Given a scripture quotation from a church father's writings1, identify the most likely verses being quoted by that quotation, ideally with a level of confidence according to the algorithms we implemented.
These prerequisites are only necessary if running individual .py files
- Python 3.X (3.10+ was used in development)
- Python libraries detailed in
. To install the libraries collectively, run the following terminal command:pip -r requirements.txt
To analyze a string of raw Greek text:
NOTE: the current working directory should be in the folder where
is located
SQI.exe -i "<Greek_text>"
To analyze a single file containing Greek text:
SQI.exe -f <Greek_filepath>
To analyze multiple files containing Greek text:
SQI.exe -f <Greek_filepath_1> <Greek_filepath_2> ...
To output data to a file:
SQI.exe -f <Greek_filepath> -o
To specify the number of standard deviations:
SQI.exe -f <Greek_filepath> -sd <number_of_standard_dev>
- Run the GUI:
python <gui_filepath>/
(ensure that the prerequisites are fulfilled before running!) - Use your preferred method to input the Greek quotation.
- Click the
Find Verses
button to analyze the quotation for potential verse references.
Work in progress. Needs further server development.
Visit the Wiki to learn more about how our program parses and analyzes all of the information! Documentation is available for all of the major classes.
- Migrate to tempfile Python Library Where Necessary
- Organize Source Code into src/ Directory
- Implement CLI & GUI & WUI Loading Bar
- Build Pen Test Cases
- Create Task List for Word Order Algorithm
Link to apostolic-fathers repo: ↩