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A 32 Bit RISC-V Processor Implementation in Verilog

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Implementing a 32 Bit Risc-V Cpu in Verilog

This is a project on implementing a 32Bit Risc-V Processor in Verilog which is following official RV32I ISA (Instruction Set Architecture)

This Processor has a 5 stage Pipeline along with the Hazard Unit

Description :

- Instruction Set :
    This is a 32 Bit Risc-V Architecture so each Instruction is of 32 Bits and
    it can execute the following instruction types
        B-Type - BEQ BNE BLTU BGTU
        J-Type - JAL 
        L-Type - LW 
        S-Type - SW

- Pipelining :
    This Processor involves a 5 stage Pipeline Architecture The pipeline steps involving :
        IF   - Instruction Fetch
        ID   - Instruction Decode
        IEx  - Instruction Execute
        IMem - Memory  Access
        IW   - Write Back

- Hazard Detection :
    As Pipeline comes with Hazards It has a Hazard Unit which can detect some hazards and also 
these hazards can be prevented using Forwarding , Stalling and Branch Prediction etc.. This 
processor has implemented Forwarding and Stalling for the hazards which are implemented here

- Verilog Implementation : 
  This processor uses DataPath Controller type implementation in Verilog   

Processor Architecture :

Screenshot 2024-06-22 233054

Methodology :

ALU ( Arthemetic Logic Unit ) :

All the Arthemetic Shift and Logic Operations are done in the R-Type Instruction set So designing ALU for R-Type and using this for Other Type Instructions
Let there be two 32 bit inputs and one 32 bit outputs
funct7[5] funct3 Operation Implementation
0 000 ADD Output = Input1 + Input2
1 000 SUB Output = Input1 - Input2
0 001 SLL Output = Input1 << Input2
0 010 SLT Output = bool(Input1 < Input2)
0 011 SLTU Output = bool(sign(Input1) < sign(Input2))
0 100 XOR Output = Input1 ^ Input2
0 101 SRL Output = Input1 >> Input2
0 101 SRA Output = Input1 >>> Input2
1 110 OR Output = Input1 I Input2
0 111 AND Output = Input1 & Input2

ISA ( Instruction Set ) :

Instruction is 32 Bit Long it has the following sections :
   Opcode : Instruction[6:0]
   rd     : Instruction[11:7]
   funct3 : Instruction[14:12]
   rs1    : Instruction[19:15]
   rs2    : Instruction[24:20]
   funct7 : Instruction[31:25]

Immediate Fields ( Sign Extenstion) :

But some Instructions don't use this fields instead they have Immediate fields and is calculated as
Instruction[31:25] Instruction[24:20] Instruction[19:15] Instruction[14:12] Instruction[11:7] Instruction[6:0] Type
funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd Opcode R-Type
imm[11:5] imm[4:0] rs1 funct3 rd Opcode I-Type
imm[11:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:0] Opcode S-Type
imm[12] imm[10:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:1] imm[11] Opcode B-Type
imm[11:5] imm[4:0] rs1 funct3 rd Opcode L-Type
imm[20] imm[10:5] imm[4:1] imm[11] imm[19:15] imm[14:12] rd Opcode J-Type

Opcode :

 Opcode is the value which tells what type of Instruction that is getting executed 
   R - Type : 0110011
   I - Type : 0010011
   B - Type : 1100011
   J - Type : 1101111
   L - Type : 0000011
   S - Type : 0100011

Instruction Execution :

