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Fagi Command Line

Building from source

The following instructions were tested with git version 1.9.1 and Apache Maven 3.3.3. In order to build the command line version from source, you should first clone the master branch to a preferred location by running:

git clone -b master --single-branch fagi

Then, go the root directory of the project (fagi) and run: mvn clean install

Run Fagi-gis from command line

Go to resources directory and change the config.xml and rules.xml as described below.

Then go to the target directory of the project and run:

java -jar fagi-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -spec /path/to/config.xml

How to fill in the config.xml file

Inside the resources directory of the project there is a spec.template.xml file and a config.xml as an example for convenience. The Specification holds general configuration for the fusion process and is filled with text values between an opening and a closing tag. The inputFormat refers to the RDF format of the input dataset and the outputFormat holds the value of the desired output format. The accepted RDF formats are the following:

  • N-Triples (NT)
  • Turtle (TTL)
  • TriG (TRIG)
  • N-Quads (NQ)
  • TriX (TRIX)

In order to fill the inputFormat and outputFormat use the values of the corresponding parenthesis.

The locale is optional in case a dataset contains entities from regions with different locales, but it is strongly recommended to choose one when possible because it is used on several steps of the normalization process. The available locales are:

  • EN
  • EN-GB
  • EN-US
  • DE
  • DE-DE
  • DE-AT
  • EL

The similarity is also optional and it is used as a part of the custom matching process (default is JaroWinkler). The available values (case-insensitive) are the following:

  • sortedjarowinkler
  • jarowinkler
  • cosine
  • jaro
  • levenshtein
  • 2Gram
  • longestcommonsubsequence

The verbose tag expects a boolean value true or false. If the verbose mode is activated the execution will produce a fusion log that contains all rules/actions that have been applied on each attribute of all POIs during the fusion process. All original and fused values of the properties of each POI will also be logged in this file. Additionally, the fused RDF output will contain triples that indicate provenance information about the POIs based on the fusion process.

The stats tag expects a value between light or detailed. The light version produces basic statistics and metrics as long as execution times. The detailed version produces the much more detailed list of statistics, but also requires more memory and time to compute. If the stats field is missing or empty, no statistics will be computed.

The rules tag expects the absolute path of the "rules.xml" file.

The left, right, and links tags refer to the source datasets. Each of these XML tags contain additional tags that describe each of the datasets.


id: An ID to identify the dataset.

file: The filepath of the dataset. For the target (output) dataset.

endpoint: Optional tag. Instead of using files, add a SPARQL endpoint and leave the file tag empty.

categories: This is again optional. It is used to extract statistics about the categories of the entities. If you want to use this feature you should provide a file in N-Triples format that contains the categorization.

date: Optional tag. Denotes which dataset is the most recent. Format expected: yyyy-MM-dd

Specifically for the links, there are two supported formats. N-triples like <poiA> <owl:sameAs> <poiB> format and CSV like poiA poiB score (space separated and [0-1] value for the score). In the case of a CSV file, you can define three different modes. The first takes into account all the provided links and executes the fusion process accordingly, the second keeps unique links with the highest confidence score, and the third takes into account POI-ensembles by handling cases that a POI from one dataset is linked with multiple POIs from the other (the rules applied in this case are different and described at the rule specification below). The values are the following:

  • nt
  • csv
  • csv-unique-links
  • csv-ensembles

Furthermore, the target tag refers to the target/output dataset and contains the following configuration tags:

mode: Specify the fused dataset mode. The supported modes are shown in the table below.

outputDir: This is the directory path under which all produced files will be written. The results should be one or two files with the fused datasets (based on selected fusion mode described below), and one file containing statistics about the datasets and the fusion process.

fused: Optional tag. Specifies the output filepath of the fused dataset (based on fusion mode). If no value is specified the default name will be "fused.nt" under the output directory defined above.

remaining: Optional tag. Specifies the output filepath of the non-fused dataset (based on fusion mode). If no value is specified the default name will be "remaining.nt" under the output directory defined above.

ambiguous: Optional tag. Specifies the output filepath of the dataset containing ambiguous linked entities. If no value is specified the default name will be "ambiguous.nt" under the output directory defined above.

statistics: Optional tag. Specifies the path of the statistics file. By default a file with name "statistics.txt" will be written under the output directory defined above.

fusionLog: Specifies the path of the fusion log file. By default a file with name "fusionLog.txt" will be written under the output directory defined above.

