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提交规范 commit convention

sunsonliu edited this page Aug 20, 2023 · 2 revisions


作为开源项目,我们的提交规范也要和业界使用Conventional Commits的规范一致,因此要定制一套符合我们的提交规范。同时,我们还规范开发工作流,以便版本管理和多人协作。


<type>(<scope>): <subject>
  • 标题行: 必填 , 描述主要修改类型和内容,scope增强描述提交作用范围,例如我们cherry的core层、Edior、Previewer等
  • 主题内容: 描述为什么修改, 做了什么样的修改, 以及开发的思路; 这里直接引用tapd源码关键字,若没有则不填
  • 页脚注释: 放 Breaking Changes 或 Closed Issues


fix: 四个空格(2个tab)需识别为代码块

其他补充信息,解释fix 标题

Fixed #10 
Close #10

type 类型如下

1.  feat:新功能(feature)
2.  fix:修补 bug
3.  docs:文档(documentation)
4.  style: 格式(不影响代码运行的变动)
5.  refactor:重构(即不是新增功能,也不是修改 bug 的代码变动)
6.  test:增加测试
7.  chore:构建过程或辅助工具的变动

使用git cz提交(开发者可选方式)

为了方便使用,增加了commitizen支持,使用cz-customizable进行配置。支持使用 git cz 替代 git commit 。 需全局安装 npm install commitizen -g


master分支合并新代码 后生成新版本: 执行指令 npm run release -- --release-as 1.1.0

自动生成Change log,生成的文档包括3个部分:

  • New features
  • Bug fixes
  • Breaking changes

每个部分都会罗列相关的 commit ,并且有指向这些 commit 的链接。生成的文档允许手动修改,所以发布前,你还可以添加其他内容。


执行上条release指令后才能执行发布流程: 执行指令 npm run publish

一、 Normative implication

As a formal open-source project team, our submission specifications are consistent with the Conventional Commits specifications.


<type>(<scope>): <subject>
  • Title line: must be filled , describe your main modification type and content, scope enhance the description submission scope, such as the Cherry core layer, Edior, Previewer, etc.
  • Subject content: describe why you changed, what you had changed and development ideas **here directly cites to the tapd source code keyword. Don't fill in if you don't have it
  • Footer notes: for Breaking Changes or Closed Issues


fix: 四个空格(2个tab)需识别为代码块

其他补充信息,解释fix 标题

Fixed #10 
Close #10

Types are as follows

1.  feat:新功能(feature)
2.  fix:修补 bug
3.  docs:文档(documentation)
4.  style: 格式(不影响代码运行的变动)
5.  refactor:重构(即不是新增功能,也不是修改 bug 的代码变动)
6.  test:增加测试
7.  chore:构建过程或辅助工具的变动

Use git cz to submit (developer optional method)

We support commitizen support for ease of use, use cz-customizable to configure. Support git cz instead of git commit. Need install globally npm install commitizen -g

npm install commitizen -g

三、Automatically generate Change log(generate release for release)

Generate a new version after merging the new code in the master branch: Execute the command:

npm run release -- --release-as 1.1.0

Automatically generate Change log,The generated document consists of three parts:

  • New features
  • Bug fixes
  • Breaking changes

Each section will list the related commit, and there are links to those commits. The generated document allows manual modification, so you can add other content before publishing.

四、Version release

The release process can only be executed after the previous release instruction is executed:

npm run publish