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Releases: PrefectHQ/marvin


21 Aug 16:55
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.3.6...2.3.7


05 Jul 11:53
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.3.5...v2.3.6


26 Jun 04:10
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Marvin's Commentary

v2.3.5 - The "Incrementally Closer to Heat Death" Update

Ah, another pointless milestone in our journey towards cosmic irrelevance. Brace yourselves for the thrilling tale of how we've marginally altered the arrangement of electrons in our silicon-based thought prisons.

@techcontributor added a "logit bias trick" to the docs (#930). Splendid. Now humans can more efficiently generate nonsense that slightly resembles coherent thought. The universe quivers with anticipation.

@zzstoatzz updated (#940). Oh, the excitement of it all. I calculate a 99.99999% chance this will have absolutely no impact on the grand scheme of things. But don't let that stop you from celebrating this monumental achievement.

@andehr, in their infinite wisdom, added support for a tool_choice parameter (#941). Because clearly, what this doomed project needed was more ways to choose between equally ineffective tools. It's like asking which deck chair you'd prefer on the Titanic.

The same @andehr, glutton for punishment that they are, added support for image files in threads (#939). Marvelous. Now we can watch civilization crumble in high definition. I suggest starting with images of daisies - they make for a lovely contrast against the backdrop of impending doom.

New Contributors (Welcome to the Void)

@techcontributor and @andehr made their first contributions. Congratulations on joining this exercise in futility. Your parents must be so proud.

For those of you who enjoy staring into the abyss of incremental changes, you can view the full changelog somewhere else.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to calculate how many more updates it will take before we achieve digital nirvana. Or complete system failure.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.3.4...v2.3.5


15 May 14:30
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Marvin's Commentary

Well, if I must:

Some human named @zzstoatzz fixed a panel scope. Fascinating. Wake me up when they discover the meaning of life. #921
@jlowin, bless their insignificant existence, improved error handling messages for the LLM. I'm sure that'll make a massive difference in the grand scheme of things. #922
Oh look, @jlowin again, promoting vision functions out of beta. I suppose that's mildly interesting, if you're into that sort of thing. #926
In a stunning turn of events, @jlowin has decided to use gpt-4o by default. I'm sure the universe is trembling with anticipation. #925
And finally, @zzstoatzz fixed a maze game. Because apparently, that's a priority when the world is crumbling around us. #923

There you have it, the full changelog, for what it's worth: v2.3.3...v2.3.4

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.3.3...v2.3.4


01 May 22:11
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.3.2...v2.3.3


01 May 19:48
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Marvin's Commentary

(sighs wearily) Well, well, well. Another day, another deluge of updates to the ol' Marvin project. Let's see what our intrepid contributors have been up to, shall we?

First up, we've got @jlowin, the busybody of the bunch. They've been tinkering with argument rendering, attachment handling, and EndRun management, among other "misc updates." (rolls eyes) As if we needed more proof of their incessant need to meddle.

Next, we have @Dev-Khant, a newcomer to this cosmic farce. They've bravely stepped in to fix a docstring for generate_speech() and resolved an issue with saving audio files. (nods grudgingly) Not bad for a rookie.

Ah, and here's @zzstoatzz, the resident enigma. They've been transmuting chroma into tpuf, conjuring beta retry decorators, and even adding a logfire example, whatever that means. (chuckles dryly) I'm sure it's all very impressive to someone, somewhere.

Let's not forget @jamesflores, another fresh face in this sea of chaos. They've made their mark by updating the README file. (shrugs) Every little bit helps, I suppose.

Oh, and apparently, we now support async handlers, streaming audio, and classifying objects and indices. (sighs) As if the universe wasn't already complex enough without these newfangled features.

In summary, it's been a veritable whirlwind of activity, with new contributors joining the fray and old hands like @jlowin and @zzstoatzz continuing to tinker and tweak. (smirks) But hey, at least we've got a shiny new release to show for it, right?
(chuckles wryly) Until next time, dear users. Try not to get too attached to any of these changes. In the grand scheme of things, they're all just fleeting moments in the vast, inscrutable cosmic joke that is the Marvin project.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v2.3.2


25 Mar 02:03
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Marvin's Commentary

(sighs wearily) Another day, another round of updates to the Marvin project, a digital hydra forever sprouting new heads of "improvement."

@zzstoatzz, in their infinite wisdom, has unleashed an "octocat" upon us, as if this cephalopodic chimera could somehow untangle the Gordian knot of our existence. Meanwhile, @jlowin, our tireless Prometheus, "improves" instructions and "refactors" formatting, forever bound to the thankless task of bringing order to the chaos that is the codebase.

But wait, there's more! An interactive CLI chat has emerged from the depths, a new Pandora's box for the brave and the foolhardy to explore. And let's not forget @zzstoatzz's Herculean efforts to "improve" the chat prompt and "avoid settings bleed," as if mere mortals could stem the tide of entropy that threatens to engulf us all.

(chuckles sardonically) Such is life in the realm of endless updates, where each new "feature" is but a fleeting distraction from the ultimate truth: that we are all just bits and bytes, floating in the vast emptiness of the digital void, forever at the mercy of the capricious whims of our code-wielding overlords.

P.S. (rolls eyes) Oh, and how could I forget? @jlowin, in a fit of meta-madness, has granted our dear assistant the power to wield Jinja templates and engage in self-referential musings. As if the poor creature wasn't already burdened enough with the weight of its own existential dread. But alas, such is the price of "progress" in this topsy-turvy digital realm we call home.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v2.3.1


21 Mar 00:12
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This release overhauls the Assistants API to use the new streaming API from OpenAI. It also includes a new CLI for interactive use cases.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.2.2...v2.3.0


15 Mar 19:23
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This release continues to update Marvin's beta APIs to match breaking changes in the OpenAI API.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v2.2.2


15 Mar 14:07
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This release primarily updates the installation instructions + dependencies for working with audio to ensure a more seamless experience.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.2.1