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High Level Programming Languages

What is this repository for?

This repository is used for the coding projects at Holberton School to initiate us at high level programming languages. The languages mainly used in these projects are:

  • Python3 (mainly)
  • SQL
  • NodeJS
  • Ruby (a bit)

In these projects, we also study what Object-Oriented Programming is and its usage. On the long run, it enables us to work with libraries and frameworks such as Flask, SQLAlchemy or JQuery to work on the back end and front end of a site for the AirBnB clone projects series.

How many projects are there?

There are a total of 22 projects:

Learning Objectives

  • Why Python programming is awesome
  • Who created Python
  • Who is Guido van Rossum
  • Where does the name ‘Python’ come from
  • What is the Zen of Python
  • How to use the Python interpreter
  • How to print text and variables using print
  • How to use strings
  • What are indexing and slicing in Python
  • What is the official Python coding style and how to check your code with pycodestyle
  • Why Python programming is awesome
  • Why indentation is so important in Python
  • How to use the if, if ... else statements
  • How to use comments
  • How to affect values to variables
  • How to use the while and for loops
  • How is Python’s for different from C‘s?
  • How to use the break and continues statements
  • How to use else clauses on loops
  • What does the pass statement do, and when to use it
  • How to use range
  • What is a function and how do you use functions
  • What does return a function that does not use any return statement Scope of variables
  • What’s a traceback
  • What are the arithmetic operators and how to use them
  • Why Python programming is awesome
  • How to import functions from another file
  • How to use imported functions
  • How to create a module
  • How to use the built-in function dir()
  • How to prevent code in your script from being executed when imported
  • How to use command line arguments with your Python programs
  • Why Python programming is awesome
  • What are lists and how to use them
  • What are the differences and similarities between strings and lists
  • What are the most common methods of lists and how to use them
  • How to use lists as stacks and queues
  • What are list comprehensions and how to use them
  • What are tuples and how to use them
  • When to use tuples versus lists
  • What is a sequence
  • What is tuple packing
  • What is sequence unpacking
  • What is the del statement and how to use it
  • Why Python programming is awesome
  • What are sets and how to use them
  • What are the most common methods of set and how to use them
  • When to use sets versus lists
  • How to iterate into a set
  • What are dictionaries and how to use them
  • When to use dictionaries versus lists or sets
  • What is a key in a dictionary
  • How to iterate over a dictionary
  • What is a lambda function
  • What are the map, reduce and filter functions
  • Why Python programming is awesome
  • What’s the difference between errors and exceptions
  • What are exceptions and how to use them
  • When do we need to use exceptions
  • How to correctly handle an exception
  • What’s the purpose of catching exceptions
  • How to raise a builtin exception
  • When do we need to implement a clean-up action after an exception
  • Why Python programming is awesome
  • What is OOP
  • “first-class everything”
  • What is a class
  • What is an object and an instance
  • What is the difference between a class and an object or instance
  • What is an attribute
  • What are and how to use public, protected and private attributes
  • What is self
  • What is a method
  • What is the special __init__ method and how to use it
  • What is Data Abstraction, Data Encapsulation, and Information Hiding
  • What is a property
  • What is the difference between an attribute and a property in Python
  • What is the Pythonic way to write getters and setters in Python
  • How to dynamically create arbitrary new attributes for existing instances of a class
  • How to bind attributes to object and classes
  • What is the __dict__ of a class and/or instance of a class and what does it contain
  • How does Python find the attributes of an object or class
  • How to use the getattr function
  • Why Python programming is awesome
  • What’s an interactive test
  • Why tests are important
  • How to write Docstrings to create tests
  • How to write documentation for each module and function
  • What are the basic option flags to create tests
  • How to find edge cases
  • Why Python programming is awesome
  • What is OOP
  • “first-class everything”
  • What is a class
  • What is an object and an instance
  • What is the difference between a class and an object or instance
  • What is an attribute
  • What are and how to use public, protected and private attributes
  • What is self
  • What is a method
  • What is the special __init__ method and how to use it
  • What is Data Abstraction, Data Encapsulation, and Information Hiding
  • What is a property
  • What is the difference between an attribute and a property in Python
  • What is the Pythonic way to write getters and setters in Python
  • What are the special __str__ and __repr__ methods and how to use them
  • What is the difference between __str__ and __repr__
  • What is a class attribute
  • What is the difference between a object attribute and a class attribute
  • What is a class method
  • What is a static method
  • How to dynamically create arbitrary new attributes for existing instances of a class
  • How to bind attributes to object and classes
  • What is and what does contain __dict__ of a class and of an instance of a class
