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This repository consists of Terraform module for EKS cluster in AWS.

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Opstree Solutions
Opstree Solutions

  • This terraform module will create a EKS Cluster.
  • This projecct is a part of opstree's ot-aws initiative for terraform modules.


provider "aws" {
  profile = "default"
  region  = "ap-south-1"

locals {
  worker_group1_tags = { "name" : "worker01" }
  worker_group2_tags = { "name" : "worker02" }

module "petpark_eks_cluster" {
  source                 = "../eks"
  cluster_name           = var.cluster_name
  eks_cluster_version    = "1.16"
  subnets                = ["subnet-057a78d8", "subnet-0ac0f6a"]
  tags                   = local.common_tags
  kubeconfig_name        = "config"
  config_output_path     = "config"
  eks_node_group_name    = "test-eks-cluster"
  region                 = "ap-south-1"
  create_node_group      = true
  endpoint_private       = false
  endpoint_public        = true
  vpc_id                 = "vpc-077a88f"
  slackUrl               = "slack_webhook_url"
  node_groups = {
    "worker1" = {
      subnets            = ["privtesubnet_id_1", "privatesubnet_id_2"]
      ssh_key            = var.ssh_key
      security_group_ids = [var.node_sg]
      instance_type      = ["m5a.2xlarge"]
      desired_capacity   = 6
      disk_size          = 100
      max_capacity       = 15
      min_capacity       = 2
      capacity_type      = "ON_DEMAND"
      ami_type           = "AL2_x86_64_GPU"
      tags               = merge(local.common_tags, local.worker_group1_tags)
      labels             = { "node_group" : "worker1" }
    "worker2" = {
      subnets            = ["privtesubnet_id_1", "privatesubnet_id_2"]
      ssh_key            = var.ssh_key
      security_group_ids = [var.node_sg]
      instance_type      = ["m5a.2xlarge"]
      desired_capacity   = 6
      disk_size          = 100
      max_capacity       = 15
      min_capacity       = 2
      capacity_type      = "SPOT"
      ami_type           = "AL2_x86_64"
      tags               = merge(local.common_tags, local.worker_group1_tags)
      labels             = { "node_group" : "worker2" }
$   cat
output "endpoint" {
  value = aws_eks_cluster.eks_cluster.endpoint

output "node_iam_role_arn" {
  value = aws_iam_role.node_group_role.arn

output "kubeconfig-certificate-authority-data" {
  value =

output "eks_cluster_id" {
  value =

output "eks_cluster_arn" {
  value = aws_eks_cluster.eks_cluster.arn


Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_name Name of Your Cluster. string null yes
vpc_subnet A list of subnet IDs to launch resources in. List null yes
eks_cluster_version Define Kubernetes Version to install. string null yes
eks_cluster_tag eks Cluster Tag. map(string) null yes
node_group_name node group name to attach in EKS. string null yes
instance_type Define Instance type ie. "t2.medium". lint(string) null yes
disk_size Define Disk size of nodes. number null yes
scale_min_size Define minimum nodes scaling. number null yes
scale_desired_size Define Desire nodes. number null yes
ssh_key Define ssh key. string null yes
ami_type Define ami type of worker node. string null yes
security_group_ids ssh security group id for ssh. string null yes
kubeconfig_name name for kube config file. string null yes
config_output_path path to store kubeconfig file string null yes
region define region string null yes
endpoint_private define endpoint private boolean null yes
endpoint_public define endpoint public boolean null yes
create_node_group create node groups boolean yes yes
capacity_type define capacity type like ON_DEMAND or SPOT string null yes
metrics_server if you want to install materics server in eks cluster boolean yes no
k8s-spot-termination-handler if you want to install k8s-spot-termination-handler in eks cluster boolean yes no
cluster_autoscaler if you want to install cluster_autoscaler in eks cluster boolean yes no
slackUrl notification for instance termination boolean yes no


Name Description
endpoint Endpoint of EKS cluster
node_iam_role_arn EKS node group default arn
kubeconfig-certificate-authority-data eks certificate
eks_cluster_id Eks cluster id
eks_cluster_arn EKS cluster arn eks_cluster_arn

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  • network_skeleton - Terraform module for providing a general purpose Networking solution
  • security_group - Terraform module for creating dynamic Security groups
  • HA_ec2_ALB - Terraform module will create a Highly available setup of an EC2 instance with quick disater recovery.
  • rds - Terraform module for creating Relation Datbase service.
  • HA_ec2 - Terraform module for creating a Highly available setup of an EC2 instance with quick disater recovery.
  • rolling_deployment - This terraform module will orchestrate rolling deployment.



This repository consists of Terraform module for EKS cluster in AWS.







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