Mode Description
aa_mode Only linked triples are handled: Fused triples replace the respective ones of dataset A (the fusion output is exclusively written on A).
bb_mode Only linked triples are handled: Fused triples replace the respective ones of dataset B (the fusion output is exclusively written on B).
ab_mode All triples are handled: Fused triples replace the respective ones of dataset A; Un-linked triples of dataset B are copied as-is into dataset A
ba_mode All triples are handled: Fused triples replace the respective ones of dataset B; Un-linked triples of dataset A are copied as-is into dataset B
a_mode All triples are handled: Fused triples replace the respective ones of dataset A; Fused triples are removed from dataset B, which only maintains the remaining, unlinked triples
b_mode All triples are handled: Fused triples replace the respective ones of dataset B; Fused triples are removed from dataset A, which only maintains the remaining, unlinked triples
l_mode Only linked triples are handled: Only fused triples are written in a third dataset.

FAGI supports the prediction of validation and fusion actions with the use of ML models. These models are defined in the ML group tag.

name: the path of the ML-model for name resources.

address: the path of the ML-model for address resources.

website: the path of the ML-model for website resources.

phone: the path of the ML-model for phone number resources.

email: the path of the ML-model for e-mail resources.

validation: the path of the ML-model for link validation.

ML-predicted actions on a property cannot be used if the corresponding ML model is not defined in the above tags.

How to fill in the rules.xml file

The rules.xml file starts with the root element <rules>. We set rules as a <rule> element inside the root tag.

Each element consists of the following main childs:






  • <propertyA> and <propertyB> define the two RDF properties that the rule will apply.

  • <externalProperty> is optional and is used to combine different properties inside a condition. The fusion action does not affect the value of this property. The external property requires an id attribute as a parameter in the XML and the id must start with the letter a or be that refers to the corresponding value (left or right) and followed by an incrementing integer for each different property used in the same rule.

  • <defaultAction> is the default fusion action to apply if no condition from the is met.

  • <actionRuleSet> element: This element consists of one or more <actionRule> child elements. Each is a pair of a condition and a fusion action, namely <condition>, <action>. If the condition of an is met, then the fusion action of that is going to be applied and all the rest will be ignored, so the fusion action priority is the order of the appearance.

  • The <condition> along with the <action> are the most essential part of the configuration of the fusion process. In order to construct a condition, we assemble a group of logical operations that contain functions to apply on the RDF properties defined above. We can define a logical operation by using the <expression> tag as a child of a condition. Then, inside the expression we can put together a combination of <and>, <or> and <not> operations. Αs operands we can use <function> elements containing a function or a nested containing more logical operations. The depth of the nested expressions supported currently is 2 levels of same logical operations.

Except fusion rules which are defined with the <rule> tag, there is an option to add validation rules using the <validationRule> tag. With a validation rule we can accept/reject and/or mark a link as ambiguous in the model. The validation rules follow the exact same logic described above with the only difference being that the fusion actions are replaced with the validation actions, both described at the tables below.

  • POI-ensembles rules are defined in the <ensembles> tag, in the same level as the fusion and validation rules. Inside the ensembles tag, we define <functional> and <nonFunctional> RDF properties that define the fusion strategy for each category. Functional properties are attributes that are supposed to be unique in a POI (such as address, website, geometry). The fusion action applied on these properties is keeping a unique value by a voting strategy (most frequent value will be kept). Non-functional properties refer to attributes that can have multiple values (such as name, phone etc) and the fusion action that will apply is keeping all values on different property URIs. In any case, the user is free to define which properties will be handled as functional/non-functional as semicolon separated values inside the corresponding tags. The link-validation process uses the already defined validation rules.

