section.

  5. View the list of new firmware objects:

    kubectl get firmware -n {bmc_namespace}

    View the new individual firmware:

    kubectl get firmware {firmware_object_name} -n {bmc_namespace} -o yaml

Verifying the firmware operation

To verify the successful firmware upgrade or downgrade, type kubectl get firmware -n{namespace} {firmware_object_name} -o yaml. The following content is appended in the firmware object:

    firmwareVersion: {latest_firmware_version}
    status: Success

You can also verify the firmware upgrade or downgrade in BMC object by viewing the firmware version in firmwareVersion in labels or in firmwareVersion in status.

Editing firmware

  1. Run the following command:

    kubectl edit firmware {firmware_object_name} -n {namespace}

    The following content is displayed:

    apiVersion: v1
    - apiVersion:
      kind: Firmware
        creationTimestamp: "2023-06-15T13:20:59Z"
        generation: 3
          firmwareVersion: iLO-5-v2.48
        namespace: {bmc_namespace}
        resourceVersion: "10929469"
        uid: bf610676-f57b-44d8-8b26-bdb7e89aa0b4
          auth: {}
        firmwareVersion: iLO 5 v2.60
        status: Success
  2. Edit the imageLocation with the new path.

  3. Save the file and close it.

  4. Verify the edited firmware version.

Deleting the firmware file

NOTE: Deleting the firmware file does not revert to the previous version.

  1. Navigate to the BMC Operator directory:

    cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator
  2. To delete the firmware file of a specific BMC, make sure you edit the name parameter in the firmware file to match the name of the BMC.

  3. Edit to the firmware object name you wish to delete.

  4. Delete the bmc-templates/firmware.yaml object:

    kubectl delete -f bmc-templates/firmware.yaml

    The following sample log message appears when the firmware is successfully deleted.

    firmware {firmware_object_name} successfully deleted

Alternatively, run kubectl delete firmware -n {namespace} {firmware_object_name} to delete the volume.

NOTE: Check logs in /var/log/operator_logs/bmc_operator.log file in cluster VM.

Creating an event subscription

  1. Navigate to the BMC Operator directory:

    cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator
  2. Open the eventsubscription.yaml file:

    vi bmc-templates/eventsubscription.yaml

    The following content is displayed:

    kind: Eventsubscription
      name: {eventsubscription_object_name}
      namespace: {bmc_namespace}
      name: event-sub-client
      destination: 'https://{IP address}:{port}/Destination'
      - Alert
      - ResourceAdded
      - ResourceRemoved
      - ResourceUpdated
      - ComputerSystem
      context: ODIMRA_Event
      eventFormatType: Event
      subordinateResources: 	# true or false
        - 'Bmc/{bmc_object_name}'
        - 'managerCollection'

    See a Sample event subscription file.

  3. Update the following parameters as required:

    Option Definition
    kind This parameter defines the kind of resource you want to add. In this instance, it is Eventsubscription.
    name Enter the subscription name. This name is used to create the object.
    namespace Enter the namespace of the BMC for which you apply the event subscription.
    destination The URL of the destination event listener that listens to events. Destination is unique to a subscription.
    context A string that is stored with the event destination subscription.
    eventFormatType The content types of the message that this service can send to the event destination. For possible values, see EventFormat type table in Resource Aggregator for ODIM API Reference and User Guide.
    subordinateResources Indicates whether the service supports the SubordinateResource property on event subscriptions or not. If it is set to true, the service creates subscription for an event originating from the specified OriginResoures and also from its subordinate resources.
    originResources Array of resources for which the service sends related events. If this property is absent or the array is empty, events originating from any resource is sent to the subscriber. Supported values are:
    - managerCollection
    - chassisCollection
    - systemCollection
    - taskCollection
    - fabricCollection
    - allResources
    - allResources/{bmc_object_name}
    - Bmc/{bmc_object_name}
    - BootOrderSetting/{bmc_object_name}
    - BiosSetting/{bmc_object_name}
    - Firmware/{bmc_object_name}
    - Volume/{bmc_object_name}
  4. Apply the bmc-templates/eventsubscription.yaml file.

    kubectl apply -f bmc-templates/eventsubscription.yaml

    You receive notification messages upon successful completion of the operation.

    NOTE: Check logs in /var/log/operator_logs/bmc_operator.log file in cluster VM.

    Eventsubscription created successfully!

