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OSCAT BASIC GeometricFunctions

Thomas Storek edited this page Apr 11, 2018 · 3 revisions

10. Geometric Functions

10.1. CIRCLE_A

Type Function
Input RX: REAL (circle radius)
RX: REAL (circle radius)
Output REAL (area of circle segment)
CIRCLE_A calculates the area of a circle segment with the angle AX and ra-
dius RX. If the angle is set AX = 360 so the circle area is calculated.

10.2. CIRCLE_C

Type Function
Input RX: REAL (circle radius)
RX: REAL (circle radius)
Output REAL (arc length or circumference)
CIRCLE_C calculates the arc length of an arc with the angle AX and radius
RX. If the angle is set AX = 360 so the circumference is calculated.


Type Function: REAL
Input RX: REAL(Circle radius)
HX: REAL (Height of Sektantlinie)
Output Real: (Area of segment)
CIRCLE_SEG calculates the area of a
circle segment is enclosed by a Sektantli-
nie and the circle.

10.4. CONE_V

Type Function
Input RX: REAL (radius of base)
HX: REAL (height of cone)
Output REAL (volume of the cone)
KONE_V calculated the volume of a cone with the radius RX and height HX.


Type Function
Input R1: REAL (radius 1)
R2: REAL (radius 2)
Output REAL (area of the ellipse)
ELLIPSE_A calculates the area of an ellipse that is defned by the radii R1
and R2.


Type Function
Input R1: REAL (radius 1)
R2: REAL (radius 2)
Output REAL (circumference of the ellipse)
ELLIPSE_C calculates the circumference of an ellipse that is defned by the
radii R1 and R2.

10.7. SPHERE_V

Type Function
Input RX: REAL (radius)
Output REAL (volume of ball)
SPHERE_V calculates the volume of a sphere with a radius of RX.


Type Function
Input S1: REAL (side 1)
A: REAL (angles between page 1 and page 2)
S2: REAL (side length 2)
S3: REAL (side length 3)
Output REAL (area of the triangle)
TRIANGLE_A calculates the area of any triangle. The triangle can be def-
ned by either through 2 pages and the pages spanned by the angles 1 and
2 (S1, S2 and A), or if A = 0 then the area is calculated from three sides
(S1, S2 and S3).
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