A curated list of awesome Readwise and Reader libraries, plugins, software, and resources. For official software, visit Readwise.io's GitHub Page.
This section lists client libraries for the Readwise API and the Readwise Reader API.
- readwise-api - An unofficial Python client for the Readwise Reader API.
- pyreadwise - A Python module for using the Readwise API.
- readwise-reader-cli - A command-line interface for Readwise Reader.
- readwise-go - A wrapper around Readwise API.
- readwise-ruby - A minimal Readwise API client and highlight parsing library.
- readwise-reader-api - An unofficial JS/TS client for the Readwise Reader API.
- readwise - A Rust wrapper for the Readwise API.
- readwise-postman - A Postman collection for Readwise API endpoints.
- readwise-bruno - A Bruno collection for Readwise and Reader API endpoints.
A collection of open-source tools for Readwise and Reader.
- smoothbrain-anki - An Anki plugin to create flashcards from Readwise highlights using the OpenAI GPT.
- readwise-chat - A chatbot that pulls highlights from your Readwise account, using the ChatGPT API.
- quoordinates - A tool to visualize Kindle Highlights from Readwise using OpenAI Embeddings.
- readwise-highlights-chat - Chat over highlights with OpenAI, LangChain, and Chroma.
- readwise-anki - An unofficial Readwise add-on for Anki.
- readwise2anki - An Anki plugin to export Readwise highlights to Anki decks.
- readwise - Amplenote Readwise integration.
- Blinkist-to-Readwise - Export highlights to Readwise.
- calibre-plugin-readwise - An export plugin for Calibre.
- readwise-to-datasette - Extract Readwise highlights into a Datasette SQLite database.
- kobwise - Convert Kobo annotations into Readwise highlights.
- kobo_readwise - Send Kobo eReader bookmarks to Readwise.
- kobo-to-readwise - Extract highlights from Kobo devices and convert them into a CSV file for Readwise.
- october - A simple GUI for retrieving Kobo highlights and syncing them with Readwise.
- logseq-readwise-reader-export - Export blocks to Readwise Reader.
- logseq-readwise-plugin - Pull Readwise highlights into Logseq.
- obsidian-readwise-reader - An Obsidian plugin to publish notes to Readwise Reader.
- obsidian-readwise - Sync Readwise highlights into your Obsidian vault.
- obsidian-readwise-inbox - An inbox for processing Readwise highlights in Obsidian.
- mastobot - A Mastodon bot for sending toots to Readwise.
- reader2pinboard - Import articles saved in Readwise Reader to Pinboard.
- reader_to_pinboard - A script for sending archived Readwise Reader items to Pinboard.
- readwise-reader - extension to interact with Reader.
- readwise - extension to interact with Readwise.
- remnote-readwise - Sync Readwise highlights into RemNote.
- Readwise2Roam - Migrate Readwise highlights to Roam Research.
Reader & Readwise:
- Batch Save to Readwise Reader - Batch saves links to Readwise Reader.
- Readwise Reader Search - Takes text input to search within Readwise Reader.
- Readwise Search
- Save to Readwise Reader - Takes text input to search within Readwise.
- Show Latest Readwise Highlights - Displays your latest Readwise highlights.
- Show Readwise Highlights for Tag - Display Readwise highlights for a specific tag.
Note: All of the shortcuts listed above were created by Chris.sk and were last updated on 2023-09-16. These shortcuts may become outdated over time, so please refer to the Discord conversation for the most recent updates. here.
Other Apps:
- Bear Note App Integration - User-built RW 1.0 integration with the Bear Note App.
- PodNote - A shortcut to highlight sections of podcasts.
- shortform-to-readwise - Import highlights from Shortform.com.
- readwise_telegram_bot - A bot for Telegram integration.
- SaveToReadwiseReaderOnTwitter - save tweets to Readwise Reader.
- wallabag2readwise - Export / synchronize Wallabag annotations to Readwise highlights.
- weread-to-readwise - Convert Weread notes into a CSV file compatible with Readwise.