    After the successful event subscription operation, you can view the following sample output:

    kind: Eventsubscription
      annotations: |
      creationTimestamp: "2023-07-18T06:49:01Z"
      generation: 1
      name: {subscription_name}
      namespace: {bmc_namespace}
      resourceVersion: "4644830"
      uid: 8c254815-ab45-4aae-b7b2-ccdb5a5f3ab8
      context: ODIMRA_Event
      eventFormatType: Event
      - Alert
      - ResourceAdded
      - ResourceRemoved
      - ResourceUpdated
      name: event-sub-client
      - Bmc/
      - ComputerSystem
      subordinateResources: true
      context: ODIMRA_Event
      eventSubscriptionID: 6cc68983-fbf8-49c8-b0fb-db58322eb439
      name: event-sub-client
      - Bmc/
      protocol: Redfish
      subscriptionType: RedfishEvent

    For description of the properties in the sample output file, see the Event subscription output section.

  5. View the list of new event subscriptions:

    kubectl get eventsubscription -n {bmc_namespace}

    View the new individual event subscription:

    kubectl get eventsubscription {eventsubscription_object_name} -n {bmc_namespace} -o yaml

Validation of message IDs

For message IDs and their supported values, see the eventsmessageregistry object by running the following command:

kubectl get eventsmessageregistry {registry_name} -n {bmc_namespace}

To check the list of message registries, use the following command:

kubectl get eventsmessageregistry -n {bmc_namespace} 

Deleting an event subscription

  1. Navigate to the BMC Operator directory:

    cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator
  2. Open the bmc-templates/eventsubscription.yaml object:

    vi bmc-templates/eventsubscription.yaml
  3. Edit metadata.Name to the event subscription object you want to delete.

  4. Save the updates.

  5. Run the following command:

    kubectl delete -f bmc-templates/eventsubscription.yaml

    The following sample log message appears when event subscription is successfully deleted.

    Successfully deleted event subscription with ID {subscriptionID}

    NOTE: Check logs in /var/log/operator_logs/bmc_operator.log file in cluster VM.

    Alternatively, run kubectl delete eventsubscription {subscription_name} -n {bmc_namespace} to delete the event subscription.


Reconciliation refers to the process of comparing the desired state of a resource with its current state, and taking necessary actions to bring them into alignment. It ensures that the actual state of resources matches the state defined by the user or the system. In the context of a BMC Operator managing various objects in the Kubernetes environment, reconciliation involves synchronizing the configurations of these objects with the desired state specified in the operator. The operator continuously monitors the current state of the objects and performs actions to reconcile any discrepancies between the current and desired states.

Reconciliation methods

The reconciliation process is repeated periodically by a trigger at specific times to ensure that the objects remain in the desired state. The BMC Operator handles concurrency and ensures that reconciliation actions are performed in a consistent and reliable manner. Following are the different ways of performing reconciliation.

Event-driven reconciliation

Event-driven reconciliation provides a reactive approach, allowing the operator to respond quickly to the changes or events impacting the server. The operator reacts to specific events or triggers related to the server. Events can be generated by changes in the server's environment, incoming requests, or other relevant signals. The operator listens for these events and initiates reconciliation actions in response.

Time-based triggers

The reconciliation process is triggered at fixed intervals or specific points in time. The BMC Operator uses a timer to periodically initiate the reconciliation logic. This approach ensures regular checks and updates to the server's state, regardless of external events or changes.

Reconciliation operations

Accommodating configuration changes

When a desired configuration change is detected during reconciliation in Resource Aggregator for ODIM, the BMC Operator applies the changes to the Kubernetes objects. The BMC Operator ensures that the server configuration is updated according to the desired state specified by the system. This involves making API calls to Resource Aggregator for ODIM to change the object settings.

Reverting to prior configuration

The BMC Operator can also revert the server configuration back to Resource Aggregator for ODIM, undoing the changes that were attempted. If the object configuration is different from that of the configuration in Resource Aggregator for ODIM, it automatically reverts the configuration in Resource Aggregator for ODIM similar to the configuration present in the Kubernetes object. Reverting to the previous configuration ensures that the server remains in a consistent and functioning state.

NOTE: You can specify the reconciliation configuration using the parameter data.reconciliation in config/keys/config.yaml file.

BMC reconciliation use cases


When you add a BMC in Resource Aggregator for ODIM and if its object is not present in BMC Operator, the reconciliation process automatically creates the BMC object in BMC Operator, when triggered.


