This is an helper package that setup a RedTurtle's Plone site ready to work with Volto.
- News Item and Event can only contain Links, Images and Files
volto.blocks behavior is enabled by default for these content-types:
- Document
- News Item
- Event
There are also some adapters registered for IBlockSearchableText to index some common blocks.
There is a custom adapter for TextLine field that return the proper widget for remoteUrl.
There are custom transformers for serializer and deserializer to better manage resolveuids.
If a block refers to some internal content, on deserialization we only store its UID, and in serialization we "expand" informations with the summary-serialized content.
plone.restapi's @navigation endpoint always return the navigation tree from the site root.
There is a @context-navigation endpoint that returns the contextual navigation tree:
> curl -i http://localhost:8080/Plone/folder?context-navigation -H 'Accept: application/json'
This is the result:
{ '@id': 'http://localhost:8080/Plone/folder', 'items': [ {'@id': 'http://localhost:8080/Plone/folder/folder-a', 'description': '', 'title': 'Folder A'}, {'@id': 'http://localhost:8080/Plone/folder/folder-b', 'description': '', 'title': 'Folder B'}, {'@id': 'http://localhost:8080/Plone/folder/folder-c', 'description': '', 'title': 'Folder C'} ] }
By default only first level is shown. You can pass an expand.navigation.depth parameter to set the depth:
> curl -i http://localhost:8080/Plone/folder?context-navigation?expand.navigation.depth=2 -H 'Accept: application/json'
And this is the result:
{ '@id': 'http://localhost:8080/Plone/folder', 'items': [ { '@id': 'http://localhost:8080/Plone/folder/folder-a', 'description': '', 'items': [ { '@id': 'http://localhost:8080/Plone/folder/folder-a/folder-aa', 'description': '', 'title': 'Folder AA', }, { '@id': 'http://localhost:8080/Plone/folder/folder-a/folder-ab', 'description': '', 'title': 'Folder AB', }, ], 'title': 'Folder A', }, { '@id': 'http://localhost:8080/Plone/folder/folder-b', 'description': '', 'title': 'Folder B', }, { '@id': 'http://localhost:8080/Plone/folder/folder-c', 'description': '', 'title': 'Folder C', }, ], }
This endpoint works exactly like @search but take care of types not searchable settings.
Endpoint that returns sitemap settings for anonymous users (that can't access registry entries).
Returns a data structure like this:
{ 'depth': 3, }
We customized @search endpoint for that bug: plone/plone.restapi#1066
If we are searching only for Event types, do a special search using get_events method to search events: that method handle recurrences and avoid wrong results.
Otherwise, perform a default querystring-search.
There is a custom viewlet that add a <meta> tag in the <head> section to prevent bot indexing.
For reference:
Search results length is limited to 500 items by default, but you can change this limit using the environment variable REDTURTLE_VOLTO_MAX_LIMIT_SEARCH
See plone/Products.PortalTransforms#43
There is a monkeypatch to apply that changes.
There is a monkeypatch for Events recurrences that fix their duration.
If it works well, we can make a pr in p.a.event.
There is another monkeypatch for Events recurrences to change the default behavior of start index serializer. Now it keeps all dates even if the single date is already passed.
Disallow paste items that are not allowed into destination folder.
Customized these adapters to correctly set effective and expires dates.
Without this change, these dates will be stored with UTC hour and not with the current timezone's hour because behavior's setter/getter strip timezone from the value.
With this patch we will send to the setter the date with already localized hour, so even if the setter strip timezone info, we are going to save the correct date.
This is a patch for backward compatibility for old volto templates that need a full image scales object.
There is a custom event handler for IPubStart that set authorization bearer header from auth_token cookie. For details see the pull-request.
This patch is not enabled by default. You need to set an environment variable to true: PROXY_BEARER_AUTH. method patched to return an empty list if the REDTURTLE_VOLTO_ENABLE_SEARCH_FOR_SIMILAR environment variable is set.
There is one new criteria for Collections and Listing blocks that search on exclude_from_nav index.
After installation the caching control panel is populated with custom policies while caching is globally enabled by default. Please, set the caching proxies properly.
According to new plone.restapi implementation, @vocabularies endpoint will check some permissions to make a vocabulary available or not.
We patched PERMISSIONS variable in __init__ file to allow Keywords vocabulary to be available for anonymous users.
Reference: plone/plone.restapi#1258 (comment)
We disabled ramcache for tersecaching ( because it seems not correctly purged when there are more instances and a content has been modified.
We need to check why it's not purged and fix it.
There is a customization of the template to add enclosure tag to feed items. A record has also been added to the registry to be able to set the miniature to be displayed with the RSS item. This record is named redturtle.volto.rss_image_miniature
There is a view @@fix-links that will check internal links into blocks and fix some links that refs to a staging or local development environment.
There is a view @@find-blocks that will return contents that have at least one block of the given type.
There is a view @@find-broken-links that will return a csv file with a list of contents with broken internal links in blocks.
There is a new stringinterp adapter that can be used for example in content rules: {volto_url}
This adapter will remove "/api" from the content's absolute_url.
There is a custom view sitemap.xml.gz that will return a sitemap.xml.gz file.
This is a copy of the original view from
The only difference is that:
- we restrict level of depth to plone.sitemap_depth registry setting (default 3)
- we add content modified in the last week
With Volto, for serve this file, we need to add a line like this in apache config:
RewriteRule ^/+(sitemap.xml.gz){SERVER_NAME}:443/Plone/VirtualHostRoot/$1 [L,P]
Install redturtle.volto by adding it to your buildout:
[buildout] ... eggs = redturtle.volto
and then running bin/buildout
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- Source Code:
The project is licensed under the GPLv2.
This product was developed by RedTurtle Technology team.