- wereadwise - Export Weread highlights to Readwise.
- readwise-workflowy-integration - Import Readwise notes directly into Workflowy.
- Zotero2Readwise - A Python library to retrieve annotations and notes from Zotero and upload them to Readwise.
- Zotero2Readwise-Sync - Automated and scheduled trigger for the Zotero2Readwise Python library.
- alfred-readwise - An Alfred Workflow for your Readwise account.
- comments-to-readwise - A basic extension for sending comments to Readwise as "tweets".
- diiggo-to-readwise - Sync Diigo highlights to Readwise.
- enhanced-readwise-reader - An enhanced version of the Readwise Reader UI for the Arc browser Boost.
- Kindle-highlight-to-Word-document-script - Create a Word document from your highlights.
- mem-readwise-sync - Sync books, articles, and highlights to Mem.ai.
- mrexpt2html - Import Moon+ Reader highlights to Readwise.
- miniflux-to-reader - Export Miniflux articles to Readwise Reader.
- plus-readwise - Save snippets from the browser to Readwise.
- tana-readwise-exporter - A CLI to export highlights to Tana.io.
- raindrop-highlights-readwise - Import highlights from Raindrop to Readwise.
- Readform - Send full articles from paywalled news websites to Reader feed.
- ReadwiseSync - Sync Readwise highlights to local files.
- readwise2directory - Update and store highlights locally (in markdown).
- readspace - A semantic search tool for your Readwise highlights.
- readwise-craft-extension - An extension to import highlight to craft.
- readwise_to_discord - Share notes and articles by sending Readwise data to Discord.
- readwise-epub - Create EPUBs from your Readwise Reader inbox.
- readwise-feed - A passive social media feed of user's reading activity.
- reader-google-docs - Import Google Docs into Reader (archived).
- readwise-list - A minimal version of the Readwise app.
- readwise-note-extractor - Export markdown highlights to Readwise.
- readwise-reader-desktop - A simple Electron app for the Readwise Reader web application.
- readwise-template - A Readwise export template for Roam (or other tools for thought).
- readwise-s3 - Backup Readwise.io content to AWS S3.
- rextract - A toolchain for moving Remarkable highlights to Readwise.
- Readwise.md - A script that pushes all quotes from a folder to Readwise.
- readwise-random-quote - A Next.js app that generators quotes from Readwise highlights.
- readwise-ulusses - Sync highlights from Readwise to Ulysses.
- scribd-readwise-integration - Send highlights from Scibd to Readwise.
- readwise-gpt-tagger - Export all highlights to CSV, tag them using GPT, and update them on Readwise.
A selection of products and services integrated with Readwise and/or Reader.
- Beeminder - Beeminder, a self-tracker with commitment contracts.
- Beeminder Blog - A blog post discussing the integration.
- PopClip - Instant text actions to save highlights to Readwise.
- Drafts - Readwise - add highlights from Draft to Readwise.
- Drafts - Readwise Reader - add highlights from Draft to Reader.
- PodHighlighter - Sync podcast highlights to Readwise.
- snipd - Highlight, take notes, and summarize your favorite podcasts using AI.
A collection of official resources and content.
- Blog - The official Readwise blog.
- YouTube - The official Readwise YouTube channel.
- Onboarding Materials - A tutorial on how to set up and use Reader.
- Customer Feedback & Feature Request Board - The official customer feedback page.
- FAQ - The official Readwise FAQ page.
- Wisereads - A weekly newsletter featuring the most highlighted documents in Readwise during the past week.
- Reader Filter Guide 📖 - A how-to guide for document filtering and syntax in Reader.
- (Unofficial) - Ghostreader Prompts - A collection of user-created prompts for Readwise Reader's "Copilot of Reading" feature Ghostreader.
- Download Link - A link to download the Reader for Desktop (alpha) version.
Contributions are always welcome!
Please adhere to these guidelines:
- Add the link: - project-name - A short description ending with a period.
- Keep descriptions concise and succinct.
- Add a new section if necessary.