We provide open-source and commercial tools for efficient browser automation infrastructure:
- Moon - our commercial flagship browser automation solution for Kubernetes and Openshift. Allows to run Selenium, Playwright, Puppeteer and Cypress tests in the same cluster. By default it is on-premises, but if you need the same maintained by our team - take a look at Moon Cloud
- Boot - commercial solution for Kubernetes allowing to launch lightweight test and development virtual machines. These virtual machines are accessible using SSH and are suitable for launching development versions of your application for functional, security and load testing. Also you can use these virtual machines for remote software development using Visual Studio Code and Jetbrains IDEs.
- Selenoid - an open-source solution for efficient Selenium infrastructure.
- Browser Images - open-source browser images being used by Selenoid.
- Lightning - a family of open-source efficient Selenium client libraries.
If you have any questions related to these tools - don't hesitate to contact us:
- In Telegram support channel
- By email
- On YouTube channel