The TinyPounder is a GUI tool to test creation / removal / destroyal of Ehcache3 cache managers or caches.
The TinyPounder does not embed ehcache3 libraries; instead it relies on a kit (an archive that contains the ehcache libraries).
You can find Open Source Ehcache3 kits on the Ehcache3 release page (archives that end with -kit).
To start the TinyPounder, you can download it and start it with :
java -jar tinypounderXXX.jar
If you usually run the TinyPounder with the same kit, you can provide its path at start time :
java -jar tinypounderXXX.jar --kitPath=/path/to/unzipped/kit/ --licensePath=/path/to/license.xml
Disable auto-launch browser (when you already have a tinyPounder window)
java -jar tinypounderXXX.jar --autoLaunchBrowser=false
Then head to http://localhost:8080