ABIMS - ROSCOFF - 01/08/14 - E. Prudent
MakeToolsBlast.py Module to automate the creation of privatized BLAST tools blast_filter.py File to restricit access to BLAST tools blast_rules.py File to restricit execution to BLAST tools VisuBlast.xml Wrapper xml to Visualize BLAST Tools VisuBlast.py Wrapper python to Visualize BLAST Tools XmlCreate.py Template XML to create BLAST tools Pictures/ Directory of pictures for VisuBlast
Place the FOLDER containing all this file in galaxy-dist. Execute install.sh
| galaxy-dist |--------> MakeToolsBlast.py
|-----------------|--------> XmlCreate.py
| tools |
| |
| |-----------|
| | blast |--------> VisuBlast.xml
| |-----------|--------> VisuBlast.py
| tool-data |
| |
| |----------------|
| | BlastAbims |--------> Pictures/
| |----------------|
| lib |
| galaxy |
| jobs |
| |
| |-----------|
| | rules |--------> blast_rules.py
| |-----------|
| tools |
| filters |--------> blast_filters.py
- Emma Prudent - ABiMS / IFB - UPMC/CNRS - Station Biologique de Roscoff - France
- Erwan Corre - ABiMS / IFB - UPMC/CNRS - Station Biologique de Roscoff - France
- Christophe Caron - ABiMS / IFB - UPMC/CNRS - Station Biologique de Roscoff - France