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lib: Pulling in new error messages when file cannot be opened securely #578

lib: Pulling in new error messages when file cannot be opened securely

lib: Pulling in new error messages when file cannot be opened securely #578

Workflow file for this run

# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
name: CI for meson build
branches: [ develop, master, release/*, feature/*, hotfix/* ]
tags: [ v*, test-ci* ]
branches: [ develop ]
name: ${{ }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.config.os }}
container: ${{ matrix.config.image }}
fail-fast: false # so that if one config fails, other won't be cancelled automatically
- {
name: "Windows MSVC x64",
os: windows-latest,
cc: "cl.exe",
cxx: "cl.exe",
arch: "x64",
publish_release: true,
meson_opts: "-Db_vscrt=static_from_buildtype",
release_name: "win-x64",
release_extension: ".zip",
archive_command: "7z a -tzip -mmt"
- {
name: "Windows MSVC x86",
os: windows-latest,
cc: "cl.exe",
cxx: "cl.exe",
arch: "x64_x86",
publish_release: true,
meson_opts: "-Db_vscrt=static_from_buildtype",
release_name: "win-x86",
release_extension: ".zip",
archive_command: "7z a -tzip -mmt"
- {
name: "Windows MSVC ARM64",
os: windows-latest,
cc: "cl.exe",
cxx: "cl.exe",
arch: "x64_arm64",
publish_release: true,
meson_opts: "-Db_vscrt=static_from_buildtype --cross-file=./meson_crosscompile/msvc_arm64.txt",
release_name: "win-ARM64",
release_extension: ".zip",
archive_command: "7z a -tzip -mmt"
- {
name: "Windows GCC",
os: windows-latest,
cc: "gcc.exe",
cxx: "g++.exe",
release_name: "win-x86_64-gcc",
release_extension: ".zip",
archive_command: "7z a -tzip -mmt"
- {
name: "Windows Clang",
os: windows-latest,
cc: "clang.exe",
cxx: "clang++.exe",
meson_opts: "--native-file=./meson_crosscompile/Windows-Clang.txt",
release_name: "win-x86_64-clang",
release_extension: ".zip",
archive_command: "7z a -tzip -mmt"
- {
name: "Ubuntu GCC",
os: ubuntu-latest,
cc: "gcc",
cxx: "g++",
release_name: "linux-x86_64-gcc",
release_extension: ".tar.xz",
archive_command: "tar cvfJ"
- {
name: "Ubuntu Clang",
os: ubuntu-latest,
cc: "clang",
cxx: "clang++",
release_name: "linux-x86_64",
release_extension: ".tar.xz",
archive_command: "tar cvfJ"
- {
name: "MUSL Cross Compile x86_64",
os: ubuntu-latest,
cc: "",
cxx: "",
publish_release: true,
create_package: true,
meson_opts: "--cross-file=./meson_crosscompile/x86_64-linux-musl-cross.txt",
cross_compiler_arch: "x86_64",
release_name: "linux-x86_64-portable",
release_extension: ".tar.xz",
archive_command: "tar cvfJ"
- {
name: "MUSL Cross Compile i686",
os: ubuntu-latest,
cc: "",
cxx: "",
publish_release: true,
meson_opts: "--cross-file=./meson_crosscompile/i686-linux-musl-cross.txt",
cross_compiler_arch: "i686",
release_name: "linux-i686-portable",
release_extension: ".tar.xz",
archive_command: "tar cvfJ"
- {
name: "MUSL Cross Compile aarch64",
os: ubuntu-latest,
cc: "",
cxx: "",
publish_release: true,
meson_opts: "--cross-file=./meson_crosscompile/aarch64-linux-musl-cross.txt",
cross_compiler_arch: "aarch64",
release_name: "linux-aarch64-portable",
release_extension: ".tar.xz",
archive_command: "tar cvfJ"
- {
name: "MUSL Cross Compile armv7l",
os: ubuntu-latest,
cc: "",
cxx: "",
publish_release: true,
meson_opts: "--cross-file=./meson_crosscompile/armv7l-linux-musl-cross.txt",
cross_compiler_arch: "armv7l",
release_name: "linux-armv7l-portable",
release_extension: ".tar.xz",
archive_command: "tar cvfJ"
- {
name: "MUSL Cross Compile armv6",
os: ubuntu-latest,
cc: "",
cxx: "",
publish_release: true,
meson_opts: "--cross-file=./meson_crosscompile/armv6-linux-musl-cross.txt",
cross_compiler_arch: "armv6",
release_name: "linux-armv6-portable",
