Skip to content an Ansible Role that installs SequenceServer on Linux and deploys one NCBI BLAST+ server for each BLAST database, reverse-proxied by NGINX, submitting jobs on a SLURM HPC cluster


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Ansible Role: SequenceServer

CI SequenceServer version Developers

An Ansible Role that installs SequenceServer on Linux (tested with Ubuntu 20) and deploys one NCBI BLAST+ server for each BLAST database, with the following features:

  • The BLAST jobs are submitted on a SLURM HPC cluster.
  • The server are reverse-proxied with NGINX. Restricted access can be configured for private servers, by querying an ldap server.
  • The SequenceServer interface can be minimaly customized (logo, title, support link).


The host must be configured as a SLURM-client and the SequenceServer user must have a SLURM account to be able to submit jobs on the SLURM HPC cluster. How to install and configure a SLURM HPC cluster is beyond the scope of this role.

The NCBI BLAST+ tools must be available on the host and on the SLURM HPC cluster (with module load blast). They can be installed with Conda. BLAST databases must be formatted with makeblastdb (see

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

# Version of the ruby gem to install (>= 2.0.0)
sequenceserver_version: 2.2.0

Variable to set the version of SequenceServer to install. This role can be used with SequenceServer version >= 2.0.0.

    - name: 'my_db'
      port: '4567'
      path: '/path/to/my/db'
      users: ['fbar','jsmith']
      web_page_title: 'blablabla'
      placeholders: [{key: 'key1', value: 'value1'}, {key: 'key2', value: 'value2'}]
      conf_options: [{key: 'job_lifetime', value: '10080'}, {key: 'databases_widget', value: 'tree'}, {key: 'options', value: {'blastn': {'default': ['-task blastn', '-evalue 1e-5'], 'short-seq': ['-task blastn-short', '-evalue 1e-1']}}}]

This is the variable used to define the BLAST databases.

For each element of the list (each database) will be generated a BLAST server accessible at the url http://hostname/my_db (where "hostname" is the name of the server provided in the inventory and "name" is the name of the database provided in the sequenceserver_blast_db variable). Each BLAST server is managed with a systemd service called "sequenceserver-name.service" (configuration in /etc/systemd/system/).

If the BLAST server needs another reverse-proxy, it might be needed to add a directive to edit the response header "location" in order to get the right URL for the results page (see issue#464). For example, with an apache reverse-proxy:

<LocationMatch "^/(?<instance>[^/]+)/">
   Header edit Location "(^http[s]?://)([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]+)(:\d+)?/(%{MATCH_INSTANCE}e/)?" "/%{MATCH_INSTANCE}e/" env=MATCH_INSTANCE

Each database is defined as a dictionary of the following parameters:

  • name A unique name for the database, used in the URL
  • port A unique unused port
  • path Absolute path to the directory where one or multiple formatted databases are located
  • users Optional. Useful if the database needs restricted access. List of authorized users (LDAP "uid").
  • ldap_businesscategory Optional. Useful if the database needs restricted access. A ldap businessCategory value. LDAP users with this "businessCategory" value will have access to the database.
  • group Optional. Useful if the database needs restricted access. An LDAP group ("gid"). LDAP users who are member of this group will have access to the database.
  • web_page_title Optional. The title displayed at the top of the web page. If not provided, the default title is "BLAST server for name".
  • placeholders Optional. A list of placeholder dictionaries {key: 'key_item', value: 'value_item'} that are used to customize top or bottom supplementary HTML code (see sequenceserver_top_web_page_html_path and sequenceserver_bottom_web_page_html_path). For example placeholders: [{key: 'key1', value: 'value1'}, {key: 'key2', value: 'value2'}].
  • conf_options Optional. A list of supplementary SequenceServer configuration options as dictionaries {key: 'key_item', value: 'value_item'} (see SequenceServer documentation). For example [{key: 'job_lifetime', value: '10080'}, {key: 'databases_widget', value: 'tree'}, {key: 'options', value: {'blastn': {'default': ['-task blastn', '-evalue 1e-5'], 'short-seq': ['-task blastn-short', '-evalue 1e-1']}}}]

Unique name and port are mandatory for each database. users, ldap_businesscategory and group are optional and can be used to add an authentication layer with the nginx-auth-ldap module. Choose one single authentication mode for each database. The BLAST server title can be customized with the web_page_title parameter. If not provided, the default title is "BLAST server for name".