When BMC object is present in BMC Operator and if the BMC is not added in Resource Aggregator for ODIM, the reconciliation process automatically adds the BMC in Resource Aggregator for ODIM, when triggered.

BIOS reconciliation use cases


In case of any BIOS configuration changes made in Resource Aggregator for ODIM, the same configuration changes are applied in BIOS object in the BMC Operator.


In case of a mismatch/change in BIOS configurations between the operator object and Resource Aggregator for ODIM, the changes in the operator must be applied on Resource Aggregator for ODIM.

Volume reconciliation use cases


In case of any volume configuration changes made in Resource Aggregator for ODIM, the same configuration changes are applied in volume object in the BMC Operator.


In case of a mismatch/change in volume configurations between the operator object and Resource Aggregator for ODIM, the changes in the operator must be applied on Resource Aggregator for ODIM.

Firmware reconciliation use cases


In case of any firmware configuration changes made in Resource Aggregator for ODIM, the same configuration changes are applied in firmware object in the BMC Operator.


In case of a mismatch/change in firmware configurations between the operator object and Resource Aggregator for ODIM, the changes in the operator must be applied on Resource Aggregator for ODIM.

Using APIs in BMC Operator

Besides the kubectl tool, you can also use APIs to perform the BMC Operator operations using curl commands. Curl is a command-line tool that helps you get or send information through URLs using supported protocols.

The BMC Operator APIs are designed as per DMTF's Redfish® Scalable Platforms API (Redfish) specification 1.15.1 and are Redfish-compliant. The Redfish® standard is a suite of specifications that deliver an industry standard protocol providing a RESTful interface for the simple and secure management of servers, storage, networking, multivendor, converged and hybrid IT infrastructure. Redfish uses JSON and OData.

For more information on using curl commands and APIs, see API usage and access guidelines section in Resource Aggregator for Open Distributed Infrastructure Management™ API Readme.


Run the following commands on the deployment node to get the data needed for authentication:

cat $HOME/.kube/config | yq  -r '.clusters[0].cluster.certificate-authority-data' | base64 -d >ca-cert.crt
cat $HOME/.kube/config | yq  -r '.users[0].user.client-key-data'   |base64 -d > key.crt
cat $HOME/.kube/config | yq  -r '.users[0].client-certificate-data'   |base64 -d > cert.crt

Sending API requests

To send API service requests to access any resource in BMC Operator, use the following syntax:

curl -k --key <key.file> --cert <cert.file> https://{api_server}/apis/{group}/{version}/namespaces/{namespace}/{plural form of resource}
Properties Description
{api_server} IP address and port of the cluster node, each separated by a colon.
For example:
{group} Group to which the BMC objects belong.
{version} API version of the objects.
{namespace} Namespace where the BMC Operator is installed.
{plural} Plural form of the resource.
For example: For bmc resource, it is bmcs.

NOTE: If you want to access APIs globally, you don't need to specify namespace in the curl commands.