A sample rules.xml file could look like this:

	<externalProperty id="a1">phoneA contactValueA</externalProperty>
	<externalProperty id="b1">phoneB contactValueB</externalProperty>
	<propertyA>dateA lastModifiedA</propertyA>
	<propertyB>dateB lastModifiedB</propertyB>
	<externalProperty id="a1">label</externalProperty>
	<externalProperty id="b1">label</externalProperty>		
	<propertyA>phoneA contactValueA</propertyA>
	<propertyB>phoneB contactValueB</propertyB>


Available functions:

  • isDateKnownFormat: Checks if the given date String is written as a known format. The known formats are defined at the specification.
  • isDatePrimaryFormat: Checks if the given date String is written as a primary format as defined in the specification.
  • isValidDate: Evaluates the given date against the target format.
  • datesAreSame: Evaluates if the given dates are the same using a tolerance value in days.
  • isGeometryMoreComplex: Checks if the first geometry has more points than the second.
  • geometriesCloserThan: Checks if the minimum distance (in meters) of the geometries are closer than the provided distance value. The method transforms the geometries to 3857 CRS, computes the nearest points between them and then calculates the orthodromic distance between the nearest points.
  • geometriesHaveSameArea: Checks if the areas of the two geometries are the same given a tolerance value in square meters. The method transforms the geometries to 3857 CRS before calculating the areas.
  • isSameCentroid: Checks if the geometries have the same centroid given a tolerance value in meters. The method transforms the geometries to 3857 CRS before calculating the orthodromic distance.
  • isPointGeometry: Checks if the given geometry is a POINT geometry.
  • geometriesIntersect: Checks if the given geometries intersect.
  • isGeometryCoveredBy: Checks if the first geometry is covered by the second geometry. The definition of coveredBy can be found here.
  • isLiteralAbbreviation: Checks if the given literal is or contains an abbreviation of some form.
  • isSameNormalized: Checks if the two given literals are same. It normalizes the two literals with some basic steps and uses the provided similarity (default JaroWinkler). No threshold provided.
  • isSameSimpleNormalize: This function is the same as the above but it uses a threshold as a tolerance value. Returns true if the result is above the provided threshold. Threshold should be between (0,1) using dot as decimal point.
  • isSameCustomNormalize: This function compares the two literals with the criteria as above and if the equality fails the function normalizes further the two literals with some extra steps in addition to the simple normalization.
  • isLiteralLonger: Checks if the first literal is longer than the second. The method normalizes the two literals using the NFC normalization before comparing the lengths.
  • isLiteralNumeric: Checks if the given literal is numeric (at least one digit or more).
  • isNameValueOfficial: Checks if the value of the name property is tagged as official.
  • literalContains: Checks if the literal contains the given value.
  • literalContainsTheOther: Checks if the first literal contains the second.
  • literalHasLanguageAnnotation: Checks if the Literal contains a language annotation (tag).
  • literalsHaveSameLanguageAnnotation: Checks if the two literals have the same language annotation (tag).
  • isPhoneNumberParsable: Checks if the given phone number is consisted of only numbers or contains special character and/or exit code.
  • isSamePhoneNumber: Checks if the given phone numbers are the same. Some phone-normalization steps are executed if the first evaluation fails.
  • isSamePhoneNumberCustomNormalize: Checks if the given phone numbers are the same. Some phone-normalization. If the equality fails, some custom steps for normalization are executed and the function rechecks for equality (e.g two numbers are considered same if one of them does not contain a country code but the line number is the same etc).
  • isSamePhoneNumberUsingExitCode: Same as above, except the exit code, which is checked separately using the input value.
  • phoneHasMoreDigits: Checks if the first phone number has more digits than the second.
  • exists: Checks if the given property exists in the model of the entity.
  • notExists: The reverse function of exists. Returns true if the selected property is not found in the model.
Name Parameters Category Example
isDateKnownFormat a or b Date isDateKnownFormat(a)
isDatePrimaryFormat a or b Date isDatePrimaryFormat(a)
isValidDate a or b and format Date isValidDate(a, DD/MM/YYYY)
datesAreSame a, formatA, b, formatB, tolerance Date datesAreSame(a,b,yyyy/MM/dd,yyyy/MM/dd,10)
isGeometryMoreComplex a or b Geometry isGeometryMoreComplex(b)
geometriesCloserThan a, b, tolerance Geometry geometriesCloserThan(a,b, 50)
geometriesHaveSameArea a, b, tolerance Geometry geometriesHaveSameArea(a,b, 100)
isSameCentroid a, b, tolerance Geometry isSameCentroid(a,b, 30)
isPointGeometry a or b Geometry isPointGeometry(a)
geometriesIntersect a, b Geometry geometriesIntersect(a, b)
isGeometryCoveredBy a, b Geometry isGeometryCoveredBy(a, b)
isLiteralAbbreviation a or b Literal isLiteralAbbreviation(b)
isSameNormalized a, b Literal isSameNormalized(a,b)
isSameSimpleNormalize a, b and threshold Literal isSameSimpleNormalize(a,b, 0.7)
isSameCustomNormalize a, b and threshold Literal isSameCustomNormalize(a,b, 0.6)
isLiteralLonger a, b Literal isLiteralLonger(a,b)
isLiteralNumeric a or b Literal isLiteralNumeric(b)
isNameValueOfficial a or b Literal isNameValueOfficial(a)
literalContains a and value Literal literalContains(a, bar)
literalContainsTheOther a, b Literal literalContainsTheOther(b, a)
literalHasLanguageAnnotation a or b Literal literalHasLanguageAnnotation(a)
literalsHaveSameLanguageAnnotation a, b Literal literalsHaveSameLanguageAnnotation(a, b)
isPhoneNumberParsable a or b Phone isPhoneNumberParsable(a)
isSamePhoneNumber a and b Phone isSamePhoneNumber(a,b)
isSamePhoneNumberCustomNormalize a and b Phone isSamePhoneNumberCustomNormalize(a,b)
isSamePhoneNumberUsingExitCode a,b and digits Phone isSamePhoneNumberUsingExitCode(a,b,0030)
phoneHasMoreDigits a,b Phone phoneHasMoreDigits(b,a)
exists a or b Property exists(a)
notExists a or b Property notExists(b)

