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Oxford wearable camera browser

A wearable camera image browser & annotation tool. If you find this tool helpful, please use the following citations:

Willetts, Hollowell, Aslett, Holmes, & Doherty. Statistical machine learning of sleep and physical activity phenotypes from sensor data in 96,609 UK Biobank participants. bioRxiv 187625 (2017). doi:10.1101/187625

Doherty, Moulin, & Smeaton (2011) Automatically Assisting Human Memory: A SenseCam Browser. Memory: Special Issue on SenseCam: The Future of Everyday Research? Taylor and Francis, 19(7), 785-795


See a demo video


THE SOFTWARE IS INTENDED FOR USE BY ACADEMICS CARRYING OUT RESEARCH AND NOT FOR USE BY CONSUMERS OR COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES see academic use licence file. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Oxford University Innovation Limited to negotiate a licence. Contact details are

This project relies on Electron and Node.js, so first you need to install npm (node pacakage manager). Then proceed as follows:

# 1. Download/clone this git repo
git clone

# 2. Install npm package dependencies
npm install

# 3. Open/run browser
npm start

For those less familiar with command line operations, here are Apple OSX step-by-step installation guidelines by Andrea Spray (LSHTM).

Root folder

When running the browser for the first time, it will create the following folder structure in your root directory (in Mac, this would be /Users/{your_user_name}).


Adding data from a new participant

Your study should have data stored as follows:


If you don't see the folders medium and thumbnail in the individual participant image folders, it means your images have not yet been resized. If your images aren't already resized, look at the utilities folder for the script to resize images before loading them into the browser.

Please go to this page with further information on file input.

Selecting schema

A schema is simply a list of different labels used to annotate your images. The browser comes with two schemas we have used with wearable camera images, one contains only 7 classes & an 'unknown' class, the second is a more detailed schema based on the Compendium of Physical Activities for which exact energy expenditure values are known.

To use any schema, move the schema csv file to your root/OxfordImageBrowser/schema directory.

In your browser, to select a schema simply press the book button and choose an option from below. Each participant can have seperate annotations using different schemas. E.g. for studying how being outdoors affects activity you could have one schema for 'primary activity', another for 'secondary activity' and a third one for 'indoor/outdoor'.

Annotating images

Images are split up into events, which can then be annotated. To split an event into two, click on the line between two images as below: splitting

This split is where I think the participant has started locking up their bike. split

To move event boundaries, click and drag the circles. To delete an event simply drag another event over it.

Depending on the schema you have selected, you should see different annotations in the side-bar. Dragging these onto an event will annotate it. Your annotations are automatically saved to a file, so it is safe to close the browser or change schema, they will be there when you re-select the same schema.


  • Press Ctrl+E to zoom in
  • Press Ctrl+Z to zoom out

Exporting annotations

Annotations can be downloaded as a .csv file by pressing the 'downward-arrow' button. The file will have 3 columns as shown below. annotation.csv

All the annotations are stored in the 'annotations' folder. The files are not large so this folder can be copied if you want to back up your work. If you want to restore a specific one e.g. annotations for 'sven' using the 7-class.csv schema, then copy the file /annotation/sven/annotation_7-class.csv (while the browser is closed).

Custom schemas

The browser comes with two schema .csv files, which can be modified, copied or deleted. They can be seen in the 'schema' folder and opened with notepad. The annotations are simply one annotation per-line, e.g. to add a new 'walking' annotation simply add a line with 'walking'. If you wish to define your own schema simply copy one of the existing ones, and add/remove rows as you see fit. You can use either a text editor (Notepad), or Excel. If using Excel make sure to save as .csv filetype, as .xls files will not be recognised.

Excel may warn you when saving a .csv file, ignore these messages (select yes). excel warning

Special characters

Semicolons (;) are use to define folders, e.g.


folder structure

Training new researchers

To assess the performance of new researchers learning to annotate wearable camera data, we have 9 participants with reference annotations in Oxford. The reference annotations are in training/ and ask Aiden for help to locate the image datasets on Oxford servers. This document gives a good overview of the schedule and protocols for trainees. To assess the performance of a trainee then run:

python /..path../newAnnotations.csv training/train1-ref.csv training/train1-fileList.txt

# input:
#   positional arguments:
#  annotationsCsv     csv file of annotations to score
#  refAnnotationsCsv  csv file of reference annotations
#  fileListTxt        txt file listing images that were to be annotated

# output:
#   /..path../newAnnotations-feedback.html: html summary page with kappa score, confusion table, and episodes to review


To work on this project git clone this repository and use the npm start command to run a test instance, the program will automatically reboot after any changes to source code. Most application logic is in /static/main.html, except image resizing and schema parsing which live in /image_resize.js and /schema.js. Once built there are no external dependencies, however development requires node.js and npm installed. Run npm install to install required modules. This program is written in Electron, so a good read of their docs is recommended.

To build a distributable program for your OS run npm run-script build. This will generate e.g. OxfordImageBrowser-win32-x64 (if you are on 64-bit windows).

