Releases: SuleMareVientu/GameplayFixesV-ScriptHookV
Releases · SuleMareVientu/GameplayFixesV-ScriptHookV
GameplayFixesV v2.0
- ReloadIniKey, FiveM support resource files
- Player:
- DisableActionMode, CleanWoundsAndDirtInWater
- Player Control:
- DisableAssistedMovement, DisableCameraAutoCenter, DisableFirstPersonView,
- DisableAssistedMovement, DisableCameraAutoCenter, DisableFirstPersonView,
- Player Vehicle:
- KeepCarHydraulicsPosition, EnableHeliWaterPhysics, DisableFlyThroughWindscreen,
DisableBikeKnockOff, DisableDragOutCar,
- KeepCarHydraulicsPosition, EnableHeliWaterPhysics, DisableFlyThroughWindscreen,
- HUD:
- AllowGameExecutionOnPauseMenu, DisablePauseMenuPostFX, DisableHUDPostFX,
DisableSpecialAbilityPostFX, EnableBigMapToggle, SetRadarZoom,
DisableMinimapTilt, HideMinimapFog, HideMinimapBars,
HideAbilityBarForNonMainCharacters, AlwaysHideAbilityBar,
ReplaceArmourBarWithStamina, HideMinimapSatNav, HideMinimapDepth,
HideHudComponents, HideWeaponReticle, HideEnemiesBlips
- AllowGameExecutionOnPauseMenu, DisablePauseMenuPostFX, DisableHUDPostFX,
- Audio:
- DisableWantedMusic, DisablePoliceScanner, DisableFlyingMusic,
DisableRadioInterruptions, DefaultVehicleRadioOff
- DisableWantedMusic, DisablePoliceScanner, DisableFlyingMusic,
- Peds:
- DisableShootFromGround
- DisableWheelsAutoCenterOnCarExit, DisarmPedWhenShot, DisableMobilePhone,
- PlayerCanJackFriendlyPeds
GameplayFixesV v1.2
- CamFollowVehicleDuringHandbrake / CamFollowVehDelay - Force gameplay camera to follow the vehicle when using the handbrake
- DisableStuntJumps - Disables all stunt jumps around the map
- DisableMobilePhone - Disables the player's mobile phone
DisableEngineSmoke and DisableEngineFire now work as intended
GameplayFixesV v1.1
- DisarmPlayerWhenShot / DisarmPedWhenShot - Allows enemies that hit the player's weapon (or hands) to disarm the player, similar to RDR and GTA:IV. Adjust DisarmChance and DisarmIncludeLeftHand at your liking. Inspired by jedijosh920's Disarm
- ToggleFPSWalking - Allow player to toggle between jogging and walking in FPS mode. Inspired by chinagreenelvis's Walk Toggle
- DisableEngineFire - Disables engine fires when engine healts reaches below 0. Also disables automatic vehicle explosion after engine healt reaches -4000
- DisableEngineSmoke - Same as DisableEngineFire, but the threshold is set to 400. Prevents the engine from smoking and catching fire
- DisableRecording - Disables the replay recording feature completely
Fixes: - Improved friendly fire code allowing player to perform melee lockon on friendly peds
- Allow player to still have control of wheel steering when vehicle is stuck
- Allow player to switch characters while inside the safehouse (AllowWeaponsInsideSafeHouse is now disabled by default)
- Made the LeaveEngineOnWhenExitingVehicles option more similar to GTA:IV's
GameplayFixesV v1.0
Initial release