Examples of API requests

Viewing the list of all BMC resources in a specific namespace

curl -k --cert cert.crt  --key key.crt

Sample response body

  "apiVersion": "",
  "items": [
      "apiVersion": "",
      "kind": "Bmc",
      "metadata": {
        "annotations": {
          "": "{\"apiVersion\":\"\",\"kind\":\"Bmc\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"name\":\"\",\"namespace\":\"server-op\"},\"spec\":{\"bmc\":{\"address\":\"\",\"connectionMethodVariant\":\"Compute:BasicAuth:ILO_v2.0.0\",\"powerState\":\"\",\"resetType\":\"\"},\"credentials\":{\"password\":\"*********\",\"username\":\"admin\"}}}\n",
          "old_password": "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"
        "creationTimestamp": "2023-07-12T12:15:27Z",
        "deletionGracePeriodSeconds": 0,
        "deletionTimestamp": "2023-07-13T07:08:55Z",
        "finalizers": [
        "generation": 3,
        "labels": {
          "firmwareVersion": "iLO-5-v2.70",
          "modelId": "ProLiant.DL360.Gen10",
          "name": "",
          "serialNo": "MXQ92104V7",
          "systemId": "07320501-c983-4768-8bd3-8752bf99f717.1",
          "vendor": "HPE"
        "managedFields": [
            "apiVersion": "",
            "fieldsType": "FieldsV1",
            "fieldsV1": {
              "f:metadata": {
                "f:annotations": {
                  ".": {},
                  "": {}
              "f:spec": {
                ".": {},
                "f:bmc": {
                  ".": {},
                  "f:address": {},
                  "f:connectionMethodVariant": {},
                  "f:powerState": {},
                  "f:resetType": {}
                "f:credentials": {
                  ".": {},
                  "f:username": {}
            "manager": "kubectl-client-side-apply",
            "operation": "Update",
            "time": "2023-07-12T12:15:27Z"
            "apiVersion": "",
            "fieldsType": "FieldsV1",
            "fieldsV1": {
              "f:status": {
                ".": {},
                "f:biosAttributeRegistry": {},
                "f:biosVersion": {},
                "f:bmcAddStatus": {},
                "f:bmcSystemId": {},
                "f:firmwareVersion": {},
                "f:modelID": {},
                "f:serialNumber": {},
                "f:storageControllers": {
                  ".": {},
                  "f:ArrayControllers-0": {
                    ".": {},
                    "f:drives": {
                      ".": {},
                      "f:0": {
                        ".": {},
                        "f:capacityBytes": {},
                        "f:usedInVolumes": {}
                      "f:1": {
                        ".": {},
                        "f:capacityBytes": {},
                        "f:usedInVolumes": {}
                      "f:2": {
                        ".": {},
                        "f:capacityBytes": {},
                        "f:usedInVolumes": {}
                      "f:3": {
                        ".": {},
                        "f:capacityBytes": {},
                        "f:usedInVolumes": {}
                      "f:4": {
                        ".": {},
                        "f:capacityBytes": {},
                        "f:usedInVolumes": {}
                    "f:supportedRAIDLevel": {}
                "f:systemReset": {},
                "f:vendorName": {}
            "manager": "main",
            "operation": "Update",
            "subresource": "status",
            "time": "2023-07-12T12:18:15Z"
            "apiVersion": "",
            "fieldsType": "FieldsV1",
            "fieldsV1": {
              "f:metadata": {
                "f:annotations": {
                  "f:old_password": {}
                "f:finalizers": {
                  ".": {},
                  "v:\"\"": {}
                "f:labels": {
                  ".": {},
                  "f:firmwareVersion": {},
                  "f:modelId": {},
                  "f:name": {},
                  "f:serialNo": {},
                  "f:systemId": {},
                  "f:vendor": {}
              "f:spec": {
                "f:credentials": {
                  "f:password": {}
            "manager": "main",
            "operation": "Update",
            "time": "2023-07-12T12:19:25Z"
        "name": "",
        "namespace": "server-op",
        "resourceVersion": "2750179",
        "uid": "7355b4ce-c729-4096-b0e9-a95e181f4016"
      "spec": {
        "bmc": {
          "address": "",
          "connectionMethodVariant": "Compute:BasicAuth:ILO_v2.0.0",
          "powerState": "",
          "resetType": ""
        "credentials": {
          "password": "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",
          "username": "admin"
      "status": {
        "biosAttributeRegistry": "BiosAttributeRegistryU32.v1_2_68",
        "biosVersion": "U32 v2.68 (07/14/2022)",
        "bmcAddStatus": "yes",
        "bmcSystemId": "07320501-c983-4768-8bd3-8752bf99f717.1",
        "firmwareVersion": "iLO 5 v2.70",
        "modelID": "ProLiant DL360 Gen10",
        "serialNumber": "MXQ92104V7",
        "storageControllers": {
          "ArrayControllers-0": {
            "drives": {
              "0": {
                "capacityBytes": "1200000000000.000000",
                "usedInVolumes": [
              "1": {
                "capacityBytes": "1200000000000.000000",
                "usedInVolumes": [
              "2": {
                "capacityBytes": "1200000000000.000000",
                "usedInVolumes": [
              "3": {
                "capacityBytes": "1200000000000.000000",
                "usedInVolumes": [
              "4": {
                "capacityBytes": "1200000000000.000000",
                "usedInVolumes": []
            "supportedRAIDLevel": [
        "systemReset": "",
        "vendorName": "HPE"
  "kind": "BmcList",
  "metadata": {
    "continue": "",
    "resourceVersion": "2773500"