release_extension: ".tar.xz",
archive_command: "tar cvfJ"
- {
name: "MUSL Cross Compile armv5l",
os: ubuntu-latest,
cc: "",
cxx: "",
publish_release: true,
meson_opts: "--cross-file=./meson_crosscompile/armv5l-linux-musl-cross.txt",
cross_compiler_arch: "armv5l",
release_name: "linux-armv5l-portable",
release_extension: ".tar.xz",
archive_command: "tar cvfJ"
- {
name: "MUSL Cross Compile powerpc64",
os: ubuntu-latest,
cc: "",
cxx: "",
publish_release: true,
meson_opts: "--cross-file=./meson_crosscompile/powerpc64-linux-musl-cross.txt",
cross_compiler_arch: "powerpc64",
release_name: "linux-powerpc64-portable",
release_extension: ".tar.xz",
archive_command: "tar cvfJ"
- {
name: "MUSL Cross Compile powerpc64le",
os: ubuntu-latest,
cc: "",
cxx: "",
publish_release: true,
meson_opts: "--cross-file=./meson_crosscompile/powerpc64le-linux-musl-cross.txt",
cross_compiler_arch: "powerpc64le",
release_name: "linux-powerpc64le-portable",
release_extension: ".tar.xz",
archive_command: "tar cvfJ"
outputs: #where hashes need to be stored for slsa provenance
#NOTE: Only doing this for builds with "publish_release: true"
#format is hash-${{release_name}} for the zipped packages
hash-win-x64: ${{ steps.hash.outputs.hash-win-x64 }}
hash-win-x86: ${{ steps.hash.outputs.hash-win-x86 }}
hash-win-ARM64: ${{ steps.hash.outputs.hash-win-ARM64 }}
hash-linux-x86_64-portable: ${{ steps.hash.outputs.hash-linux-x86_64-portable }}
hash-linux-i686-portable: ${{ steps.hash.outputs.hash-linux-i686-portable }}
hash-linux-aarch64-portable: ${{ steps.hash.outputs.hash-linux-aarch64-portable }}
hash-linux-armv7l-portable: ${{ steps.hash.outputs.hash-linux-armv7l-portable }}
hash-linux-armv6-portable: ${{ steps.hash.outputs.hash-linux-armv6-portable }}
hash-linux-armv5l-portable: ${{ steps.hash.outputs.hash-linux-armv5l-portable }}
hash-linux-powerpc64-portable: ${{ steps.hash.outputs.hash-linux-powerpc64-portable }}
hash-linux-powerpc64le-portable: ${{ steps.hash.outputs.hash-linux-powerpc64le-portable }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
submodules: recursive
- name: Settings vars for MSVC
if: startsWith(, 'Windows MSVC')
uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1
arch: ${{ matrix.config.arch }}
- name: Setup for MUSL Cross Compilation
if: startsWith(, 'MUSL Cross Compile')
run: |
sudo ./meson_crosscompile/ -a ${{ matrix.config.cross_compiler_arch }}
- name: Get latest LLVM version
if: startsWith(, 'Windows Clang')
run: |
$headers = @{ Authorization = 'Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' }
$latestRelease = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers ''
$releaseData = $latestRelease.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$assets = $releaseData.assets | Where-Object { $ -like "*win64.exe" }
if ($assets) {
$downloadUrl = $assets.browser_download_url
echo "LLVM_RELID=$($" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append
echo "LLVM_DOWNLOAD_URL=$downloadUrl" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append
} else {
Write-Host "No current Windows build available for the latest release. Searching for previous releases..."
$releases = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers ''
$found = $false
foreach ($release in $releases.Content | ConvertFrom-Json) {
$assets = $release.assets | Where-Object { $ -like "*win64.exe" }
if ($assets) {
$downloadUrl = $assets.browser_download_url
echo "LLVM_RELID=$($" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append
echo "LLVM_DOWNLOAD_URL=$downloadUrl" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf8 -Append
$found = $true
if (-not $found) {
Write-Host "No Windows build available for any recent releases."