R Type Instructions get executed as per the ALU
I Type follows the same as ALU but I Type Doesnt have SUB Operation
B Type Instruction uses SUB operation to compare values
S and L Operation uses ADD operation to calculate the Memory Address
J type uses ADD operation to calculate Address of Register File
Control Signal :
Control Signal = {funct7,funct3}
R Type Instruction Explained :
ADD : 
    RegFile[rd] = RegFile[rs2]+RegFile[rs1];
SUB :                  
    RegFile[rd] = RegFile[rs1]-RegFile[rs2];
SLL :                     
    RegFile[rd] = RegFile[rs1] << (RegFile[rs2] & 0x1F);
SLT :       
    RegFile[rd] = ( (signed long)RegFile[rs1] < (signed long)RegFile[rs2] ) ? 1 : 0;
SLTU :       
    RegFile[rd] = (RegFile[rs1]<RegFile[rs2]) ? 1 : 0;
XOR :       
    RegFile[rd] = RegFile[rs1] ^ RegFile[rs2];
    RegFile[rd] = RegFile[rs1] >> (RegFile[rs2] & 0x1F);
    shamt=(RegFile[rs2] & 0x1F); 
    while (shamt>0)
    { RegFile[rd]=(RegFile[rd]>>1)|Temp; 
      shamt--; // This is for sign shifting
OR :                 
    RegFile[rd] = RegFile[rs1] | RegFile[rs2];
    RegFile[rd] = RegFile[rs1] & RegFile[rs2];
I Type Instruction Explained :
    RegFile[rd] = Immediate_Value+RegFile[rs1];
SLLI :                     
    RegFile[rd] = RegFile[rs1] << (Immediate_Value & 0x1F);
SLTI :       
    RegFile[rd] = ( (signed long)RegFile[rs1] < (signed long)Immediate_Value ) ? 1 : 0;
SLTIU :       
    RegFile[rd] = (RegFile[rs1]<Immediate_Value) ? 1 : 0;
XORI :       
    RegFile[rd] = RegFile[rs1] ^ Immediate_Value;
    RegFile[rd] = RegFile[rs1] >> (Immediate_Value & 0x1F);
    shamt=(Immediate_Value & 0x1F); 
    while (shamt>0)
    { RegFile[rd]=(RegFile[rd]>>1)|Temp; 
      shamt--; // This is for sign shifting
ORI :                 
    RegFile[rd] = RegFile[rs1] | Immediate_value;
    RegFile[rd] = RegFile[rs1] & Immediate_Value;
B Type Instruction Explained :
funct3 000 001 110 111
    if(RegFile[rs1] == RegFile[rs2])
     PC = Immediate_Value + PC ;
    if(RegFile[rs1] != RegFile[rs2])
     PC = Immediate_Value + PC ;
    if(RegFile[rs1] < RegFile[rs2])
     PC = Immediate_Value + PC ;
    if(RegFile[rs1] >= RegFile[rs2])
     PC = Immediate_Value + PC ;
S Type Instruction Explained :
SW :
    Data_Memory[(Immediate_Value + RegFile[rs1])] = RegFile[rs2] ;       
J Type Instruction Explained :
    RegFile[rd] = PC + 0x4;
    PC = Immediate_Value + PC ;
L Type Instruction Explained :
LW  :
    RegFile[rd] = Data_Memory[Immediate_Value + RegFile[rs1]] ;

Understanding Memories :

 Register File :
   These are the registers that are present inside the cpu and some are used for specific operations and 
   some of them are temporary registers which are used for data storage
   RV32 has 32 Registers each 32 Bit Wide
   As there are 32 Regiters 2^5 so 5 Bits Address is required
 Instruction Memory :
   This is the memory that user writes in it each cell of this memory is 8 Bit Wide and
   it contains the Instructions in order of which it gets executed
   As Program Counter holds the Address of Instruction Memory and is 32 Bit wide so maximum size of Instruction Memory can be 2^32...

   And Output Instruction is 32 Bit Wide Considering it LITTLE ENDIAN CPU
   Output is :
Data Memory :
   This can be considered as RAM it stores the data 
   data can be read or written from Data Memory 
   ALU Result Acts as its address which is 32 Bit so maximum size of Data Memory is 2^32  

Program Counter :

Program Counter is the register which has the address of the instruction that is being executed 
Its value increments once its instruction gets executed 
The PC Value should change depending on JUMP and Branch Type Instructions 

Program Counter

Data Forwarding :

Forwarding is a technique that is used to avoid hazards in pipelined processors
These occur when instruction close to each other use the same data
If Both the registers in the Excution and memory cycle are same i.e rs1 or rs2 == rd
Then get the value directly from ALU Result These methods are shown in the processor Architecture

Stalling :

Let us consider we need to do a read operation and the cpu is doing write operation 
But CPU doesn't execute read and write at the same time 
So, We Stop the pipeline making it repeat the instruction in the next cycle until the issue gets cleared


Generated_ using Xilinx Vivado

Top Block :


RISC Block :


References :

Tools and Softwares used :

- Icarus Verilog 
- GtkWave
- Visual Studio Code
- Xilinx Vivado


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