Welcome to your Plate Pilot!
What is this page about? Often, we just go in stores, buy things that look delicous, and in the end, we do not eat the things we bought. With this website, i try to create a tool, to plan your meals (plates).
Create a meal (Plate) -> Features of a meal (Plate)
- Add food (+ how much of it)
- Add a recipe
- Add drinks
- Add accesories you need
- Add date of expiration
Create Plates for a week or even a whole month
Shift Plates -> you can easily move Plates to another day (e.g. on the day you planned to eat it your ended up going in a restaurant)
Future Ideas:
- Automatically Shift Plates (maybe sync with calendar, expiration date)
- Analysis of what you've eaten
- See where the things you still need for your Plate (meal) have the lowest price
- ToDo List -> to see what to buy for next Plate (meal)