Code for using the HTC vive tracking system with ROS2. Currently, this package only supports the HTC Vive tracker although tracking other devices like the tracking references (base stations), controllers, and headset should not require much code modification. Contributions are welcome.
This package allows for maximum flexibility in terms of where the HTC drivers are run since the package uses an independent server client architecture using python socket library. For example, server can be run on a more powerful Windows machine for best driver support while the client can be run on the robot or target device. The server and client can also be run on the same device if desired.
The best way to get started is to install conda and run conda env create -f env.yaml
will create a conda environment with the correct python version and libraries. You can then
activate the environment with conda activate pythonvr
. Start the server by running
the vive_server
folder. Make sure to have SteamVR
installed and running with the headset plugged in.
Once you start the server you should see something like the following printed to the screen indicating which VR devices are detected and what the ip address and port (IP:PORT) of the server is. This information will come in handy when setting up the client.
13:49:17|ViveTrackerServer|INFO|Starting server at
13:49:17|ViveTrackerServer|INFO|Connected VR devices:
Found 4 Tracking References
tracking_reference_1 (LHB-59F8D726, Mode Valve SR Imp, Valve SR Imp)
tracking_reference_2 (LHB-AA3BEC72, Mode Valve SR Imp, Valve SR Imp)
tracking_reference_3 (LHB-FFCE0AD4, Mode Valve SR Imp, Valve SR Imp)
tracking_reference_4 (LHB-91047ECC, Mode Valve SR Imp, Valve SR Imp)
Found 1 HMD
hmd_1 (LHR-8280F84D, VIVE_Pro MV)
Found 1 Controller
controller_1 (LHR-4F3DC6EA, VIVE Controller Pro MV)
Found 1 Tracker
tracker_1 (LHR-55804C5D, VIVE Tracker Pro MV)
In order to run the ROS2 node first run sudo python3 install
to install the
package with the object type for the messages transmitted by the server. You may also have
to install some packages with pip such as pydantic if it is not already installed pip3 install pydantic
You can then run the node by running ros2 run vive_ros2 --ros-args -p host_ip:=******** -p host_port:=****
. You should then be able to run ros2 topic echo /tracker/odom
to verify
the node is working.