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The library proposes a type system that makes possible to perform static type-checking on a significant fragment of Elixir.

An important feature of the type system is that it does not require any syntactic change to the language. Type information is provided by means of function signatures @spec.

The approach is inspired by the so-called gradual typing.

The proposed type system is based on subtyping and is backwards compatible, as it allows the presence of non-typed code fragments. Represented as the any type.

The code parts that are not statically type checked because of lack of typing information, will be type checked then at runtime.

Here is the proposed type system and how to write the code to be statically type checked.


The library is not extensive within the language. The scope of this work is to cover the expectations of a degree project for the Facutlad de Ingeniería - UDELAR.

Special thanks to our tutors Marcos Viera and Alberto Pardo.


Documentation can be found at


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding typelixir to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:typelixir, "~> 0.1.0"}

After installing the dependency, you need to run:

mix typelixir


typelixir is licensed under the MIT license.

See LICENSE for the full license text.