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@SuperIceCN SuperIceCN released this 12 Jun 00:39
· 18 commits to master since this release


  • Js已经支持for of循环
  • Js中修复了错误的=>实现
  • Js中新增宏注释://pragma optimistic,添加后bn将会为此代码在载入期间激进地进行类型推导以优化运行时性能
  • bnp支持.phpfile后缀名
  • bnp和bnpx可以直接放入plugins文件夹加载
  • 小幅优化性能
  • js中可以直接使用类的全名使用java类,无需进行Java.type或require引入
  • 材质包不会无谓地重复生成


  • 回调参数中新增getRequestRawUrl函数


  • 优化ai算法,避免npc消失bug


  • addCommandCompleter新增@sub规则,表示一个子命令补全选项
  • @comment(value = "是否运行在PowerNukkit上")
    public boolean isPowerNukkit()


  • @comment(value = "新建一个漏斗物品栏")
    public HopperFakeInventory addHopperInv(@comment(value = "包含的物品,需要使用Java.to函数转换") Item[] item
    ,@comment(value = "物品栏标题") String name)


  • @comment(value = "注册新的简易物品, 允许任意自定义物品")
    public void registerSimpleItem(@comment(value = "新物品的id") int id
    ,@comment(value = "新物品的名称") String name
    ,@comment(value = "新物品的最大堆叠上限") int stackSize
    ,@comment(value = "新物品的类别,可选construction nature equipment items") String type
    ,@comment(value = "是否展示为工具(竖着拿在手里)") boolean isDisplayAsTool
    ,@comment(value = "是否可装备在副手") boolean canOnOffhand)

  • @comment(value = "注册新的工具物品")
    public void registerToolItem(@comment(value = "新物品的id") int id
    ,@comment(value = "新物品的名称") String name
    ,@comment(value = "工具种类,可为sword shovel pickaxe axe hoe") String toolType
    ,@comment(value = "工具挖掘等级 0-空手,1-木,2-金,3-石,4-铁,5-钻石,6-下界合金") int toolTier
    ,@comment(value = "工具耐久值") int durability
    ,@comment(value = "攻击伤害") int attackDamage
    ,@comment(value = "是否可装备在副手") boolean canOnOffhand)

  • @comment(value = "注册新的食物物品")
    public void registerFoodItem(@comment(value = "新物品的id") int id
    ,@comment(value = "新物品的名称") String name
    ,@comment(value = "新物品的最大堆叠上限") int stackSize
    ,@comment(value = "提供的饥饿度") int nutrition
    ,@comment(value = "食用持续时间(刻)") int eatTime
    ,@comment(value = "是否可装备在副手") boolean canOnOffhand)

  • @comment(value = "注册新的饮品物品")
    public void registerDrinkItem(@comment(value = "新物品的id") int id
    ,@comment(value = "新物品的名称") String name
    ,@comment(value = "新物品的最大堆叠上限") int stackSize
    ,@comment(value = "提供的饥饿度") int nutrition
    ,@comment(value = "饮用持续时间(刻)") int drinkTime
    ,@comment(value = "是否可装备在副手") boolean canOnOffhand)

  • @comment(value = "注册新的盔甲物品")
    public void registerArmorItem(@comment(value = "新物品的id") int id
    ,@comment(value = "新物品的名称") String name
    ,@comment(value = "盔甲种类,可为helmet chest leggings boots") String armorType
    ,@comment(value = "盔甲等级 0-无,1-皮革,2-铁,3-锁链,4-金,5-钻石,6-下界合金") int armorTier
    ,@comment(value = "工具耐久值") int durability
    ,@comment(value = "提供的盔甲值") int armorPoint
    ,@comment(value = "是否可装备在副手") boolean canOnOffhand)

  • @comment(value = "添加新的盔甲材质")
    public void addArmorTexture(@comment(value = "物品id") int id
    ,@comment(value = "盔甲物品栏材质图片路径") String inventoryPath
    ,@comment(value = "盔甲穿着时材质图片路径") String modelPath)

  • @comment(value = "添加新的物品材质")
    public void addItemTexture(@comment(value = "物品id") int id
    ,@comment(value = "物品材质图片路径") String path)

  • @comment(value = "为指定id物品添加中文翻译名")
    public void addItemChineseTranslation(@comment(value = "物品id") int id
    ,@comment(value = "中文名") String name)

  • @comment(value = "为指定id物品添加英文翻译名")
    public void addItemEnglishTranslation(@comment(value = "物品id") int id
    ,@comment(value = "英文名") String name)

  • @comment(value = "向材质包中指定位置添加json文件")
    public void addResourcePackJsonEntry(@comment(value = "材质包内相对位置,包含路径和文件全名") String entryPath
    ,@comment(value = "json文件内容") String json)

  • @comment(value = "向材质包中指定位置添加图片文件")
    public void addResourcePackPictureEntry(@comment(value = "材质包内相对位置,包含路径和文件全名") String entryPath
    ,@comment(value = "要复制到材质包中的硬盘上的图片路径") String path)


  • void defineChunkRenderAll(String callback,int priority / void)
    • 为所有世界添加地形渲染器
    • callback是渲染器回调函数
    • priority是优先级,优先级越大先调用,不填默认为0


  • @comment(value = "构建4d展示模型")
    public BNModel buildModel(@comment(value = "生成模型的位置") Position pos
    ,@comment(value = "模型4d皮肤id") String modelSkinID
    ,@comment(value = "模型长") double length
    ,@comment(value = "模型宽") double width
    ,@comment(value = "模型高") double height
    ,@comment(value = "模型缩放比例") double scale
    ,@comment(value = "定时回调函数") @callbackfunction(classes = {"com.blocklynukkit.loader.other.Entities.BNModel","int"}, parameters = {"model", "tick"}, comments = {"执行此函数的模型实体", "当前实体运行刻"}) String tickCallback
    ,@comment(value = "定时回调函数回调间隔(刻)") int callTick
    ,@comment(value = "被攻击回调函数") @callbackfunction(classes = {"com.blocklynukkit.loader.other.Entities.BNModel","cn.nukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageEvent"}, parameters = {"model", "damageEvent"}, comments = {"执行此函数的模型实体", "实体受到的伤害事件"}) String attackCallback
    ,@comment(value = "实体交互回调函数") @callbackfunction(classes = {"com.blocklynukkit.loader.other.Entities.BNModel","cn.nukkit.Player","cn.nukkit.item.Item","cn.nukkit.math.Vector3"}, parameters = {"model","player","item","clickPos"}, comments = {"执行此函数的模型实体", "发起交互的玩家", "交互使用的物品", "交互点击的位置"}) String interactCallback)