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Ugwisha is the descendent of Ugwita and aims to simply be more visually appealing and have more functionality than Ugwita (though still less than UGWA); one of the major complaints about Ugwita is its ugliness (it seems most people judge apps by their appearance).

Feel free to fork this repository and make your own app; just credit me somewhere.


Ugwisha can be used for a different school. Before loading ugwisha.js, run some JavaScript that defines a global JS object window.ugwishaOptions that sets some parameters for Ugwisha. You can see what options you need to specify for Ugwisha in js/ugwisha-options.js and how they are used in js/gunn.js.


While developing, you can use http-server to locally host Ugwisha. Like UGWA, Ugwisha's source code works directly in the browser; open http://localhost:8080/ugwisha/src.html?no-sw to test Ugwisha while modifying its code.

When you're done, bundle everything together by doing

npm run build

It outputs a version number which you can use for psa.html to avoid showing the PSA before the user receives the update.


Ugwisha currently supports:

  • features all Gunn apps have:
    • working offline
    • time until next period in tab title
    • alternate schedules
    • previewing other days
  • UGWA features:
    • custom period names and colours
    • PSA system
    • optional SELF
    • week previews
    • events
    • barcode generator
    • proper date selector
    • proper colour picker
    • club and staff lists
  • Ugwita features
    • automatically change date when there's a new day
    • linking to dates by URL: ?day=yyyy-mm-dd
  • unique features:
    • better design than Ugwita
    • nature, custom, or gradient backgrounds that work offline
    • time until next period in favicon (so Ugwisha can be pinned)
    • split double flex
    • remove passing periods from brunch/lunch
    • randomly selected sheep doodles

Perhaps Ugwisha may also support:

  • period descriptions
  • zero, H, and staff periods support
  • weather
  • campus map

Etymology of "Ugwisha"

Ugwisha (/uˈɡwɪʃa/ or /uˈɡwiʃa/) is a portmanteau of Ugwita (Ugwa—an alternative letter case form of UGWA, which stands for Unofficial Gunn Web App—with the Spanish feminine diminutive -ita) and -ish because of how Ugwisha is not as functional... ish.