Viewing individual BMC resources

curl -k --cert cert.crt  --key key.crt

Sample response body

  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "Bmc",
  "metadata": {
    "annotations": {
      "": "{\"apiVersion\":\"\",\"kind\":\"Bmc\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"name\":\"\",\"namespace\":\"server-op\"},\"spec\":{\"bmc\":{\"address\":\"\",\"connectionMethodVariant\":\"Compute:BasicAuth:ILO_v2.0.0\",\"powerState\":\"\",\"resetType\":\"\"},\"credentials\":{\"password\":\"*******\",\"username\":\"admin\"}}}\n",
      "old_password": "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"
    "creationTimestamp": "2023-07-12T12:15:27Z",
    "deletionGracePeriodSeconds": 0,
    "deletionTimestamp": "2023-07-13T07:08:55Z",
    "finalizers": [
    "generation": 3,
    "labels": {
      "firmwareVersion": "iLO-5-v2.70",
      "modelId": "ProLiant.DL360.Gen10",
      "name": "",
      "serialNo": "MXQ92104V7",
      "systemId": "07320501-c983-4768-8bd3-8752bf99f717.1",
      "vendor": "HPE"
    "managedFields": [
        "apiVersion": "",
        "fieldsType": "FieldsV1",
        "fieldsV1": {
          "f:metadata": {
            "f:annotations": {
              ".": {},
              "": {}
          "f:spec": {
            ".": {},
            "f:bmc": {
              ".": {},
              "f:address": {},
              "f:connectionMethodVariant": {},
              "f:powerState": {},
              "f:resetType": {}
            "f:credentials": {
              ".": {},
              "f:username": {}
        "manager": "kubectl-client-side-apply",
        "operation": "Update",
        "time": "2023-07-12T12:15:27Z"
        "apiVersion": "",
        "fieldsType": "FieldsV1",
        "fieldsV1": {
          "f:status": {
            ".": {},
            "f:biosAttributeRegistry": {},
            "f:biosVersion": {},
            "f:bmcAddStatus": {},
            "f:bmcSystemId": {},
            "f:firmwareVersion": {},
            "f:modelID": {},
            "f:serialNumber": {},
            "f:storageControllers": {
              ".": {},
              "f:ArrayControllers-0": {
                ".": {},
                "f:drives": {
                  ".": {},
                  "f:0": {
                    ".": {},
                    "f:capacityBytes": {},
                    "f:usedInVolumes": {}
                  "f:1": {
                    ".": {},
                    "f:capacityBytes": {},
                    "f:usedInVolumes": {}
                  "f:2": {
                    ".": {},
                    "f:capacityBytes": {},
                    "f:usedInVolumes": {}
                  "f:3": {
                    ".": {},
                    "f:capacityBytes": {},
                    "f:usedInVolumes": {}
                  "f:4": {
                    ".": {},
                    "f:capacityBytes": {},
                    "f:usedInVolumes": {}
                "f:supportedRAIDLevel": {}
            "f:systemReset": {},
            "f:vendorName": {}
        "manager": "main",
        "operation": "Update",
        "subresource": "status",
        "time": "2023-07-12T12:18:15Z"
        "apiVersion": "",
        "fieldsType": "FieldsV1",
        "fieldsV1": {
          "f:metadata": {
            "f:annotations": {
              "f:old_password": {}
            "f:finalizers": {
              ".": {},
              "v:\"\"": {}
            "f:labels": {
              ".": {},
              "f:firmwareVersion": {},
              "f:modelId": {},
              "f:name": {},
              "f:serialNo": {},
              "f:systemId": {},
              "f:vendor": {}
          "f:spec": {
            "f:credentials": {
              "f:password": {}
        "manager": "main",
        "operation": "Update",
        "time": "2023-07-12T12:19:25Z"
    "name": "",
    "namespace": "bmc-op",
    "resourceVersion": "2750179",
    "uid": "7355b4ce-c729-4096-b0e9-a95e181f4016"
  "spec": {
    "bmc": {
      "address": "",
      "connectionMethodVariant": "Compute:BasicAuth:ILO_v2.0.0",
      "powerState": "",
      "resetType": ""
    "credentials": {
      "password": "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",
      "username": "admin"
  "status": {
    "biosAttributeRegistry": "BiosAttributeRegistryU32.v1_2_68",
    "biosVersion": "U32 v2.68 (07/14/2022)",
    "bmcAddStatus": "yes",
    "bmcSystemId": "07320501-c983-4768-8bd3-8752bf99f717.1",
    "firmwareVersion": "iLO 5 v2.70",
    "modelID": "ProLiant DL360 Gen10",
    "serialNumber": "MXQ92104V7",
    "storageControllers": {
      "ArrayControllers-0": {
        "drives": {
          "0": {
            "capacityBytes": "1200000000000.000000",
            "usedInVolumes": [
          "1": {
            "capacityBytes": "1200000000000.000000",
            "usedInVolumes": [
          "2": {
            "capacityBytes": "1200000000000.000000",
            "usedInVolumes": [
          "3": {
            "capacityBytes": "1200000000000.000000",
            "usedInVolumes": [
          "4": {
            "capacityBytes": "1200000000000.000000",
            "usedInVolumes": []
        "supportedRAIDLevel": [
    "systemReset": "",
    "vendorName": "HPE"

