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ymeets - Yale Group Meetings Made Easy

ymeets provides a clean interface for scheduling meetings with other people. We aim to make the platform the go-to place for Yalies to plan their organized gatherings, with features ranging from GAPI integration to Yale Academic Calandar support.

ymeets is an open-source application maintained by a team of volunteers within the Yale Computer Society, a tech organization at Yale University.

Quick Start

git clone the repository.

Run npm install

Run npm start in the top level directory.

The currently deployed version can be viewed at

Contribution Guide

First, read this ReadMe in its entirety (you're off to a good start). Generally, people who contribute are part of the y/cs. If you have a contribution you want to make, but you are not part of the ymeets team within the y/cs, we welcome you to open a Pull Request. You can either solve an open issue that has not been assigned to someone, or contribute a new feature of your design. A successfully merged PR of significant contribution will earn you implicit membership in the org. You will be credited on the site.

If you wish to design your own feature, we encourage you to reach out to the ymeets team first at, as we reserve the right to reject any contributions we are not consulted on.

Directory Structure

src\components: Houses all of the dynamic and static frontend components.

There are three types of components: Page Components, Page Support Components and Utility Components. One should create components that all into one of these three categories, otherwise it likely need not be a component.

Page components render at a specific route in Root.tsx. (i.e. the AboutUs.tsx component)

Page Support Components provide utility to support a specific page component. (i.e. the ContributerCard() function in AboutUs.tsx)

Utility Components are the building blocks to all other components. Examples of this are are general purpose buttons and input fields, found in the utils/components folder.

src\firebase: Houses all the backend functionality. Backend is done via Firebase calls. Stay tuned for more backend documentation.

src\static: Static imagery used across the site.

Root.tsx: The react router, which handles page specific renderings.

types.ts: Types used across the front and backend of the application to saturate components. Types that are used with a handful of components are not defined here, but instead in their respective file.

As is expanded on in the style guide, other directory modules follow specific formats to make their functionality obvious.

Page Hierachy, Visualzed

Page Hierachy

Architecture Notes

Specific details about the functionality of certain modules is kept inline in commons and jsdocs. This is meant to provide a high level overview of how the codebase works.

"Hosts" are people that create the "Event". Events are the object with information about the created ymeet. The word "Event" and "ymeet" are interchangeable in the codebase. The EventDetails object contains infomation about participants in the Event, the dimensions of the availability calander, and the selected times each person was available. This is done via index. Actual infromation about the people participating in the event is contained with the Participant object. This includes information like the location they voted for, their name, email (if logged in), etc. Backend and Frontend types are linked in the eventAPI.ts file.

EventDetails is converted into into two types frontend: CalendarDimensions and CalendarState. The first is merely the dimensions of the calender: column-wise are which days are availale to select, while row-wise is the times that one can choose from. The CalendarApp page support component renders a set of SelectCalendars. This object is rendered row-wise, where each row is made up of a set of CalBlocks. Again, all of these are managed at the top-level by the CalanderFramework object that is fetched at the beginning of the render process and saturated wit hthe CalendarDimensions type. CalendarApp is adapted by various circumstances depending on which page it is needed on. It is a do-it-all component, allowing the user to both view the availabilities of the group or edited their own based on the context.

The CalendarState object allows the frontend to consume information about who is available when relative to the CalanderDimensions. It is a 3D grid, where the first dimesnion specifies which user's availability to pluck out, and the other two dimensions specify the day and time you wish to change.

Most of the logic for rendering in availability information (coloring certain blocks) is done at the CalBlock level in an observer pattern.

Here is a quick visual overview:

Page Hierachy

ymeets Style Guide

ymeets should be written in TypeScript.

General functions that are used across more than one file should be stored in the \utils folder under the \functions folder rather than be redeclared in each scope they are necessary. Components that are used as the building blocks for other larger components should be stored in the \utils folder under \components.

Component files should be declared in PascalCase, with a matching PascalCase function definition. Folders that do not contain an exported component file should be declared in camelCase. Please do not use class components under any circumstances.

At the top of each function, please include a brief docstring explaining what the function does.


A cleaner, faster way to schedule meetings on Yale's campus.






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