A bootstrap SDL2 project for the gcw0 using cmake
This bootstrap project is inspired from the Solarus Engine repository: https://github.com/christopho/solarus
I use the exact same structure for cmake + some bash scripts to automate the build
Write your project name in the following locations
- CMakeLists.txt: line 2, replace PROJECT by your project name
- cmake/gcw-zero/opk-data/default.gcw0.desktop: line 2 and 5, replace Project by your project name (Exec is the executable name, lowercase)
- Replace cmake/gcw-zero/opk-data/image.png with your game logo
- Make sure your GCW0 is accessible from your computer (with a ping or something)
- Run ./build-gcw.sh PROJECT_NAME GCW0_IP (sample: ./build-gcw.sh ikaruga
- Launch the application on the GCW0 You can find the generated opk into the build_gcw0 folder
You can find the various build steps for the gcw0 (from cmake to generating opk) in the build-gcw.sh file.
If you just want to compile the binary and not package the game, run
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=cmake/gcw-zero/gcw-zero.cmake .