Adding a BMC

curl -X POST \
   -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -k --cert cert.crt  --key key.crt \
   -d ' {
   "kind": "Bmc",
   "apiVersion": "",
   "metadata": {
     "name": "",
     "namespace": "bmc-op"
   "spec": {
     "bmc": {
       "address": "",
       "connectionMethodVariant": "Compute:BasicAuth:ILO_v2.0.0",
       "powerState": "",
       "resetType": ""
     "credentials": {
       "password": "********",
       "username": "administrator"

Sample response body

  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "Bmc",
  "metadata": {
    "creationTimestamp": "2023-07-13T07:20:05Z",
    "generation": 1,
    "managedFields": [
        "apiVersion": "",
        "fieldsType": "FieldsV1",
        "fieldsV1": {
          "f:spec": {
            ".": {},
            "f:bmc": {
              ".": {},
              "f:address": {},
              "f:connectionMethodVariant": {},
              "f:powerState": {},
              "f:resetType": {}
            "f:credentials": {
              ".": {},
              "f:password": {},
              "f:username": {}
        "manager": "curl",
        "operation": "Update",
        "time": "2023-07-13T07:20:05Z"
    "name": "",
    "namespace": "bmc-op",
    "resourceVersion": "2751199",
    "uid": "e321eec9-8346-48c5-aaa6-4a73fe6ea753"
  "spec": {
    "bmc": {
      "address": "",
      "connectionMethodVariant": "Compute:BasicAuth:ILO_v2.0.0",
      "powerState": "",
      "resetType": ""
    "credentials": {
      "password": "********",
      "username": "administrator"

Deleting a BMC

curl -kX  DELETE  --cert cert.crt  --key key.crt

Sample response body

  "kind": "Status",
  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "metadata": {},
  "status": "Success",
  "details": {
    "name": "",
    "group": "",
    "kind": "bmcs",
    "uid": "e321eec9-8346-48c5-aaa6-4a73fe6ea753"

NOTE: If you do not want to use -k in the API requests, get the cacert from the configuration file and run the following command:

curl    --cert cert.crt  --key key.crt --cacert ca.crt

Uninstalling BMC Operator

  1. Navigate to the BMCOperator directory:

    cd /home/{user}/BMCOperator
  2. Make sure you have deleted all bmc files you applied. See Deleting a BMC for instructions.

  3. Delete the Resource Aggregator for ODIM connection.

    kubectl delete -f bmc-templates/odim.yaml
  4. Undeploy the BMC Operator:

    make undeploy
  5. Delete PVC and PV:

    kubectl delete -f bmc-templates/pvs/bmc_pvc.yaml
    kubectl delete -f bmc-templates/pvs/bmc_pv.yaml

Contributing to the open source community

Welcome to the GitHub open source community for BMC Operator!

If you want to contribute to the project to make it better, your help is welcome and highly appreciated. Contribution is a great way of extending the understanding and value of open-source software and development models, towards a common goal. Apart from learning more about social coding on GitHub, new technologies and their ecosystems, you can keep the discussion forums active by sharing knowledge, asking right questions, finding information through effective collaborations as well as make constructive, helpful bug reports, feature requests, and the noblest of all contributions—a good, clean pull request (PR). All bugs or feature requests must be submitted through a PR to the development branch and are expected to have unit tests and/or integration tests with the PR.

Creating a PR

PREREQUISITE: Follow the project's contribution instructions, if any.

  1. Clone the project repository on your local machine.

  2. Pull the development branch updates into your local repository.

  3. Create a new branch from development to work on.

  4. Implement/fix your feature, comment your code.

  5. Follow the code style of the project, including indentation.

  6. If the project has tests, run them!

  7. Write or adapt tests as needed.

  8. Add or change the documentation as needed.

  9. Commit your changes.

  10. Create a PR in your branch. Target the project's development branch as the base branch.

  11. Once the pull request is approved and merged, pull the changes from development branch to your local repository.

    TIP: Write your commit messages in the present tense. Your commit message should describe what the commit is, when is it applied, and what it does to the code.

