Sorts and modifies Karma files lists using JS functions. No more tricky RegExps!
This plugin has been inspired by karma-angular-filesort, on which it is heavily based.
npm install --save-dev karma-filesort
This plugin is compatible with Karma version 0.13.x and above.
A full plugin configuration would look something like this:
// karma.conf.js
module.exports = function(config) {
//Include 'filesort' as a framework
frameworks: ['jasmine', 'filesort'],
files: [
fileSort: {
//Sort or modify included files (ones that are included on the page with the <script> tag.
included: function (includedFiles, log) {
return includedFiles.filter(function (file) {
//Filter the list of files using any JS code.
return ~file.path.indexOf('exclude');
//Sort or modify served files (ones that are not included on the page, but can be requested manually).
//If you use it, make sure that served files contain all the included files.
served: function (servedFiles, log) {
//Log them, sort them, do anything you want.
//Just return the modified array.
return servedFiles;