Navigate to teamcode folder to find modified code (TeamCode/src/main/java/org/teamcode)
- Autonomous program for positions as defined in the graphic belowMecanumTeleop.java
- Teleop programHardwareMecanum.java
- Definitions of motor names to be set in configuration of app
Ensure the configuration of the app is set as defined in
and as shown below. -
Reference this guide to learn how to set the software / electrical hardware up.
(Parking area on top) [ Note locations marked 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
| _| |_ |
|[1] [2]|
| O O |
|[3] [4]|
Names of motors in “Configure Robot” menu on phones:
- Front Left Motor: “FL”
- Front Right Motor: “FR”
- Back Left Motor: “BL”
- Back Right Motor: “BR”
- Intake Motor: "AD"
- Lift Motor Left: "LDL"
- Lift Motor Right: "LDR"
The code is broken up into two parts: FtcRobotController and TeamCode. TeamCode is where you write code (most of the time you will be here). FtcRobotController contains samples for programs that can be implemented in FtcRobotController\FtcRobotController\src\main\java\org\firstinspires\ftc\robotcontroller\external\samples
FTC Robotics has 2 types of programs made for the robot: Autonomous and TeleOp. These correspond to the times in the game when the teams can use controllers to drive the robots and when they can only spectate.
- TeleOp code is ran when teams can use a controller to drive around the robot. This is hooking up the controller to the motors and servos of the robot.
- Autonomous code is ran when teams cannot do anything, and the robot moves around on it's own. This is programming the robot to move around and do things on it's own.
contains the TeleOp and Autonomous code.
- Defines the hardware that is then used in the MecanumTeleop and AutonomousProgram classes
- For instance, any motors or servos are defined here
- Opmode that allows for driving the robot via the left joystick
- Trig is used to rotate the input so that when somebody pushes a joystick left, the robot moves left
- Also handles spinning the robot with the right joystick
- Program controls the robot without any input
This GitHub repository contains the source code that is used to build an Android app to control a FIRST Tech Challenge competition robot. To use this SDK, download/clone the entire project to your local computer.