Filing BMC Operator defects

In case of any unforeseen issues you experience while deploying or using BMC Operator, log on to the following website and file your defect by clicking Create.

PREREQUISITE: You must have valid LFN Jira credentials to create defects.


The specification and code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, and is found in the LICENSE file of this repository.

Reference links

If you want to make your first contribution on GitHub, refer one of the following procedures:

Sample configuration files

This section comprises configuration files of the BMC Operator resources with sample values.

Sample BMC settings file

kind: BMC
  namespace: bmc-operator
    connectionMethodVariant: Compute:BasicAuth:ILO_v2.0.0
    powerState: On   #by default it will be null, we need to update k8 object for reset action
    resetType: On    #by default it will be null, we need to update k8 object for reset action
    username: bmc_user
    password: ************

Sample BIOS settings file

kind: BiosSetting
  namespace: bmc-operator
  systemID: d48cf31a-7c6e-4990-a9fc-439dc2e0ca1e.1
  serialNumber: 2M2129034R  	# Specify any one of the values - bmcName, systemID, or serialNumber
        BootMode: "LegacyBios" 
        AcpiHpet: "Enabled" 

Sample boot order settings file

kind: BootOrderSettings
  namespace: bmc-operator   
       systemID: d48cf31b-7c6e-4990-a9fc-439dc2e0ca1e.1
       serialNumber: 2M2129034R  
       bootOrder: ["Usb","Hdd","Cd","Pxe"]
       bootSourceOverrideTarget: "Hdd"
       uefiTargetBootSourceOverride: "None"
       bootSourceOverrideEnabled: "Once"

NOTE: Specifying any one of the values bmcName, systemID, or serialNumber is mandatory.

Sample volume file

kind: Volume
  namespace: bmc-operator
  storageControllerID: ArrayControllers-0
  drives: [1]

Sample firmware file

kind: Firmware
  namespace: bmc-operator 
     imageLocation: ""
      username: bmc_user
      password: ************

Sample event subscription file

kind: Eventsubscription
  name: bmc_name
  namespace: bmc-operator
  name: event-sub-client
  destination: '{port}/Destination'
  - Alert
  - ResourceAdded
  - ResourceRemoved
  - ResourceUpdated
  - ComputerSystem
  context: ODIMRA_Event
  eventFormatType: Event
  subordinateResources: true
    - 'Bmc/'
    - 'BiosSetting/'

Sample output properties

This section describes important properties, mainly the ones in the status property of the sample output files.

BMC addition output

Parameter Description
old_password Stores the current working password.
labels Key value pairs for bmc object to filter out the object
biosAttributeRegistry Name of the BIOS schema registry.
biosVersion Current BIOS version.
bmcAddStatus Status message of whether the BMC object is added or not. Values are yes and no.
bmcSystemId System ID of the BMC system.
firmwareVersion Current firmware version.
modelID Model ID of the BMC server.
serialNumber Serial number of the system.
storageControllers Details of array controllers and supported RAID level.
systemReset Status message of whether the system has been reset or not.
vendorName Name of the vendor of the server.

Boot order settings output

Parameter Description
boot.bootOrder You can change the boot order in the array.
For example: In ["Cd", "Usb", "Hdd", "Pxe"], you can re-arrange the boot order values as required.
bootSourceOverrideEnabled You can enable or disable the state of the boot source override feature. Values are Enabled orDisabled.
bootSourceOverrideMode The BIOS boot mode you want to use when the system boots. Values of the modes of BIOS boot source override feature are Legacy or UEFI.
bootSourceOverrideTarget The current boot source to use at the next boot instead of the normal boot device, if BootSourceOverrideEnabled is Enabled.
bootSourceOverrideTarget.AllowableValues The @redfish.AllowableValues annotation specifies the valid values for this property. UefiTarget indicates to boot from the UEFI device path found in UefiTargetBootSourceOverride. UefiBootNext indicates to boot from the UEFI BootOptionReference.

Volume addition output

Parameter Description
Identifiers Can include array of objects such as DurableName, DurableNameFormat and so on.
RAIDType Duplication mechanism of storing data to protect data in the case of a drive failure.
capacityBytes Volume capacity in bytes.
drives Links to all the drives.
storageControllerID Storage controller ID.
volumeID ID of the volume added.
volumeName Name of the volume added.