exit 0
- name: Restore LLVM from cache
if: startsWith(, 'Windows Clang')
id: llvm-cache
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: C:/Program Files/LLVM
key: 'llvm-llvm-project-relid-${{ env.LLVM_RELID }}'
- name: Downloading latest clang for Windows
if: ${{ steps.llvm-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' && startsWith(, 'Windows Clang') }}
run: |
$headers = @{ Authorization = 'Bearer ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}' }
Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers -OutFile "LLVM.exe" ((Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headers "$($env:LLVM_RELID)").Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty assets | Where -Property name -Like "*win64.exe" | Select-Object -First 1).browser_download_url
7z x LLVM.exe -y -o"C:/Program Files/LLVM"
- name: Escape backslash in branch name
shell: bash
run: echo "BRANCH_NAME=$(echo ${{ github.ref_name }} | tr / -)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Setting release name
DESTDIR: ${{ format('openSeaChest-{0}-{1}', env.BRANCH_NAME, matrix.config.release_name) }}
run: |
shell: bash
- name: Configuring and compiling with meson
CC: ${{ }}
CXX: ${{ matrix.config.cxx }}
run: |
pip install meson ninja
meson setup build -Dprefix=/ -Dmandir=/man -Dbindir=/ ${{ matrix.config.meson_opts }} --buildtype=release
meson install -C build
# add `GOBIN` to the `PATH` otherwise nfpm in next step can't be found
- uses: actions/setup-go@v5
if: ${{ matrix.config.create_package }}
go-version: 'stable'
cache: false
- name: Create packages
if: ${{ matrix.config.create_package }}
working-directory: ${{ format('build/{0}', env.DESTDIR) }}
run: | #
go install
if [[ ${{ github.ref }} =~ ^refs/tags/v[0-9\.]+$ ]]; then
version=$(echo ${{ github.ref_name }} | tr -d 'v')
version=$(printf "%s-dev" $(date +'%y.%m.%d'))
sed -i '/version:/ s/"[^"][^"]*"/"'"$version"'"/' ../../nfpm.yaml
nfpm package -f ../../nfpm.yaml -p deb -t ..
nfpm package -f ../../nfpm.yaml -p rpm -t ..
shell: bash
- name: Set ownership of executables to root:root
if: ${{ matrix.config.os != 'windows-latest' }}
run: sudo chown -R root:root build
- name: Packing release
ARCHIVE_EXT: ${{ matrix.config.release_extension }}
run: |
cd build
if [[ "${{ matrix.config.os }}" != "windows-latest" ]]; then
sudo ${{ matrix.config.archive_command }} "${DESTDIR}${ARCHIVE_EXT}" $DESTDIR
${{ matrix.config.archive_command }} "${DESTDIR}${ARCHIVE_EXT}" $DESTDIR
shell: bash
- name: Set ownership of tar archive to root:root
if: ${{ matrix.config.os != 'windows-latest' }}
run: sudo chown root:root build/"${DESTDIR}${ARCHIVE_EXT}"
- name: Generate Hashes
if: ${{ matrix.config.publish_release }}
shell: bash
id: hash
run: |
# sha256sum generates sha256 hash for all artifacts.
# base64 -w0 encodes to base64 and outputs on a single line.
# sha256sum artifact | base64 -w0
# NOTE: Using suggested method to generate sha across OS's from slsa documentation
set -euo pipefail
(sha256sum -t ${{ format('./build/{0}{1}', env.DESTDIR, matrix.config.release_extension) }} || shasum -a 256 ${{ format('./build/{0}{1}', env.DESTDIR, matrix.config.release_extension) }}) > checksum
echo "hash-${{ matrix.config.release_name }}=$(base64 -w0 checksum || base64 checksum)" >> "${GITHUB_OUTPUT}"
- name: Uploading artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: ${{ format('{0}', matrix.config.release_name) }}
path: |
${{ format('./build/{0}{1}', env.DESTDIR, matrix.config.release_extension) }}
- name: Publish release
if: ${{ (startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/v') || startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/test-ci')) && matrix.config.publish_release }}
uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v2
files: |
${{ format('./build/{0}{1}', env.DESTDIR, matrix.config.release_extension) }}
# This step takes all the generated hashes from all build targets and combines them so slsa provenance step can run
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [build]
hashes: ${{ steps.hashes.outputs.hashes }}
HASHES: ${{ toJSON( }}
- id: hashes
run: |
echo "$HASHES"
echo "$HASHES" | jq -r '.[] | @base64d' | sed "/^$/d" > hashes.txt
echo "hashes=$(cat hashes.txt | base64 -w0)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# Generate the slsa provenance
needs: [combine_hashes]
actions: read # To read the workflow path.
id-token: write # To sign the provenance.
contents: write # To add assets to a release.
uses: slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/.github/workflows/generator_generic_slsa3.yml@v2.0.0
base64-subjects: "${{ needs.combine_hashes.outputs.hashes }}"
upload-assets: true # Optional: Upload to a new release