Special errors

We don't want anyone to lose their work, so if the annotation file fails to save (for whatever reason; hard drive failiure, networked drive cutting out, or someone renamed the annotation folder), we warn them and backup the work. We turn the background orange and save a copy of the current annotations to the root folder... if that save also doesn't work then we turn the background red! The annotation file will appear at the side so you can copy paste it and save it yourself.

To restore the backup you should go into the annotation folder, then go into the participant folder. Start annotating again to generate a new annotation file (.csv) and then close the browser, open the .csv in notepad, copy in your backup, and save and close.. now when you start the browser the data should be restored.

To package into a Mac app

Install Node.js and electron prebuilt. To do the latter, run

sudo npm install -g electron

2. Install npm package dependencies (this creates a 'node_modules' dir )

npm install

3. Package into Mac app (this creates app in a 'release-builds' dir)

electron-packager . --overwrite --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --icon=assets/icons/mac/art.icns --prune=true --out=release-builds

Academic Use Licence

**These licence terms apply to all licences granted by THE CHANCELLOR, MASTERS AND SCHOLARS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD whose administrative offices are at University Offices, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD, United Kingdom (the “University”) for use of “Oxford wearable camera browser” (“the Software”) through this website ( (the ”Website”).

By downloading the Software through the Website, you (the “Licensee”) are confirming that you agree that your use of the Software is subject to these licence terms**



1. Academic Use Licence
1.1 The Licensee is granted a limited non-exclusive and non-transferable royalty free licence to download and use the Software provided that the Licensee will:

  • (a) limit their use of the Software to their own internal academic non-commercial research which is undertaken for the purposes of education or other scholarly use;
  • (b) not use the Software for or on behalf of any third party or to provide a service or integrate all or part of the Software into a product for sale or license to third parties;
  • (c) use the Software in accordance with the prevailing instructions and guidance for use given on the Website and comply with procedures on the Website for user identification, authentication and access;
  • (d) comply with all applicable laws and regulations with respect to their use of the Software; and
  • (e) ensure that the Copyright Notice “Copyright © 2022, University of Oxford” appears prominently wherever the Software is reproduced and is referenced or cited with the Copyright Notice when the Software is described in any research publication or on any documents or other material created using the Software.

1.2 The Licensee may only reproduce, modify, transmit or transfer the Software where:

  • (a) such reproduction, modification, transmission or transfer is for academic, research or other scholarly use;
  • (b) the conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the Software or any modified Software;
  • (c) all original and modified Source Code is included in any transmitted software program; and
  • (d) the Licensee grants the University an irrevocable, indefinite, royalty free, non-exclusive unlimited licence to use and sub-licence any modified Source Code as part of the Software.

1.3 The University reserves the right at any time and without liability or prior notice to the Licensee to revise, modify and replace the functionality and performance of the access to and operation of the Software.

1.4 The Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the University owns all intellectual property rights in the Software. The Licensee shall not have any right, title or interest in the Software.

1.5 This Licence will terminate immediately and the Licensee will no longer have any right to use the Software or exercise any of the rights granted to the Licensee upon any breach of the conditions in Section 1 of this Licence.

2. Indemnity and Liability
2.1 The Licensee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the University against any claims, actions, proceedings, losses, damages, expenses and costs (including without limitation court costs and reasonable legal fees) arising out of or in connection with the Licensee's possession or use of the Software, or any breach of these terms by the Licensee.

2.2 The Software is provided on an ‘as is’ basis and the Licensee uses the Software at their own risk. No representations, conditions, warranties or other terms of any kind are given in respect of the the Software and all statutory warranties and conditions are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Without affecting the generality of the previous sentences, the University gives no implied or express warranty and makes no representation that the Software or any part of the Software: (a) will enable specific results to be obtained; or (b) meets a particular specification or is comprehensive within its field or that it is error free or will operate without interruption; or (c) is suitable for any particular, or the Licensee's specific purposes.

2.3 Except in relation to fraud, death or personal injury, the University's liability to the Licensee for any use of the Software, in negligence or arising in any other way out of the subject matter of these licence terms, will not extend to any incidental or consequential damages or losses, or any loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss of data, loss of contracts or opportunity, whether direct or indirect.

2.4 The Licensee hereby irrevocably undertakes to the University not to make any claim against any employee, student, researcher or other individual engaged by the University, being a claim which seeks to enforce against any of them any liability whatsoever in connection with these licence terms or their subject-matter.

3. General
3.1 Severability - If any provision (or part of a provision) of these licence terms is found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal, the other provisions shall remain in force.
3.2 Entire Agreement - These licence terms constitute the whole agreement between the parties and supersede any previous arrangement, understanding or agreement between them relating to the Software.
3.3 Law and Jurisdiction - These licence terms and any disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with them shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law of England. The Licensee irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts for any dispute or claim that arises out of or in connection with these licence terms.

If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Oxford University Innovation Limited to negotiate a licence. Contact details are


Browse and annotate wearable camera images in health studies







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Contributors 4