The values of these parameters are picked from the Resource Aggregator for ODIM responses and are displayed here.

Firmware operation output

Parameter Description
firmwareVersion Current firmware version.
imagePath Path of the firmware image.
status Status of the operation whether it was a success or failure.

Event subscription output

Parameter Description
eventSubscriptionID ID of the event subscription.
name Name of the subscription.
context A string that is stored with the event destination subscription.
destination The URL of the destination event listener that is listening to events.
protocol The protocol type of the event connection.
eventTypes The types of events that are received on the destination.
messageIDs The key used to find the message in a Message Registry.
subscriptionType Subscription type for events.
resourceTypes The list of resource type values that correspond to the OriginResources.
originResources Resources for which the event listener will receive related events

Troubleshooting BMC Operator issues

This section helps you troubleshoot any common issues you might experience while deploying and using BMC Operator. Troubleshooting information is listed in the form of Questions and Answers. You can also find answers to some of the Frequently Asked Questions related to BMC Operator.

Questions and the associated error messages are in bold font. Solutions, workarounds and answers are in regular font.

1. Undeployment of the BMC Operator fails. Running the make undeploy command freezes your system.


You experience this issue if you do not delete the BMC prior to undeploying it. Delete the BMC by running the following command:

kubectl delete -f bmc-templates/bmc.yaml

Additional information:

The BMC added through API request cannot be deleted because the operator will not have its details. You get the following message:

Bmc already Added!!

In such instances, force delete the BMC by performing the following tasks:

  1. Edit the bmc object and remove finalizer.

    kubectl edit bmc -n{namespace} {bmc_object_name}
  2. Delete the following lines:

  3. Delete the bmc.yaml file.

    kubectl delete -f bmc-templates/bmc.yaml

    BMC object is deleted and you can undeploy it.

2. Applying boot order settings operation crashes and I get the following log:

<14>1 2023-08-25T02:18:42Z  mas22  bmc-operator  bmc-opcontroller-manager-659b59dd47-ltknx_7  BootOrderSettings [process@1 processName="bmc-opcontroller-manager-659b59dd47-ltknx" transactionID="e4dbc641-8872-420a-8239-ed793c285ac8" actionID="003" actionName="BootOrderSettings" threadID="0" threadName="bmc-operator"] Creating new rest client for ODIM
<14>1 2023-08-25T02:18:42Z  mas22  bmc-operator  bmc-opcontroller-manager-659b59dd47-ltknx_7  BootOrderSettings [process@1 processName="bmc-opcontroller-manager-659b59dd47-ltknx" transactionID="e4dbc641-8872-420a-8239-ed793c285ac8" actionID="003" actionName="BootOrderSettings" threadID="0" threadName="bmc-operator"] Set boot order settings for BMC
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x20 pc=0x1336844]

goroutine 445 [running]:*bootUtils).UpdateBootDetails(0xc0009cfc30, {0x1b11c98, 0xc00096b6b0}, {0xc0000437d0, 0x26}, {0x0, 0x0}, 0xc0004e83c0, 0x0)
        /bmc-operator/controllers/boot/bootordersettings_controller.go:188 +0x5a4*bootUtils).updateBootSettings(0xc0009cfc30)
        /BMCOperator/controllers/boot/bootordersettings_controller.go:121 +0x245*BootOrderSettingsReconciler).Reconcile(0xc0005fa2a0, {0x1b11c98, 0xc00096b590}, {{{0xc00047b690?, 0x17903c0?}, {0xc00047b680?, 0x30?}}})
        /BMCOperator/controllers/boot/bootordersettings_controller.go:87 +0x525*Controller).Reconcile(0xc0001b5130, {0x1b11c98, 0xc00096b560}, {{{0xc00047b690?, 0x17903c0?}, {0xc00047b680?, 0x4045d4?}}})
        /go/pkg/mod/ +0x28b*Controller).reconcileHandler(0xc0001b5130, {0x1b11bf0, 0xc0004fc100}, {0x16c62e0?, 0xc000138e20?})
        /go/pkg/mod/ +0x352*Controller).processNextWorkItem(0xc0001b5130, {0x1b11bf0, 0xc0004fc100})
        /go/pkg/mod/ +0x1d9*Controller).Start.func2.2()
        /go/pkg/mod/ +0x85
created by*Controller).Start.func2
        /go/pkg/mod/ +0x31c


You experience this issue if the bmcName property in boot.yaml file is blank. Specify a value for the bmcName property, because it is mandatory.