- 《游戏引擎架构》
- 《我所理解的Cocos2d-x》
- 《游戏编程精粹(第6卷第4章)》
- 《A Data-Driven Game Object System》
- 将根目录的genius-x目录拷贝至你的游戏目录中同cocos2d同级的目录,因为Genius-x会引用Cocos2d-x工程。
- 将genius-x/build目录下对应平台的工程文件添加引用至你的项目中。
- 添加搜索路径,这样才能找到头文件引用,例如在XCode中设置为$(SRCROOT)/../genius-x/genius。
- 添加静态库链接。
- based on the Origin Entity Component System idea(Decoupbe the system from component,this make it diff from Component-based design).
- automatic attching system to Entity,you only need concern component.So,
- it's data-driven.
- better performance,we make every Entity has it's own System instance,but still keep auto-attaching,you do not need care about System.
- lua and javascript binding support.(progress....)
- system ordered.
- create an Entity: ECSmanager::createEntity();
- create you own Component which should be a subclass of ECS::Component , such as 'MyComponent'
- create you System which should be a subclass of ECS::System
- init the ECSManager: auto ecs=new ECSManager();
- put all your system: ecs->addSystem(mySystem);
- add component to Entity: ecs->addComponentToEntity(myComponent,myEntity);
- call the update methed of ECSManager in your gameloop, such as the visit or update method of HelloWorldScene.
- that's it!
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