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Session based routing and lazy module importing.


$ npm install lazy-board


Adding Page

The lazy-board element manages view state and determines a view by route path. It also initializes route path and template URL for each view element lazy-board-view wraps on attachment. For example, the lazy-board has lazy-board-view and my-user-view elements. A JavaScript file in which my-user-view element is defined places at /src/views/user/my-user-view.js. We assume a user accesses to /user path, the lazy-board checks if the path is correct and imports a JavaScript file for specific custom element.

In this case, the JS snippet becomes:

import { LitElement, html } from '@polymer/lit-element';

class MyApp extends LitElement {
  _render() {
    <lazy-board base-url="/" source-base-url="/src/views">
      <lazy-board-view scope="/user">
        <my-user-view path="/"></my-user-view>

window.customElements.define('my-app', MyApp);

When switching to the next view, the lazy-board dispatches lazy-board-view-entry event for custom-element. Before exiting, it dispatches lazy-board-view-exit as well.

To route and import by URL, configuring base URLs and view scope.


  • base-url is root of routing path. (required)
  • source-base-url is root of source path. (required)
  • session is current session of the board.


  • scope is the directory name. (required)
  • source-scope is the directory name for source path.


  • path is the subpath name. (required)
  • template-url is the URL of the JavaScript file.

Using Session

The single page application (SPA) has often complex routing due to user login session (It may have more sessions, such as the current session is for user or admin...orz). To manage such a complex routing, the lazy-board implements session based routing. For example, there is /admin view that only 'admin' session accepts and /signin view that only no-session accepts. If the currentSession property has no value, no one cannot see admin view but anyone can signin view. To catch unmatched session error, listen to lazy-board-unmatched-session event lazy-board dispatches.

import { LitElement, html } from '@polymer/lit-element';

class MyApp extends LitElement {
  static get properties() {
    return {
      currentSession: {
        type: String,
        value: null
  _render({ currentSession }) {
    <lazy-board on-lazy-board-unmatched-session="${this._unmatchedSession.bind(this)}" base-url="/" source-base-url="/src/views" session="${currentSession}">
      <lazy-board-view scope="/admin" with-session="admin">
        <my-admin-view path="/"></my-admin-view>
      <lazy-board-view scope="/signin" without-session>
        <my-signin-view path="/"></my-signin-view>
  _unmatchedSession(e) {
    switch (e.detail.expects) {
      case 'admin':
        console.error("Assumes 'admin' session!");
        // Redirect to /signin
      case 'no_session':
        console.error('Assumes NO session!');
        // Redirect to /admin

window.customElements.define('my-app', MyApp);
