Every month, the whoishiring bot on HackerNews asks for people and companies to share if they're looking for jobs or hiring. This site scrapes the comments from those posts and displays the number of top level comments per post.
You can hover over the data points to see the exact number of top level comments, or you can click on the datapoints to go to the original post.
You can filter the comments by keywords such as "remote", "senior", or "nyc". Use commas to OR filters together (i.e. "sf, san francisco" will match comments that contain either "sf" OR "san francisco".)
Adding multiple searches lets you compare trends between keywords. For example, you can compare the number of "sf" and "nyc" job postings.
Your searches are synced with the url, so if you want to share a specific view, you can just copy the url!
The frontend is a static next.js site that is deployed to Vercel. The backend is a cron job that periodically queries the HackerNews Algolia API, parses it and then uploads the result to Cloudflare R2.
pnpm i
pnpm dev
# Cloudflare keys
# Cron Secret Key
# Local dev config