SerialX 1.3.2
Open source!
What was added:
- Serializer now abstract class which inherits Scope so now it is Scope that can serialize itself! Serialization and deserialization methods are now not static and original functionality has been split into two separated objects that inherit Serializer:
- JussSerializer - which is responsible for serializing and deserializing objects using Juss format (original functionality of Serializer).
- JsonSerializer - which is responsible for serializing and deserializing objects using Json format (successors of JsonSelxUtils)
- JsonSelxUtils was replaced with JsonSerializer that is capable of both reading and writing Json!
- Main formatting and reading algorithms can be now overridden by extending JsonSerializer, JussSerializer or Serializer!
- Ability to set multiple variables on one value, for example x = y = z = 5
- Ability to remove multiple variables by setting them on null!
- Variables of scope are now settable from outer world, for example someScope.x = 9
- Compare identity operator (triple equals) was added and transtype comparison logic was changed, mainly between primitive datatypes!
- Logical operators now have higher precedence over comparison operators by default!
- Logic behind operators can now be overridden by extending belonging operator DataParser!
- Adding some new utility and functionalities!
- Small syntax features (scopes now don't have to be separated with semicolon if they are in new line)!
- Package name was renamed from "" to "org.ugp.serialx"!
- Fixing some bugs with formatting and reading!
- SerialX is now fully open source!