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A2SV Meetings

You can find the meetings, their objectives, and tips to get the best out of them below.

Daily team standups (Every week-day 10am-10:30am)

Objective: We want to hear life and technical updates from each other, and set the focus for upcoming tasks.

How: Each team has their own standups. We progress over members in the alphabetical order. Each member first gives life updates, if none, something that made them smile recently, or, a quote that they really liked. Then, they give technical updates. Some updates might require communication, interested members can stay in the line for a longer discussion.

Tip #1: Show up on time, we have standups back to back, therefore, if one runs late, it affects the upcoming ones.

Tip #2: Think about your updates before coming to the meeting.

Tip #3: If there is something you want to discuss with the team or a teammate, this is the right place, bring up the issue.

Weekly sprint plannings (Once a week, 8am - 11:40am)

Objective: We want to evaluate team's performance in the last week, decide on what the team will work on in the upcoming week, and have a team-wide discussion on issues if needed.

How: First, completed tasks are explained by the executors. Second, tasks to be executed for the upcoming week are decided, and moved from Icebox to This week's tasks. Each moved task is assigned to 1 or more people, and a deadline. Third, issues that require a team-wide discussion are covered.

Tip #1: Add new tasks to Icebox before coming to the meeting with a title, description, and preferably a tasks checklist. The checklist is optional if you don't know what needs to be done. If you do know, please add them.

Tip #2: Think about each finished task before the meeting so that you'll effectively explain to teammates.

Tip #3: Consider the last week, and pinpoint if there were any issues that require a team-wide discussion.

Tip #4: Pay attention to what your teammates have done; it's a great opportunity to learn-by-reflection. TL: You have to make sure all the urgent tasks are included in the Icebox. If you are not sure, please ask me(Emre) before the meeting.

Weekly wins(Once a week on Friday, 7:15pm - 7:45pm)

Objective: We want to share updates(life or technical) and celebrate wins for the whole team. Every member will speak up.

How: We will go over each person to get their updates.

Tip #1: The week is over, enjoy your hard-work and get ready to relax over the weekend.

Tip #2: Think of your updates before coming to the meeting.

Tip #3: Don't be shy.

Weekly or bi-weekly 1:1s (Once a week or once every other week)

Objective: We want to keep communication channels open, keep each other updated about what's happening in our lives, and evaluate our performance.

How: It's just a series of casual conversations.

Tip #1: Please think about any issues you want to discuss, before the meeting.

Tip #2: Be prepared to give updates on your progress of growth goals.

Tip #3: If there is something you want to change but not sure how, bring it, we'll see if we can make a plan.

Roadmap plannings(Once a quarter)

Objective: We want do high level planning for the next quarter and decide on the direction that the team wants to move towards by choosing which epics we want to cover in the next quarter.

How: We'll have 2 rounds of meetings. In the first one, we'll talk about possible epics that can be covered in the coming quarter. Each epic will be presented by a person who believes it's an important one and needs to be covered in the next quarter. After, members will think about the epics. In the second one, we'll decide on which epics will be covered in the next quarter. Epics are high level groups of tasks or new features.

Tip #1: If you bring a new epic to the table, please be prepared to present in the first meeting. You are the thinker, promote your idea!

Tip #2: These meetings give the team direction in the long run, therefore, are the most important ones. Come prepared.

Tip #3: If you have a half-baked idea, please discuss and get feedback before the meeting so that it can be fully baked and ready to be served in the meeting.

Retrospectives (Once a quarter or after special occasions)

Objective: To evaluate our performance on the occasion. We want to call out positives, as well as learn from our mistakes.

How: We discuss about how things went individually, as well as team-wise. Everybody raises their points, actions are decided to prevent repeating the same mistakes.

Tip #1: Evaluate performance right after an occasion to not forget what happened, and get the feedback as fresh as possible.

Tip #2: Think about the team, there is no separate entity. The team is us. If you and me don't think about it, who is gonna do that?

Tip #3: While calling out a mistake, also think of what actions should be taken to prevent repeating it.

TL Weekly (Once a week on Friday, 9am-10am)

Objective: Evaluate overall performance, and discuss inter-team issues.

How: Each TL gives their team's high level updates, as well as raises up topics that require collaboration with another team.

Tip #1: Think of your team performance, as well as individual performances, before coming to the meeting.

Tip #2: Think of uncovered issues that require inter-team collaboration before coming to the meeting.

Tip #3: The meeting is mandatory for the TLs, and open for attendance by the other team members. If you are not a TL and want to attend these meetings, please reach out to me(Emre) and I'll send you an invite.

Growth & Goals (Once every quarter)

Objective: Evaluate performance and divide points into 3 categories: What should you continue doing? What should you improve on? What should you start doing?

How: Every team member evaluates their performance and organizes points in the categories above. Then, they do the same thing for my(Emre) performance. This way, feedback flows both ways.

Tip #1: Come prepared. I(Emre) will bring my feedback too, however, I don't know you as well as you know yourself.

Tip #2: Try not to have more than a few items for what you should start doing. Habit building is not easy, be selective.

Tip #3: The objective of the first column is not to boost your ego but to see what's not negotiable to take out of your plate. Therefore, be fair and call what you do well.

Growth Actions (Once every quarter)

Objective: Come up with an actionable plan to reach goals.

How: Every team member makes a realistic actionable plan for the goals from what should you improve on and what should you start doing sections of Growth & Goals.

Tip #1: Be realistic.

Tip #2: Consider what made you fail if you had attempted to reach the same goal in the past.