RT90, SWEREF99 and WGS84 coordinate transformation library
This library is a Swift port of the Java library by Mathias Åhsberg. calculations are based entirely on the excellent javscript library by Arnold Andreassons.
Source: http://www.lantmateriet.se/geodesi/
Source: Arnold Andreasson, 2007. http://mellifica.se/konsult
Source: Björn Sållarp. 2009. http://blog.sallarp.com
Source: Mathias Åhsberg, 2009. http://github.com/goober/
Include the coordinate transformation package in your project's Package.swift
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "Project",
dependencies: [
.package (url: "https://github.com/Oops-AB/CoordinateTransformationLibrary.git", from: "1.0.0"),
targets: [ ... ]
Import the coordinate transformation package:
import CoordinateTransformationLibrary
Create a position:
let position = RT90Position (x: 6583052, y: 1627548)
Convert to another kind of coordinates:
let wgsPos = position.toWGS84()
print ("latitude = \(wgsPos.latitude), longitude = \(wgsPos.longitude)")