languageserver v0.3.11
Closed issues:
- documentation only loaded for packages named in a library() call, not with p_load() (#257)
- Minimal {styler} version requirement (#457)
- If load package via pacman::p_load(), the autocompletion will be not able to work well (#426)
- If I wrap library call in suppressPackageStartUpLanguages, autocompletion won't work (#451)
- Handle
(#446) - Environment variable LANG (#435)
- Support lambda as function (#427)
- Support pipe operator in onTypeFormatting (#430)
- Exclusions in .lintr not working (#282)
- Packages not loaded prior to linting with coc-r-lsp (#238)
- Provide diagnostics on non-installed packages (#80)
Merged pull requests:
- bump to 0.3.11 (#459)
- Require styler >= 1.5.1 (#458)
- Support unscoped functions and library functions (#452)
- Handle
(#447) - Add code action to disable linters (#408)
- Improve handling configuration settings (#439)
- check if lintr is new enough (#437)
- Use lint text if supported (#284)
- output text as is (#436)
- consolidate github action jobs (#434)
- Lambda support (#428)
- Use a function call as the completer in on-type-formatting (#431)
- support trace in InitializeParams (#423)
- bump to 0.3.10 (#409)
- definition fix (#419)