- Server: Apache Tomcat 9.0.55
- Database: MySQL
- Backend
- Spring MVC
- Servlet
- Frontend
- Bootstrap
- User management(only for Admins and Employees(not for customers)):
- Register
- Login/Logout
- Customers view or find books easly without going anywhere
- Customers can search books by title using search input or by clicking
tags specified on the home page
- After customers select their books, then employees sells selected books
to the customer by adding customer and purchase detail
- Admin can Add, Edit and Delete employees
- Admin can Add, Edit and Delete books
- Admin can Add, Edit and Delete purchases
- Admin can view, and Delete feedbacks
- Customers can give feedback
- Stores purchase history
- The header navbar only display for Admin
Before running the project, create the tables by running this sql commands
create table bookstore.user
id int(50) primary key auto_increment,
first_name varchar(220),
last_name varchar(220),
phone varchar(120),
email varchar(120),
password varchar(220),
date_created timestamp default now()
create table bookstore.admin
id int(50) primary key auto_increment,
user_id int(45),
is_admin boolean default(false),
FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES bookstore.user(id)
create table bookstore.book
id int(50) primary key auto_increment,
title varchar(220),
author varchar(120),
genre varchar(120),
description text,
date_created timestamp default now(),
copy int(10),
price decimal(2)
create table bookstore.employee
id int(50) primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(120),
salary decimal(50),
department varchar(120),
reg_date timestamp default now()
create table bookstore.feedback
id int(50) primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(120),
phone varchar(120),
email varchar(120),
feedback text,
date_created timestamp default now()
create table bookstore.purchase_detail
id int(50) primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(120),
phone varchar(120),
books text,
quantity int(50),
total_price decimal(50),
date_purchased timestamp default now()