SequenceServer logs are stored in /var/log/sequenceserver/sequenceserver.log.

# Version of BLAST to use in sequenceserver (called with "module load" in the slurm bash script)
sequenceserver_blast_version: 2.14.0
# Absolute path to the blast binaries
sequenceserver_blast_binaries: "~/conda3/envs/blast-{{ sequenceserver_blast_version }}/bin"
# --cpus-per-task (SLURM option)
sequenceserver_blast_threads: 4
# --mem (SLURM option)
sequenceserver_blast_mem: 16GB

Variables needed to configure SequenceServer and SLURM job options.

# URL to get the logo image from
sequenceserver_logo_url: ""
# Local file path to the logo image
sequenceserver_logo_path: ""
# URL the logo will point to
sequenceserver_home_url: ""
# URL the "Help and support" icon will point to
sequenceserver_support_email: ""
# Path to the file containing the supplementary HTML code to display at the top of the web page
sequenceserver_top_web_page_html_path: "~/top_web_page.html"
# Path to the file containing the supplementary HTML code to display at the bottom of the web page
sequenceserver_bottom_web_page_html_path: "~/bottom_web_page.html"

These variables allow to customize the BLAST server web page. They are optional. Two variables are available to set the logo displayed on the BLAST server: sequenceserver_logo_url or sequenceserver_logo_path. If both are set, the logo given with sequenceserver_logo_path will override the logo given with sequenceserver_logo_url. If the files sequenceserver_top_web_page_html_path or sequenceserver_bottom_web_page_html_path exist, their content will be added in the base RUBY template used to display the web page and will be rendered at the top and bottom of the web page. These files must contain HTML code. This can be used, for example, to display information or warning messages to users (service shutdown, etc). Placeholders set in the database parameter placeholders (see above) can be used to customize the HTML code in these files. For example, if the database has the parameter placeholders: [{key: 'key_item', value: 'value_item'}], the snippet <% if defined?(SequenceServer::Key_item) %><%= SequenceServer::Key_item %> will be replaced by the string value_item in the rendered HTML code. Please note that the first letter must be upper case in the snippet to be correctly interpreted as a Ruby constant by SequenceServer.

# User running the sequenceserver service (systemd) and running SLURM blast jobs
sequenceserver_user: "sequenceserver"

Variable to define the user running the sequenceserver service and submitting the SLURM jobs. This user must have a SLURM account.

# NGINX version to install, from
sequenceserver_nginx_version: 1.25.5
# proxy_read_timeout (nginx directive)
sequenceserver_proxy_read_timeout: 180
# Authentication with LDAP - Mandatory if users or groups are used in variable sequenceserver_blast_db
# Sequenceserver_ldap_url: "ldap://,c=org?uid?sub?"
sequenceserver_ldap_url: ""

Variables to configure the NGINX reverse-proxy. sequenceserver_ldap_url must be set if one of the database has restricted access (use of parameter users or group in sequenceserver_blast_db).



Example Playbook

- name: sequenceserver | install blast server
  hosts: blast_server
    - abims_sbr.sequenceserver


MIT License

Author Information

This role was created in 2020 by Loraine Brillet-Guéguen

About an Ansible Role that installs SequenceServer on Linux and deploys one NCBI BLAST+ server for each BLAST database, reverse-proxied by NGINX, submitting jobs on a SLURM HPC cluster








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