"DAtabáze TOváren U Nás" is an opensource database of Czech factories. It's goal is to provide simple search interface for those searching for products made in Czechia.
Can't code? Help fill Datoun with relevant data. All contributions welcome ❤️
The whole project consists of 3 parts, all licensed under the MIT license.
- Datoun admin admin.datoun.cz + REPO
- Vue3 app for inserting new companies into the database
- Datoun katalog datoun.cz + REPO
- Vue3 + instantsearch app for browsing the database.
- Algolia backend
git clone git@github.com:Smidra/datoun-admin.git
npm install
npm run dev
CD pipeline build every version in main and pushes it to production.
For UI components we try to use NaiveUI where possible. Datoun strives to be a serious website, so the design should not be too playfull and over the head filled with animations. Naive UI is a nice alternative to the sterile IBM design system, Google is too fun, and Fluent does not have a library for Vue3.
- Algolia ID
- S27OT8U78J
- Bearer token
- Authorization:Bearer 39e5cf3041647ce2f68c09b8e477eb8c
- Index
- firmy
Key | Validation | Description |
id | Seconds since Epoch | |
jmeno_firmy | Name of the company | |
aliasy | [Array of sitrings] Brands from the company, aliases... | |
popisek_firmy | Short description filled with keywords. Preferably from the company website. | |
poznamky_k_vyrobe | Do they make everything in Czechia? Are there exceptions? | |
eshop | URL where to buy products from the company | |
logo | URL of a logo of the company | |
funguje | [Boolean] Is the company still operating? | |
vyrobny | [Array of VYROBNY objects] One for every factory the company has |
Key | Validation | Description |
lokalita | [OBEC object from obce.json] A town where the factory is | |
kategorie0 | [ARRAY of strings] Higest level categories of the products made in this factory | |
kategorie1 | [ARRAY of strings] Categories of the products made in this factory 1 level deep | |
kategorie2 | [ARRAY of strings] Categories of the products made in this factory 2 level deep |
"id": 1,
"jmeno_firmy": "Alpa",
"aliasy": [
"popisek_firmy": "Historie společnosti ALPA je historií stabilní a prosperující společnosti. Obliba značky ALPA přetrvala dlouhá desetiletí. Po předválečné etapě výroby v Brně se závod v roce 1948 přestěhoval do Velkého Meziříčí. V roce 1994 proběhla privatizace a společnost ALPA je dnes moderním a perspektivním podnikem. Vlastnictví tradiční české značky a přes 100 let trvající spokojenost našich zákazníků je nejcennějším klenotem, který zdobí značku ALPA.",
"poznamky_k_vyrobe": "Všechna výroba probíhá v závodu ve Velkém meziříčí.",
"eshop": "https://www.alpa.cz/cs/e-shop",
"logo": "https://www.alpa.cz/images/stories/Aktuality/2017/thumbnails/thumbnails/AL_logoALPA_RGB.jpg",
"funguje": true,
"vyrobny": [
"lokalita": {...obec z obce.json...},
"kategorie0": [
"kategorie1": [
"Drogerie > Zubní pasty",
"Drogerie > Masážní gely",
"Drogerie > Holení"