Using JavaScript and D3 library to map earthquakes on an interactive globe.
As part of the Disaster Reporting Network Team, the position of a data visualization expert came in handy when the team decided to mapping earhtqaakes from the last seven days and present them on an interactive map. The purpose of the project was to display differences between the magnitudes of earthquakes using JavaScript, API, various libraries such as D3 and Leaflet.
Some of the tasks were:
Retrieve data from a GeoJSON file and read files using D3 json format
Make API requests to a server to host geographical maps, such as USGS
Practicing and adding multiple map layers to geographical maps using Leaflet, such as legends, toggled map layers
Use JavaScript ES6 functions to add GeoJSON data, features, and interactivity to maps.
Utilized branching and merging from git to host and debug data and code