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ZDRay baking utility for VKDoom/GZDoom

ZDRay is a node and lightmap generator for GZDoom. ZDRay is intended as a drop-in replacement for zdbsp, with the additional feature that it can also bake lightmap lights. Once ZDRay has processed the level WAD it is ready to be used by GZDoom.

ZDRay is based on zdbsp for the node generation and originally used dlight for the lightmap generation. Special thanks to Marisa Heit, Samuel Villarreal, Christoph Oelckers and anyone else involved in creating or maintaining those tools.

The ray tracing code has been completely rewritten since. ZDRay has two paths for lightmap baking - either the Vulkan ray query API path for raytracing-enabled cards, or a shader-based path utilizing storage buffers for non-RT cards. It defaults to the ray query path but will automatically fall back to the shader path if no RT card is found on the system.

ZDRay Usage

ATTENTION: You MUST place down a ZDRayInfo actor somewhere in the map for the lightmaps to appear at all!

Usage: zdray [options] sourcefile.wad
  -m, --map=MAP            Only affect the specified map
  -o, --output=FILE        Write output to FILE instead of tmp.wad
  -c, --comments           Write UDMF index comments
  -q, --no-prune           Keep unused sidedefs and sectors
  -N, --no-nodes           Do not rebuild nodes
  -g, --gl                 Build GL-friendly nodes
  -G, --gl-matching        Build GL-friendly nodes that match normal nodes
  -x, --gl-only            Only build GL-friendly nodes
  -5, --gl-v5              Create v5 GL-friendly nodes (overriden by -z and -X)
  -X, --extended           Create extended nodes (including GL nodes, if built)
  -z, --compress           Compress the nodes (including GL nodes, if built)
  -Z, --compress-normal    Compress normal nodes but not GL nodes
  -b, --empty-blockmap     Create an empty blockmap
  -r, --empty-reject       Create an empty reject table
  -R, --zero-reject        Create a reject table of all zeroes
  -E, --no-reject          Leave reject table untouched
  -p, --partition=NNN      Maximum segs to consider at each node (default 64)
  -s, --split-cost=NNN     Cost for splitting segs (default 8)
  -d, --diagonal-cost=NNN  Cost for avoiding diagonal splitters (default 16)
  -P, --no-polyobjs        Do not check for polyobject subsector splits
  -j, --threads=NNN        Number of threads used for raytracing (default 64)
  -S, --size=NNN           lightmap texture dimensions for width and height must
                           be in powers of two (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc)
  -D, --vkdebug            Print messages from the Vulkan validation layer
      --dump-mesh          Export level mesh and lightmaps for debugging
  -w, --warn               Show warning messages
  -t, --no-timing          Suppress timing information
  -V, --version            Display version information
      --help               Display this usage information

ZDRay UDMF properties

thing // ZDRayInfo (ZDRay properties for the map)
	type = 9890;
	lm_suncolor = <int> (default: 16777215, color value of the sun)
	lm_sampledist = <int> (default: 8, map units each lightmap texel covers, must be in powers of two)

thing // Lightmap point light (Light color and distance properties use the same args as dynamic lights)
	type = 9876;
	light_softshadowradius = <float> (default: 5, radius of the light source in map units; controls the shadow softness. Note that dynamic raytraced lights can also use this feature)

thing // Lightmap spotlight (Light color, distance and angle properties use the same args as dynamic lights)
	type = 9881;
	light_softshadowradius = <float> (default: 5, radius of the light source in map units; controls the shadow softness. Note that dynamic raytraced lights can also use this feature)

	// Customizable sampling distance per line surface. Will use the value from the ZDRayInfo actor by default.
	lm_sampledist = <int> (default: 0)
	lm_sampledist_top = <int> (default: 0)
	lm_sampledist_mid = <int> (default: 0)
	lm_sampledist_bot = <int> (default: 0)

	// Customizable sampling distance per sidedef. Will use the value from the ZDRayInfo actor by default.
	lm_sampledist = <int> (default: 0)
	lm_sampledist_top = <int> (default: 0)
	lm_sampledist_mid = <int> (default: 0)
	lm_sampledist_bot = <int> (default: 0)

	// Customizable sampling distance for floors and ceilings.
	lm_sampledist_floor = <int> (default: 0)
	lm_sampledist_ceiling = <int> (default: 0)

	// Update the lightmap for the sector every frame when visible in the game.
	// All sides belonging to the sector will also be affected.
	// Note that this is computationally expensive, but it allows animated and moving lights.
	lm_dynamic = <bool> (default: false)