Available fusion actions:

Name Type Description
keep-left Both Keeps the value of the left source dataset in the fused model.
keep-left-mark-ambiguous Both Same as "keep-left". The affected triples are added to the ambiguous output.
keep-right Both Keeps the value of the right source dataset in the fused model.
keep-right-mark-ambiguous Both Same as "keep-right". The affected triples are added to the ambiguous output.
concatenate Literal Keeps both values of the source datasets as a concatenated literal in the same property of the fused model.
concatenate-mark-ambiguous Both Same as "concatenate". The affected triples are added to the ambiguous output.
keep-longest Literal Keeps the value of the longest literal in the fused model using the NFC normalization before comparing the literals.
keep-longest-mark-ambiguous Both Same as "keep-longest". The affected triples are added to the ambiguous output.
keep-most-complete-name Name Resources Keeps the longest values of names with the same type (e.g. official, international etc). Regarding the names without a type it keeps the longest value of each language. This action is supposed to work only for name attributes.
keep-most-complete-name-mark-ambiguous Both Same as "keep-most-complete-name". The affected triples are added to the ambiguous output.
keep-both Both Keeps both values of the source datasets in the fused model.
keep-both-mark-ambiguous Both Same as "keep-both". The affected triples are added to the ambiguous output.
keep-more-points Geometry Keeps the geometry that is composed with more points than the other.
keep-more-points-mark-ambiguous Both Same as "keep-more-points". The affected triples are added to the ambiguous output.
keep-more-points-and-shift Geometry Keeps the geometry with more points and shifts its centroid to the centroid of the other geometry.
keep-more-points-and-shift-mark-ambiguous Both Same as "keep-more-points-and-shift". The affected triples are added to the ambiguous output.
shift-left-geometry Geometry Shifts the geometry of the left source entity to the centroid of the right.
shift-left-geometry-mark-ambiguous Both Same as "shift-left-geometry". The affected triples are added to the ambiguous output.
shift-right-geometry Geometry Shifts the geometry of the right source entity to the centroid of the left.
shift-right-geometry-mark-ambiguous Both Same as "shift-right-geometry". The affected triples are added to the ambiguous output.
keep-recommended Both Utilizes the ML model in order to predict the action.
keep-recommended-mark-ambiguous Both Same as "keep-recommended". The affected triples are added to the ambiguous output.

Available validation actions:

Name Type Description
accept Link Accepts a link based on the rule property.
reject Link Rejects the whole link based on the rule property.
accept-mark-ambiguous Link Keeps the default fusion action data, but marks the property as ambiguous by adding a statement to the model.
reject-mark-ambiguous Link Rejects the link, but marks the property as ambiguous by adding a statement to the model.
ml-validation Link Accepts/rejects the link based on the ML model prediction.

Available default dataset actions:

Name Type Description
keep-left Both Keeps the value of the left source entity in the fused model.
keep-right Both Keeps the value of the right source entity in the fused model.
keep-both Both Keeps both values of the source entities in the fused model.

Full project documentation is available here and javadocs available here.


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