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This is the official SDK library for the Serpstat API v3

Getting Started

Step 1: Create authentication token

API Serpstat uses the User Token to authenticate requests. You can create a token on your profile page.

Step 2: Install the Package

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require serpstat/sdk

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 3: Use in application

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

// configure your application
$config = [
    'token' => '19666fc1ae1724da1d5ea2f3a99d5f5a',

$domain = '';
$keywords = 'keywords';
$url = '';

// init client with your serpstat api token
$apiClient = new \Serpstat\Sdk\Core\ApiGuzzleHttpClient($config['token']);

// create instance of any api method class
// e.g. DomainKeywordsMethod
// list of methods classes in folder src\Methods
$apiMethod = new \Serpstat\Sdk\Methods\DomainKeywordsMethod(

try {
    // try call api method
    $response = $apiClient->call($apiMethod);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // catch api error 
    $response = $e->getMessage();

List of SDK API methods

Class API Method Description
CheckLimitsMethod /stats You can check the number of requests you can perform within your daily limit by using the command stats
DomainInfoMethod /domain_info This report provides you with the number of keywords domain uses in SEO and PPC, shows its online visibility and other metrics.
DomainHistoryMethod /domain_history This report provides you with the historical data on a domain’s number of keywords and visibility.
DomainKeywordsMethod /domain_keywords This report shows keywords a domain ranks for in Google top 100 search results.
DomainUrlsMethod /domain_urls Returns the list of URLs within the analyzed domain. Also shows the number of keywords from top-100 for each URL.
DomainsIntersectionMethod /domains_intersection Shows common keywords of up to 3 domains
DomainsUniqKeywordsMethod /domains_uniq_keywords Shows unique keywords of a domain. Keywords that queried domain has in common with one or two other domains are removed from the list.
GetTopUrlsMethod /get_top_urls Shows top urls by domain.
CompetitorsMethod /competitors The report lists all domains that rank for the given keyword in Google top 20 results
KeywordsMethod /keywords This method uses a full text search to find all keywords that match the queried term. For every keyword found you’ll see its volume, CPC and level of competition.
KeywordInfoMethod /keyword_info This report provides you with the keyword overview showing its volume, CPC and level of competition
SuggestionsMethod /suggestions This report lists autocomplete suggestions for the keyword you requested (they are found by the full text search).
RelatedKeywordsMethod /related_keywords This report gives you a comprehensive list of related keywords whose SERP is similar to the one the requested keyword has (only for Account Types Standard and Professional).
KeywordTopMethod /keyword_top This report shows you Google top 100 organic search results for the keyword you requested.
AdKeywordsMethod /ad_keywords This report shows you ads copies that pop up for the queried keyword in Google paid search results.
UrlKeywordsMethod /url_keywords The report lists keywords that URL ranks for in Google search results.
UrlCompetitorsMethod /url_competitors Shows the list of URLs that compete with a queried URL in organic search.
UrlMissingKeywordsMethod /url_missing_keywords Shows a list of keywords that competitors' URLs rank for in top-10 but that are missing from the queried page.

SDK Exceptions

Exception Class Code Message
ApiException - -
ApiInvalidRequestException 400 Invalid request
ApiLimitExceededException 402 Tariff limits exceeded
ApiAccessErrorException 403 Authorization problems (wrong token, forbidden action or user blocked)
ApiNoResultsException 404 No results
ApiFrequencyExceededException 429 Request frequency exceeded (increase the timeout between requests)
ApiServerException 500 Server error
InvalidParamException 500 Invalid parameter
ParseResponseException 500 Unable to parse response