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Run the server in a docker container

Instructions are given at aeinbu/metamory on docker hub.

Development setup

You can set the connectionString for the azure storage account in user-secrets, like this:

dotnet user-secrets -p Metamory.WebApi set "AzureStorageRepositoryConfiguration:connectionString" "<you connectionstring here>"

THe connectionsstring will look like this

DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<accountnamae here>;AccountKey=<accountkey here>

Set up ASP.NET Core SSL certificate for development.

At the command prompt, run:

dotnet dev-certs https --trust

To run the server

At the command prompt, run:

dotnet run --project Metamory.WebApi

Roles and claims used in the jwt-token

  "https://metamory.server/roles": [
  "https://metamory.server/siteId": "first-site",
  "permissions": [
Claims Value
https://metamory.server/siteId the site id

To use a jwt token for testing, set the authentication header in the http request like this:

Authentication: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.e30.ZMsp6M4XQs3STGSzT6YmaEfhaK9kXiXeQ7AJLHn57SY

Just remember to replace the dummy token used above :)

(In Postman, you will add this header to a request under the Authorization tab)

License and Copyright

This project is open sourced under the MIT Licence. See LICENSE.txt for details.
Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Arjan Einbu