  • How does Python find the attributes of an object or class
  • How to use the getattr function
  • Why Python programming is awesome
  • What is an object
  • What is the difference between a class and an object or instance
  • What is the difference between immutable object and mutable object
  • What is a reference
  • What is an assignment
  • What is an alias
  • How to know if two variables are identical
  • How to know if two variables are linked to the same object
  • How to display the variable identifier (which is the memory address in the CPython implementation)
  • What is mutable and immutable
  • What are the built-in mutable types
  • What are the built-in immutable types
  • How does Python pass variables to functions
  • Why Python programming is awesome
  • What is a superclass, baseclass or parentclass
  • What is a subclass
  • How to list all attributes and methods of a class or instance
  • When can an instance have new attributes
  • How to inherit class from another
  • How to define a class with multiple base classes
  • What is the default class every class inherit from
  • How to override a method or attribute inherited from the base class
  • Which attributes or methods are available by heritage to subclasses
  • What is the purpose of inheritance
  • What are, when and how to use isinstance, issubclass, type and super built-in functions
  • Why Python programming is awesome
  • How to open a file
  • How to write text in a file
  • How to read the full content of a file
  • How to read a file line by line
  • How to move the cursor in a file
  • How to make sure a file is closed after using it
  • What is and how to use the with statement
  • What is JSON
  • What is serialization
  • What is deserialization
  • How to convert a Python data structure to a JSON string
  • How to convert a JSON string to a Python data structure
  • What is Unit testing and how to implement it in a large project
  • How to serialize and deserialize a Class
  • How to write and read a JSON file
  • What is *args and how to use it
  • What is **kwargs and how to use it
  • How to handle named arguments in a function
  • What’s a database
  • What’s a relational database
  • What does SQL stand for
  • What’s MySQL
  • How to create a database in MySQL
  • What does DDL and DML stand for
  • How to CREATE or ALTER a table
  • How to SELECT data from a table
  • How to INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE data
  • What are subqueries
  • How to use MySQL functions
  • How to create a new MySQL user
  • How to manage privileges for a user to a database or table
  • What’s a PRIMARY KEY
  • What’s a FOREIGN KEY
  • How to use NOT NULL and UNIQUE constraints
  • How to retrieve datas from multiple tables in one request
  • What are subqueries
  • What are JOIN and UNION
  • Why Python programming is awesome
  • How to connect to a MySQL database from a Python script
  • How to SELECT rows in a MySQL table from a Python script
  • How to INSERT rows in a MySQL table from a Python script
  • What ORM means
  • How to map a Python Class to a MySQL table
  • What a URL is
  • What HTTP is
  • How to read a URL
  • The scheme for a HTTP URL
  • What a domain name is
  • What a sub-domain is
  • How to define a port number in a URL
  • What a query string is
  • What an HTTP request is
  • What an HTTP response is
  • What HTTP headers are
  • What the HTTP message body is
  • What an HTTP request method is
  • What an HTTP response status code is
  • What an HTTP Cookie is
  • How to make a request with cURL
  • What happens when you type in your browser (Application level)
  • How to fetch internet resources with the Python package urllib
  • How to decode urllib body response
  • How to use the Python package requests #requestsiswaysimplerthanurllib
  • How to make HTTP GET request
  • How to make HTTP POST/PUT/etc. request
  • How to fetch JSON resources
  • How to manipulate data from an external service
  • Why JavaScript programming is amazing
  • How to run a JavaScript script
  • How to create variables and constants
  • What are differences between var, const and let
  • What are all the data types available in JavaScript
  • How to use the if, if ... else statements
  • How to use comments
  • How to affect values to variables
  • How to use while and for loops
  • How to use break and continue statements
  • What is a function and how do you use functions
  • What does a function that does not use any return statement return
  • Scope of variables
  • What are the arithmetic operators and how to use them
  • How to manipulate dictionary
  • How to import a file
  • Why JavaScript programming is amazing
  • How to create an object in JavaScript
  • What this means
  • What undefined means
  • Why the variable type and scope is important
  • What is a closure
  • What is a prototype
  • How to inherit an object from another
  • Why JavaScript programming is amazing
  • How to manipulate JSON data
  • How to use axios and fetch API
  • How to read and write a file using fs module
  • Why JQuery make front-end programming so easy (don’t forget to tweet today, with the hashtag #ilovejquery :))
  • How to select HTML elements in JavaScript
  • How to select HTML elements with JQuery
  • What are differences between ID, class and tag name selectors
  • How to modify an HTML element style
  • How to get and update an HTML element content
  • How to modify the DOM
  • How to make a GET request with JQuery Ajax
  • How to make a POST request with JQuery Ajax
  • How to listen/bind to DOM events
  • How to listen/bind to user events


Repository used for Python3, SQL, JavaScript







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